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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Syscat/data.json/Documentation

return {
	['3do interactive multiplayer']   = '3DO Interactive Multiplayer',
	['3do']                           = '3DO Interactive Multiplayer',
	['acorn archimedes']              = 'Acorn Archimedes',
	['acorn']                         = 'Acorn Archimedes',
	['acorn electron']                = 'Acorn Electron',
	['electron']                      = 'Acorn Electron',
	['flash']                         = 'Adobe Flash',
	['swf']                           = 'Adobe Flash',
	['amstrad cpc']                   = 'Amstrad CPC',
	['cpc']                           = 'Amstrad CPC',
	['and']                           = 'Android',
	['android']                       = 'Android',
	['droid']                         = 'Android',
	['a2']                            = 'Apple II',
	['aii']                           = 'Apple II',
	['apple 2']                       = 'Apple II',
	['apple ii']                      = 'Apple II',
	['apple2']                        = 'Apple II',
	['appleii']                       = 'Apple II',
	['apple iigs']                    = 'Apple IIGS',
	['apple2gs']                      = 'Apple IIGS',
	['appleiigs']                     = 'Apple IIGS',
	['arcade']                        = 'Arcade',
	['cade']                          = 'Arcade',
	['a2600']                         = 'Atari 2600',
	['atari 2600']                    = 'Atari 2600',
	['a5200']                         = 'Atari 5200',
	['atari 5200']                    = 'Atari 5200',
	['a7800']                         = 'Atari 7800',
	['atari 7800']                    = 'Atari 7800',
	['a8bit']                         = 'Atari 8-bit',
	['atari 8-bit']                   = 'Atari 8-bit',
	['atari jaguar cd']               = 'Atari Jaguar CD',
	['jaguar cd']                     = 'Atari Jaguar CD',
	['atari jaguar']                  = 'Atari Jaguar',
	['jaguar']                        = 'Atari Jaguar',
	['lynx']                          = 'Atari Lynx',
	['atari st']                      = 'Atari ST',
	['atarist']                       = 'Atari ST',
	['bbc']                           = 'BBC Micro',
	['bb']                            = 'BlackBerry',
	['colecovision']                  = 'ColecoVision',
	['cv']                            = 'ColecoVision',
	['c16']                           = 'Commodore 16/Plus 4',
	['commodore 16']                  = 'Commodore 16/Plus 4',
	['c64']                           = 'Commodore 64/128',
	['commodore 128']                 = 'Commodore 64/128',
	['commodore 64']                  = 'Commodore 64/128',
	['amiga32']                       = 'Commodore Amiga CD32',
	['cd32']                          = 'Commodore Amiga CD32',
	['commodore amiga cd32']          = 'Commodore Amiga CD32',
	['amiga']                         = 'Commodore Amiga',
	['commodore amiga']               = 'Commodore Amiga',
	['commodore vic-20']              = 'Commodore VIC-20',
	['vic20']                         = 'Commodore VIC-20',
	['vic-20']                        = 'Commodore VIC-20',
	['dragon 32/64']                  = 'Dragon 32/64',
	['dragon']                        = 'Dragon 32/64',
	['ereader']                       = 'e-Reader',
	['e-reader']                      = 'e-Reader',
	['arcadia']                       = 'Emerson Arcadia',
	['emerson arcadia']               = 'Emerson Arcadia',
	['epoch super cassette vision']   = 'Epoch Super Cassette Vision',
	['escv']                          = 'Epoch Super Cassette Vision',
	['scv']                           = 'Epoch Super Cassette Vision',
	['famicom disk system']           = 'Family Computer Disk System',
	['famicom']                       = 'Family Computer Disk System',
	['fds']                           = 'Family Computer Disk System',
	['fireos']                        = 'Fire OS',
	['fire os']                       = 'Fire OS',
	['fm towns']                      = 'FM Towns',
	['fmtowns']                       = 'FM Towns',
	['fmt']                           = 'FM Towns',
	['fm7']                           = 'Fujitsu FM-7',
	['fujitsu fm-7']                  = 'Fujitsu FM-7',
	['game boy advance']              = 'Game Boy Advance',
	['gba']                           = 'Game Boy Advance',
	['game boy color']                = 'Game Boy Color',
