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This map is littered with GLA structures that are not visible, which can easily hinder assaults of all kinds, but the real threats are the Rocket Buggy swarms and Sneak Attack Tunnels, not to mention Anthrax Bombs which can destroy most units around the base. Helixes and Overlords are essential for defense, the former able to pick off Rocket Buggies while the latter guards the base against threats that sneak in from behind.

The timetable is tight to get the Nuclear Missile launched before the Scud Storm does, but it is still possible to build two upgraded Helixes before the Nuclear Missile itself.

The first few battles with the Sneak Attacks can go either way, so be ready to reload if it doesn’t go well.


Basic start: Build a Reactor, an extra dozer, a Barracks and Supply Center. Build a second Supply Truck. Research the Capture command and produce a pair of Red Guards, while also constructing Gattling Cannons to ensure the Technicals cannot get to them. They should be placed above and below the Artillery Platform, a bit closer to the base, so they are less vulnerable to Rocket Buggies.

First capture the Artillery Platform, then the oil derrick.

Key Strategies
  • Try to manually target the emerging units rather than the Sneak Attack Tunnel itself. However, it is important to mention that in optimal circumstances, a single Helix with a Battle Bunker and 5 Tank Hunters can destroy the tunnel before units could even be deployed.
  • If you are having issues protecting your Artillery Platform, send a Battlemaster tank out early in the mission to the northwest valley to bait at least one Combat Cycle
  • You can build two Helixes and upgrade them both before building the Nuclear Missile. Besides these units, you must start building the nuke site immediately. With this walkthrough, you should have an extra 1.5 minutes of leeway.
  • The SCUD Storm is located in the middle of the “cornfield”. The Nuclear Missile must hit first and its radioactive fallout will prevent Workers from conducting repairs, giving the Artillery Barrage a perfect opportunity to destroy the structure and the resultant GLA Hole. It will be rebuilt at least once, so save the Nuclear Missile for that occasion.
  • Keep any ground units you build, mainly Overlords, stationed on the outer edge of your base so the Anthrax Bomb cannot hit them.
    • While exceedingly difficult, with the right setup it is possible to neutralize the Anthrax Bomber before it attacks. Four Gattling Tanks must be used to support the two Gattling Cannons, although more of the former can be added for insurance
  • Build the Air Field as far to the northeast as possible to keep Anthrax attacks from destroying any aircraft that would be constructed later on.
  • At the back of your base, put your buildings fairly close together so that the Sneak Attack tunnel is forced to come out on the “side” of these buildings. Have an Overlord or two in this location and you can destroy the enemy vehicles as they leave the tunnel.

Build a third Gattling Cannon by the Oil Derrick. Since they have stealth detection, Technicals and Terrorists won't get to it at all.

Keep one dozer near the front of the base to repair the Artillery Platform and Gattling Cannons for as long as possible.

Once the Air Field has been constructed, build two Helixes, then upgrade them with Gattling Cannons and put them in Guard mode centered on the Artillery Platform.

Build a War Factory.

A Sneak Attack tunnel will pop up about now. Target the Quad Cannons first so they can't fire back, then kill off the Rocket Buggies.

Build a Propaganda Center, a second Reactor, then a Nuclear Missile. Another Sneak Attack might pop up.

Build an Overlord, upgrade with Gattling Cannon.

Research Chain Guns at the War Factory to boost Gattling Cannon damage.

At this point, an Anthrax Attack will always occur. Many units will be lost, but Helixes shouldn't be affected, and the Overlord as well as any Dozers at the back of the base will survive.

As soon as a Sneak Attack starts to occur in the back, immediately send your Helixes to the area. A well-positioned Overlord, however, may be able to take it on directly.

Build a third Helix and upgrade it with a Propaganda Tower to heal units in its AOE. The Subliminal Messaging upgrade also helps.

Go ahead and upgrade the Command Center with a Radar

Build a fourth Helix, upgrade it with a bunker, then fill it up with Tank Hunters. Have all four Helixes separately numbered for quick response and put them in Guard mode centered on the Artillery Platform.

The base is now reasonably secure. All that's left is to destroy the SCUD Storm.

Start building Hackers and put them safely behind the oil derrick. Set them to work hacking the Internet for much-needed cash. Eventually, construct an Internet Center to aid future assaults.

Tired of repeated Anthrax Attacks? Build four MiGs, purchase the Tactical Nuke MiG upgrade, and put them in Guard mode versus air units. Build six to nine Gattling Tanks and park them behind the Artillery Platform, then place some ECM Tanks within them. In addition to shooting down the Anthrax Bombers, Gattling Tanks will shred most lightly armored vehicles/infantry while ECM Tanks scramble Rocket Buggy projectiles.

Continue to build additional Nuclear Missiles to aid your offensive operations. Do not allow enough space between buildings so that Sneak Attacks can appear between the buildings. This way, they will come out directly onto your Overlords. Or they won't come out at all.

Offensive Operations

The GLA has two bases that must be destroyed – the one in the northwest and the one in the southwest.

Start with the one in the southwest.

Leave all of your Helixes and Overlords previously built at your base.

A contingent of Overlords will do a great job of destroying the hidden bases as their Gattling Cannons can detect stealth units. Have a backup of Red Guard to recapture Overlords lost to Jarmen Kell. Don’t wait until your Overlords arrive at garrisoned buildings to blast them with your Nuclear Missiles. Attack them ahead of time to speed up the process, and construct as many Nuclear Missiles as possible. If needed, target the Supply Stash and Command Center first to remove them, then destroy the Barracks and Arms Dealer to stop further onslaughts.

Here is a list of the eleven buildings that must be destroyed to finish the mission:

In the southwest base, going clockwise from the bottom: Arms Dealer, Barracks, Black Market, Supply Stash, Command Center and Palace.

In the northwest base, going counterclockwise from the top: Barracks, Arms Dealer, Command Center, Black Market and Palace.

Mission accomplished!