Codename: Kids Next Door: Operation: S.O.D.A./Walkthrough

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The game features 15 platform levels (3 per Operative) and one final boss fight against Mr. Fizz. Each of the characters have different abilities and weapons that helps them avoid obstacles and reach the goal. While Numbuhs 3, 4 and 5's levels are Terrestral, Numbuhs 1 and 2's are Aerial.

Operative Operation: Weapon Item Found PW 1 PW 2 PW 3
Part 1
Numbuh 1 B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y. Z.A.P.P.U.H. Electrical Switch wbbpbb bdbpbb wdcmbb
Numbuh 2 C.A.M.P.-O.U.T. G.L.O.P.-G.U.N. Can of Spray Cheese wrcpcb btcpcb wtxmcb
Numbuh 3 P.I.C.N.I.C. T.H.U.M.P.E.R. Springs wgzmcd bjzmcd wkzpbd
Numbuh 4 S.K.A.T.E.R.S. S.L.U.G.L.O.V.E. Vegetable Strainer ws3mbd bv3mbd 0v3pcd
Numbuh 5 S.L.U.M.B.U.H. S.N.E.E.D.L.E.S. Toilet Plunger 0h1rgd gk1rgd 8jgqhd
Part 2
Numbuh 1 B.L.A.C.K.O.U.T. D.U.B.B.A.Z.A.P. Horseshoe 8ggqhd rjgqkd 8jhnkd
Numbuh 3 S.A.N.D.C.A.S.T.L.E. T.H.U.M.P.A.J.U.M.P.P.U.H. Hamsters 8rhqtd rthqtd 8t1ntd
Numbuh 5 C.L.I.M.B.-I.T. S.P.L.U.N.G.E.R.S. Magnet 9g3ntd sj3ntd 1krntd
Part 3
Numbuh 2 S.T.R.A.F.E. G.L.O.P.Z.U.K.K.A.H. Funnel 11rntd h3rntd 13sqvd
Numbuh 4 J.A.I.L.B.R.A.K.E. S.L.U.G.L.O.V.E.-D.E.E. Accordion 19snvp h*snvp 52rptp
Part 4
Numbuh 2 C.L.E.A.R.-O.U.T. G.L.O.P.P.C.A.N.N.O.N. Antenna 58rmt6 n?rmt6 5?8pv6
Numbuh 5 B.R.E.A.K.-I.N. S.P.L.A.G.N.E.T.S. Extension Cord 508tv7 n28tv7 528sv7
Numbuh 1 S.M.A.C.K.D.O.W.N. Q.U.A.D.R.A.Z.A.P. Megaphones 508q*7 n28q*7 529n*7
Numbuh 3 P.U.M.P.A.M.A.T.I.C. T.H.U.M.P.A.J.U.M.P.P.U.H.A.M.S.T.U.H. Boom Box 50*q?* n2*q?* 53*n?*
Numbuh 4 M.E.S.S.E.N.G.E.R. S.L.U.G.L.O.V.E.-D.E.E.L.U.X.E. CD 79*q** q**q** 3307?*
Boss Operation: F.I.Z.Z.L.E.

Part 1[edit]

The first 5 Missions can be done in the order the player decided. Each mission is a linear level designed to avoid enemies and deliver soda to kids. At the end of the fifth mission, the Operative will not find the kids that asked for the shipment, thus starting the second part.

Operation: B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y.[edit]

Bring Important Rather Thirst-Halting Delivery Away Yonder

Numbuh 1: "KND Global Command has informed us that there's a birthday party in need of orange soda on the other side of town! We're starting to run a bit low on supplies but I'll bring them what we've got!"

Numbuh 1: "Hmmm... an old electrical switch. I bet i can use this later on."

Operation: C.A.M.P.-O.U.T.[edit]

Cruising Agent Must Put Out Unquenchable Thirst

Numbuh 2: "A bunch of kids are having a camp-out and need some root beer NOW! I'll use the KND F.L.A.P.P.U.H. to get there warp factor fast! I heard SCB henchmen are around. Good thing I got my G.L.O.P.-G.U.N."

Numbuh 2: "Alright! A can of spray cheese! I'd eat it, but i might need it to upgrade my weapon later!"

Operation: P.I.C.N.I.C.[edit]

Pop Is Clearly Needed In Countryside

Numbuh 3: "A picnic without lemon-lime soda?! That's more horrible than a day without Rainbow Monkey Hugs! I better make a delivery quick!"

Numbuh 3: YAAAAAY! Shiny springs! These'll make great earrings!"

Operation: S.K.A.T.E.R.S.[edit]

Skateboarding Kids Are Totally Excellently Requiring Soda

Numbuh 4: "Buncha skateboarders called requesting some grape soda! With the KND S.L.U.G.L.O.V.E. it'll be as easy as 1-2-8! Or is that 1-2-14?"

Numbuh 4: "Ugh! A vegetable strainer?! I hope Numbuh Two can find a better use for this than straining cruddy asparagus!"

