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  • Find a way to enter the station
  • Locate and capture Colonel Ayala
  • Search the computer
  • Reach the extraction point
  • Call in an air strike
  • Defend the building
  • Destroy the APC
  • Regroup with the unit


After Captain Bell is done talking, Sergent Walker will kick the door down. Follow them through it. (If you want, you can go to the desk that is behind you and pick up the explosive tip crossbow, but it isn't necessary.) After you leave the room two enemies will come out on a rooftop directly in front of you. Kill them and go around the corner to spawn more enemies. Two will run out close to you, one or two will be across the path far away and one will be in a second floor balcony. After killing them head to the building directly across from you to the open door, where the one far enemy was. There is a collectible in there. Be careful, as two more enemies will spawn, then a third will join them. You must then enter the building with the hole on the corner, watch out because when you get halfway an enemy will come out and shoot at you from a balcony. After killing him, walk into the building. Move around the dresser and then shoot the enemy just outside the doorway, then leave the building through that doorway to spawn more enemies (about three). Move into the courtyard and more enemies will come out through a doorway in a building and around a corner, the best thing to do is stay by the fountain in the middle and shoot them as they appear. There should be about five. One of them will come from a different angle, but the fountain will block you until you move outside of it to kill him. Move to where Bell is standing, then through the door he is facing into a room. There won't be any enemies. Once you are in the room Walker will break another door down. There will be two enemies here. Kill them and move into the building across the road. If you are low on ammo pick up an enemy's gun as soon as possible, because in the building there will be a fierce firefight.

Inside the train station there will be a row of seats connected to the wall. Hang here and kill the enemy in the hallway before he kills you, then move down that hallway and into the center of the building. There will be about 5 enemies, then two more coming down from the second floor to the stairs. After killing them go up the stairs they came down and go around the corner carefully, as there will be four enemies that you need to kill. Then go right around another corner and an enemy will come in from behind a crate, kill him and leave your sights on that same spot and move forward, another enemy will come around that exact spot. Go around that crate and there will be a doorway where another enemy will come, shoot him then enter the room. You will need to search the computer.

The computer searching minigame is easy to explain: Guess three random numbers and see how you did. A grey light means that the number isn't in the code, a yellow means it is but it's in the wrong position, and a green means it's a right number in the right position. The lights do NOT correspond to the digits, thinking they do could really screw you up. You have three tries with no time limit, after the third try there will be a timer of 2 and a half minutes to get the code. The code is randomly determined each time you play.

After you have the code, go out of the room, down the stairs and into the center of the train station. An enemy will run up the stairs and another will burst out the door across from you, and a third will be on the stairs waiting. After dispatching them, go down the stairs to the center of the train station, there will be another sustained firefight in this room, with about six enemies in it. After the fight, head left (from the stairs you just came down from) and move to the door ahead of you, go right to the open door. An enemy will come out of it, kill him and move on. Move around the purple seats to the exit door, another enemy will come in. After killing him, exit the station and kill the enemy next to the truck. Move to the truck, and take cover as there will be two enemy machine gunners. You can't shoot them, so instead touch the binocular icon on the touch screen and move the viewpoints over the MG's (the crosshairs will turn green), then press the fire button and watch the Helicopter come take them out from safely behind the truck. After the chopper flies off walk down the path towards where the MGs were, then a few enemies will come out. Kill the one in the second-story window first, then take out the other guy. Go over the cement barrier by way of the gray rise, then through the building to your right. (It's the same building you came in through earlier, by the way.) Go out the hole in the wall and hang by the truck, then kill the three enemies that come out (one of them will be in a second-story window).

When the Enemy Armor comes around the corner, Walker will bust down another door. Follow him through it and kill the enemy in the room, then the one coming down the stairs. Run to the top of the stairs, where you will need to help your squad mates defend the area. An easy solution is to hide in the side room, then pop out and kill the enemies that come in. You can also stand by the stairs and kill them as they come up, but you have to be quick for that. That strategy is not recommended for new players. After you have taken out about six, two will hang at the bottom of the stairs. You have to kill them at the top of the stairs, so be careful. Also, one or both may run up the stairs at you.

After the enemies are dead, walk to the side room, pick up the RPG and move to the downstairs. Expose as little of yourself as possible. If the machine gunner on the APC gets his sights on you, you will die instantly. So just hide and shoot the corner of the APC, two shots will kill it. After that, run back up the stairs and stand next to your squad mates, the level will be over.