	['gbc']                           = 'Game Boy Color',
	['game boy']                      = 'Game Boy',
	['gb']                            = 'Game Boy',
	['']                      = '',
	['ibm pc dos']                    = 'IBM PC DOS',
	['ibm pc']                        = 'IBM PC DOS',
	['ibm pcdos']                     = 'IBM PC DOS',
	['ibm pc-dos']                    = 'IBM PC DOS',
	['ibm']                           = 'IBM PC DOS',
	['ibmpc']                         = 'IBM PC DOS',
	['pc dos']                        = 'IBM PC DOS',
	['pcdos']                         = 'IBM PC DOS',
	['pc-dos']                        = 'IBM PC DOS',
	['intellivision']                 = 'Intellivision',
	['ios']                           = 'iOS',
	['ipad']                          = 'iOS',
	['iphone']                        = 'iOS',
	['ipod']                          = 'iPod',
	['irix']                          = 'IRIX',
	['ique player']                   = 'iQue Player',
	['ique']                          = 'iQue Player',
	['irevo']                         = 'i-revo',
	['i-revo']                        = 'i-revo',
	['linux']                         = 'Linux',
	['mac os']                        = 'Mac OS',
	['mac']                           = 'Mac OS',
	['macos']                         = 'Mac OS',
	['odyssey']                       = 'Magnavox Odyssey',
	['odyssey2']                      = 'Magnavox Odyssey²',
	['mobile']                        = 'Mobile',
	['dos']                           = 'MS-DOS',
	['msdos']                         = 'MS-DOS',
	['ms-dos']                        = 'MS-DOS',
	['msxturbo']                      = 'MSX turbo R',
	['msxturbor']                     = 'MSX turbo R',
	['msx']                           = 'MSX',
	['msx2']                          = 'MSX2',
	['msx2+']                         = 'MSX2+',
	['msx2plus']                      = 'MSX2+',
	['nec pc-6001']                   = 'NEC PC-6001',
	['pc-6001']                       = 'NEC PC-6001',
	['pc6001']                        = 'NEC PC-6001',
	['nec pc-8001']                   = 'NEC PC-8001',
	['pc8001']                        = 'NEC PC-8001',
	['pc-8001']                       = 'NEC PC-8001',
	['nec pc-8801']                   = 'NEC PC-8801',
	['pc88']                          = 'NEC PC-8801',
	['pc8801']                        = 'NEC PC-8801',
	['pc-8801']                       = 'NEC PC-8801',
	['nec pc-88va']                   = 'NEC PC-88VA',
	['pc88va']                        = 'NEC PC-88VA',
	['pc-88va']                       = 'NEC PC-88VA',
	['nec pc-9801']                   = 'NEC PC-9801',
	['pc98']                          = 'NEC PC-9801',
	['pc9801']                        = 'NEC PC-9801',
	['pc-9801']                       = 'NEC PC-9801',
	['neo geo cd']                    = 'Neo Geo CD',
	['ngcd']                          = 'Neo Geo CD',
	['ngpc']                          = 'Neo Geo Pocket Color',
	['ngp']                           = 'Neo Geo Pocket',
	['neo geo']                       = 'Neo Geo',
	['ng']                            = 'Neo Geo',
	['nes']                           = 'NES',
	['nintendo entertainment system'] = 'NES',
	['n3ds']                          = 'New Nintendo 3DS',
	['new 3ds']                       = 'New Nintendo 3DS',
	['new nintendo 3ds']              = 'New Nintendo 3DS',
	['ngage']                         = 'N-Gage',
	['n-gage']                        = 'N-Gage',
	['nng']                           = 'N-Gage',
	['ngage2']                        = 'N-Gage 2.0',
	['n-gage2']                       = 'N-Gage 2.0',
	['3ds']                           = 'Nintendo 3DS',
	['nintendo 3ds']                  = 'Nintendo 3DS',
	['3ds vc']                        = 'Nintendo 3DS',
	['3ds virtual console']           = 'Nintendo 3DS',
	['3dsvc']                         = 'Nintendo 3DS',
	['n64']                           = 'Nintendo 64',
	['nintendo 64']                   = 'Nintendo 64',
	['ds']                            = 'Nintendo DS',
	['nds']                           = 'Nintendo DS',
	['nintendo ds']                   = 'Nintendo DS',
	['dsi']                           = 'Nintendo DS',
	['dsiware']                       = 'Nintendo DS',
	['gamecube']                      = 'Nintendo GameCube',
	['gc']                            = 'Nintendo GameCube',
	['gcn']                           = 'Nintendo GameCube',
