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Game structure[edit]

The adventure is divided into 22 basic levels, to be faced in succession. You can access the levels from the relevant map, divided into sectors, where you can also save your game. The name of each level is shown on the Sector Map. Levels yet to be completed are indicated by a red box, which then turns black when the level is completed. Once a level has been completed, you can re-enter it any time you want. Within the levels, you must proceed following a path, avoiding (or killing) the enemies you encounter and collecting items that will help you in your mission to reach the Evil Labs, where Michael Kelly's body was taken. The path forward, although convoluted, is two-dimensional. On some occasions however, there are forks where you can choose between two paths.

The objective, in each level, is to find the microchips hidden in it. The number of microchips present in each level is indicated in the lower right on the Sector Map. The microchips yet to be found are shown in red and those already collected are shown in blue. Each microchip is also an exit from the level, taking it will automatically return you to the Sector Map. The exit remains active even after the microchip has been taken. Finding the microchips is essential to proceed. To access the subsequent sectors of the game map it is necessary to have a certain number of microchips. An indicator at the top right of the Sector Map indicates above the number of microchips in your possession and below those needed to access the next sector. Although to complete a level and be able to proceed further on the map it is sufficient to find just one of the microchips, it is therefore advisable to re-enter the levels where more microchips are found several times until you have collected them all. In addition to the normal levels, along the way you will also find three bosses to defeat, the last of which obviously at the end of your mission. There are also special CD pieces hidden in the levels. If you manage to collect three, a bonus level will appear on the map of that sector, where you can get an additional microchip and often numerous DNA strands or extra lives. The collected CD pieces are shown at the bottom left, on the Sector Map.

Spider can attack and defeat enemies with his slash, but throughout the game you can collect and equip other weapons, which will allow you to kill enemies more easily. Whenever Spider is hit by an enemy or touches something dangerous, he loses a hit point. Your hit points are shown at the top right of the screen. Spider can only take two hits: the second time he takes damage, he loses a life. You also immediately lose a life by falling into a void or a pool of water. Each time you lose a life you’ll have to restart the current level from the beginning (this can be frustrating) and you’ll lose all weapons collected up to that point. If you lose all your lives, it's game over.


In the levels of the game you can find many items that will help you in your mission, namely:

  • DNA STRANDS: Collect 100 to gain an extra life
  • HEALTH CAPSULES: These capsule recover a hit point
  • LIFE CAPSULES: Worth an extra life
  • SHIELD: Makes you invulnerable for a few seconds


To eliminate enemies, in addition to the basic slash attack, you can find weapons within the levels. You can use these weapons until you lose a life or until their meter or ammo run out. It is possible to equip a maximum of two weapons on the front legs and two on the rear ones. In particular, the following weapons are present:

Front leg weapons[edit]

  • FLAME THROWER: This weapon allows Spider to throw flames in front of him, burning enemies. The charge of this weapon is represented by a red meter, which depletes as you use it.
  • POISONER: Similar to the flamethrower, it kills enemies with a poisonous gas. When the red meter runs out, you return to the basic attack.
  • BOOMERANG: Spider can throw this boomerang, which flies a good distance and then comes back, to hit enemies. Not very powerful, but it can be used countless times.
  • HOMING MISSILE: These missiles reach the identified target directly. Ideal for shooting down flying enemies. However, they can only be used three times.
  • ELECTRO-BEAM: This weapon strikes all enemies within its range with an electric shock. A very effective weapon, but its meter runs out very quickly.

Rear leg weapons[edit]

  • MINE: Spider releases a mine behind him, which remains immobile and explodes upon contact with an enemy. Each package you collect contains five mines.
  • MECH MINE: Similar to the previous one, but it moves across the floor in a straight line.
  • SMART BOMB: This weapon destroys all enemies within its range with a powerful explosion, but can only be used once.