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Geo Symbol Effects[edit]

You can get a brief in-game description of any Geo Symbol by moving the action cursor to the symbol and the Status menu. While most of the Geo Symbols are pretty self-explanatory, the description for some symbols' actions is a bit vague.

Critical Units standing on these panels will always receive critical damage. Leaving a party member on a Critical panel can be disastrous if in range of an enemy, but at the same time any enemy standing on one will be easy fodder for any attack or special targeted to it.
Encroach Expands the coverage of the geo panel color it's on. Given enough time, a single color will cover an entire stage.
Disperse Damage When a unit takes damage while standing on this panel, all other units that are also standing on Disperse Damage panels will receive 33% the amount received by the target (target still takes 100%). Effect is isolated to either allies or enemies. Attacks on an ally will not disperse to enemies and an attack on an enemy will not disperse to allies.
Clone One unit is cloned at random at the end of the turn. If multiple Clone symbols are on the same color, multiple clones will be created each turn.
EXP +50% Increases experience gain by 50% for an enemy destroyed on one of these squares.
Mana +50% Increases mana gain by 50% for an enemy destroyed on one of these squares.
Wind Element -50% Reduces the Wind element of units standing on the panel.
Ice Element -50% Reduces the Ice element of units standing on the panel.
Fire Element -50% Reduces the Fire element of units standing on the panel.
Wind Element +50% Increases the Wind element of units standing on the panel.
Ice Element +50% Increases the Ice element of units standing on the panel.
Fire Element +50% Increases the Fire element of units standing on the panel.
Symbols Only Encountered on Story Maps
Game Over If any unit, ally or enemy, is standing on this panel when the turn ends, the game ends and you go to the title screen (found on some Dark World maps).
No Entry Prevents units from crossing, either on foot or by throwing, with one exception: Throwing Through 'No Entry' Tiles

  • EXP +50% and Mana +50% symbols will often come together in the Item World. If you see one or the other, chances are most of the symbols on the map are also Exp and Mana symbols. Find other symbols on the map and toss them all onto the same color for exponentially better gains.
  • EXP +50% and Mana +50% only give their bonuses when enemies are destroyed on these squares, not when your characters attack from them.
  • Element +50% / -50% symbols affect both offensive spells and defensive resistance of the unit standing on them.

Building Geo Chains[edit]

Dealing with Invincibility Symbols[edit]

Unfortunately, Disgaea 2 does not allow you to destroy geo symbols by throwing them onto enemy units (as was possible in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness). The only way to deal with Invincibility symbols is to destroy them as part of a multi-color chain or lift them and toss them somewhere else. Occasionally you'll run into stages where you have Invincibility and No Lifting symbols working together, and often times building geo chains on those stages will be impossible. If you find yourself on such a stage and really want to max out the Bonus Gauge for some reason, you can either use the Geomancer's Geo Change special to make yourself a new Geo Symbol layout, or utilize the Invincibility zones to reel off huge combos or stack attacks over and over on the same unkillable enemy until the Bonus Gauge is filled.