	['nintendo gamecube']             = 'Nintendo GameCube',
	['npgameboy']                     = 'Nintendo Power (Game Boy)',
	['npgb']                          = 'Nintendo Power (Game Boy)',
	['npgbc']                         = 'Nintendo Power (Game Boy)',
	['npsf']                          = 'Nintendo Power (SNES)',
	['npsfc']                         = 'Nintendo Power (SNES)',
	['npsnes']                        = 'Nintendo Power (SNES)',
	['nintendo switch']               = 'Nintendo Switch',
	['switch']                        = 'Nintendo Switch',
	['atmos']                         = 'Oric',
	['iq164']                         = 'Oric',
	['oric atmos']                    = 'Oric',
	['oric stratos']                  = 'Oric',
	['oric telestrat']                = 'Oric',
	['oric']                          = 'Oric',
	['oric-1']                        = 'Oric',
	['stratos']                       = 'Oric',
	['telestrat']                     = 'Oric',
	['palm os']                       = 'Palm OS',
	['palm']                          = 'Palm OS',
	['pc-fx']                         = 'PC-FX',
	['cdi']                           = 'Philips CD-i',
	['cd-i']                          = 'Philips CD-i',
	['philips cdi']                   = 'Philips CD-i',
	['pip']                           = 'Pippin',
	['pippin']                        = 'Pippin',
	['playstation 2']                 = 'PlayStation 2',
	['ps2']                           = 'PlayStation 2',
	['playstation 3']                 = 'PlayStation 3',
	['ps3']                           = 'PlayStation 3',
	['playstation 4']                 = 'PlayStation 4',
	['ps4']                           = 'PlayStation 4',
	['playstation 5']                 = 'PlayStation 5',
	['ps5']                           = 'PlayStation 5',
	['playstation now']               = 'PlayStation Now',
	['psnow']                         = 'PlayStation Now',
	['playstation portable']          = 'PlayStation Portable',
	['psp']                           = 'PlayStation Portable',
	['ps vita']                       = 'PlayStation Vita',
	['psv']                           = 'PlayStation Vita',
	['psvita']                        = 'PlayStation Vita',
	['vita']                          = 'PlayStation Vita',
	['playstation']                   = 'PlayStation',
	['ps']                            = 'PlayStation',
	['ps1']                           = 'PlayStation',
	['psx']                           = 'PlayStation',
	['risc']                          = 'RISC OS',
	['riscos']                        = 'RISC OS',
	['risc os']                       = 'RISC OS',
	['bsx']                           = 'Satellaview',
	['satellaview']                   = 'Satellaview',
	['32x']                           = 'Sega 32X',
	['sega 32x']                      = 'Sega 32X',
	['segacd']                        = 'Sega CD',
	['sega cd']                       = 'Sega CD',
	['dc']                            = 'Sega Dreamcast',
	['dreamcast']                     = 'Sega Dreamcast',
	['sega dreamcast']                = 'Sega Dreamcast',
	['game gear']                     = 'Sega Game Gear',
	['gg']                            = 'Sega Game Gear',
	['sega game gear']                = 'Sega Game Gear',
	['gen']                           = 'Sega Genesis',
	['genesis']                       = 'Sega Genesis',
	['mega drive']                    = 'Sega Genesis',
	['sega genesis']                  = 'Sega Genesis',
	['sega mega drive']               = 'Sega Genesis',
	['smd']                           = 'Sega Genesis',
	['sega master system']            = 'Sega Master System',
	['sms']                           = 'Sega Master System',
	['saturn']                        = 'Sega Saturn',
	['sega saturn']                   = 'Sega Saturn',
	['ss']                            = 'Sega Saturn',
	['sg1000']                        = 'Sega SG-1000',
	['sg-1000']                       = 'Sega SG-1000',
	['sharp mz']                      = 'Sharp MZ',
	['mz']                            = 'Sharp MZ',
	['sharp x1']                      = 'Sharp X1',
	['x1']                            = 'Sharp X1',
	['sharp x68000']                  = 'Sharp X68000',
	['sharp x68k']                    = 'Sharp X68000',
	['x68000']                        = 'Sharp X68000',
	['x68k']                          = 'Sharp X68000',
	['sinclair zx spectrum']          = 'Sinclair ZX Spectrum',
	['spectrum']                      = 'Sinclair ZX Spectrum',
	['zx spectrum']                   = 'Sinclair ZX Spectrum',
	['zx']                            = 'Sinclair ZX Spectrum',
	['sfc']                           = 'SNES',
	['snes']                          = 'SNES',
	['super famicom']                 = 'SNES',
	['super nintendo']                = 'SNES',
	['cgl m5']                        = 'Sord M5',
	['m5']                            = 'Sord M5',
	['sord m5']                       = 'Sord M5',
	['stadia']                        = 'Stadia',
	['tapwave zodiac']                = 'Tapwave Zodiac',
	['zodiac']                        = 'Tapwave Zodiac',
	['4a']                            = 'TI-99/4A',
	['ti-99/4a']                      = 'TI-99/4A',
	['ti99']                          = 'TI-99/4A',
	['ti-99']                         = 'TI-99/4A',
	['ti994a']                        = 'TI-99/4A',
	['tomy tutor']                    = 'Tomy Tutor',
	['tutor']                         = 'Tomy Tutor',
	['coco']                          = 'TRS-80 Color Computer',
	['trs80']                         = 'TRS-80',
	['trs-80']                        = 'TRS-80',
	['pc engine']                     = 'TurboGrafx-16',
	['pce']                           = 'TurboGrafx-16',
	['tg16']                          = 'TurboGrafx-16',
	['turbografx 16']                 = 'TurboGrafx-16',
	['turbografx']                    = 'TurboGrafx-16',
	['turbografx-16']                 = 'TurboGrafx-16',
	['pce cd']                        = 'TurboGrafx-CD',
	['super cd-rom']                  = 'TurboGrafx-CD',
	['supercd']                       = 'TurboGrafx-CD',
	['tgcd']                          = 'TurboGrafx-CD',
	['turbo cd']                      = 'TurboGrafx-CD',
	['turbografx-cd']                 = 'TurboGrafx-CD',
	['unix']                          = 'Unix',
	['vecx']                          = 'Vectrex',
	['vboy']                          = 'Virtual Boy',
	['web']                           = 'Web-based',
	['web-based']                     = 'Web-based',
	['webos']                         = 'webOS',
	['wii u vc']                      = 'Wii U',
	['wii u virtual console']         = 'Wii U',
	['wii uvc']                       = 'Wii U',
	['wiiuvc']                        = 'Wii U',
	['wii u']                         = 'Wii U',
	['wiiu']                          = 'Wii U',
	['vc']                            = 'Wii',
	['wii vc']                        = 'Wii',
	['wii virtual console']           = 'Wii',
	['wiivc']                         = 'Wii',
	['wii']                           = 'Wii',
	['wiiware']                       = 'WiiWare',
	['pocketpc']                      = 'Windows Mobile',
	['ppc']                           = 'Windows Mobile',
	['winmob']                        = 'Windows Mobile',
	['windows mobile']                = 'Windows Mobile',
	['winphone']                      = 'Windows Phone',
	['windows phone']                 = 'Windows Phone',
	['vista']                         = 'Windows',
	['win']                           = 'Windows',
	['windows 9x']                    = 'Windows',
	['windows nt']                    = 'Windows',
	['windows vista']                 = 'Windows',
	['windows']                       = 'Windows',
	['wonderswan color']              = 'WonderSwan Color',
	['wsc']                           = 'WonderSwan Color',
	['wonderswan']                    = 'WonderSwan',
	['ws']                            = 'WonderSwan',
	['xbox']                          = 'Xbox',
	['originals']                     = 'Xbox 360',
	['xbox originals']                = 'Xbox 360',
	['xboxorig']                      = 'Xbox 360',
	['xorig']                         = 'Xbox 360',
	['360']                           = 'Xbox 360',
	['xbox 360']                      = 'Xbox 360',
	['xba']                           = 'Xbox 360',
	['xbla']                          = 'Xbox 360',
	['xbox live arcade']              = 'Xbox 360',
	['xla']                           = 'Xbox 360',
	['xb1']                           = 'Xbox One',
	['xbo']                           = 'Xbox One',
	['xbone']                         = 'Xbox One',
	['xbox one']                      = 'Xbox One',
	['xbox1']                         = 'Xbox One',
	['xbox series x']                 = 'Xbox Series X',
	['xboxx']                         = 'Xbox Series X',
	['xsx']                           = 'Xbox Series X'