Operation: S.L.U.M.B.U.H.[edit]

Soda-Lugging Undercover Mission Brings Unbelievable Heroics

Numbuh 5: "That slumber party's gonna need double-caffeinated cola if they wanna stay up late tellin' ghost stories! And Numbuh Five's on it!"

Numbuh 5: "Toilet plunger, eh? Better grab it. Never know when it might come in handy."

Part 2[edit]

Numbuh 1: "Looks like we're getting low on soda. 2, 4, you guys run the S.T.A.N.K.A.H. to the nearest soda station for refilling. Meantime I'll investigate what happened to those missing kids who asked for soda..."

Numbuh 3: "Oh no! The S.T.A.N.K.A.H. got hijacked by SCB henchmen!"

Numbuh 1: "Alright team, Numbuhs 2 and 4 have been taken captive somewhere near Carbonation Island! We've upgraded your 2x4 Technology for a Sooper Big Rescue Mission so let's get going! Kids Next Door: BATTLE STATIONS!"

Operation: B.L.A.C.K.O.U.T.[edit]

Blitz Location And Cleverly Knock Out Ultrapower Turbines

Numbuh 1: "Using that electric switch I've found, I've upgraded my Z.A.P.P.U.H. into the KND D.U.B.B.A.Z.A.P."

Numbuh 1: Hmmm. This horseshoe could upgrade my weapon even more! But i've gotta shut down that power grid first!"

Operation: S.A.N.D.C.A.S.T.L.E.[edit]

Swiftly Attack Nautical Defense Contingent And Sun Tan Legs Evenly

Numbuh 1: "Numbuh 3! Using the springs you found we've upgraded your T.H.U.M.P.E.R. to the KND T.H.U.M.P.A.J.U.M.P.P.U.H.! Now get hopping and clear that beach!"

Numbuh 3: "Oooh! Hi, hamsters! I hate to interrupt, but some kids are in trouble and i might need your help! C'mon!"

Operation: C.L.I.M.B.-I.T.[edit]

Carefully Lurking Into Mountainous Building Is Tricky

Numbuh 1: "Numbuh 5! We've upgraded your S.N.E.E.D.L.E.S. with the toilet plunger you found and made the KND S.P.L.U.N.G.E.R.S. Now get climbing and push the button that will disable that satellite dish!"

Numbuh 5: "Numbuh Five knows we can use this magnet for something!"

Part 3[edit]

Operation: S.T.R.A.F.E.[edit]

Simply Takeout Really Annoying Fortressed Enemies

Numbuh 2: "I can escape now! That cheese spray can I attached to my G.L.O.P.-G.U.N. should help!"

Numbuh 2: "A funnel! I can upgrade my G.L.O.P.-G.U.N. with this back at the Treehouse!"

Operation: J.A.I.L.B.R.A.K.E.[edit]

Just About Instant Left Before Running And Kwickly Escaping

Numbuh 4: "I gotta get out of here! I should be more protected now that I've upgraded to the KND S.L.U.G.L.O.V.E.-D.E.E.!"

Numbuh 4: "An accordion! This might make a good upgrade for my weapon! That or drive people crazy with polka music!"

Part 4[edit]

Numbuh 1: "As you can see, Mr. Fizz and the Soda Control Board have built a pumping station inside the Volcano so that they can have total control of the world's soda! And Numbuhs 2 and 4 have something even WORSE to report! They're holding all the kids we've delivered soda to and are MILKING it out of them so it can be bottled back up for the exclusive enjoyment of adults! In the name of all that is caffeinated, we've got to stop them!"

Operation: C.L.E.A.R.-O.U.T.[edit]

Castle-Like Embankments Are Really Obnoxiously Utterly Tought

Numbuh 2: "Oh, better grab this antenna. Could come in handy."

Operation: B.R.E.A.K.-I.N.[edit]

Brazenly Raid Entrance And Klimb Inside Noiselessly

Numbuh 5: "Hmmm... an extension cord. I'll bring this back to see what we can do with it!"

Operation: S.M.A.C.K.D.O.W.N.[edit]

Shield Must Absolutely Completely Krash Down Or We're Nuked

Numbuh 1: "I've been looking for one of these megaphones! This'll help for later!"

Operation: P.U.M.P.A.M.A.T.I.C.[edit]

Pull Up Main Pump And Massively Attack 'Till It Crashes

Numbuh 3: "Hey! A boom box! Now I can play my "The Rainbow Monkeys Sing" CD over and over again for Numbuh Four!"

Operation: M.E.S.S.E.N.G.E.R.[edit]

Must Escape Soon So Enemy's Nefarious Gimmick Ends Rapidly

Mr. Fizz: "What?! Those caffeine-crazed bratz have destroyed my factory! Well, I'll show them! Wait until all their precious soda is changed to prune juice!"

Numbuh 4: "PRUNE JUICE?! YECCH! I gotta tell the others!"

Numbuh 4: "What's this? Who cares! I bet Numbuh Two can find something to do with it!"


Operation: F.I.Z.Z.L.E.[edit]

Finish Insane Zealot's Zany Lost Enterprise

Numbuh 1: "Alright, Kids Next Door! We have a serious problem! It looks like Fizz is going to use a sooper formula to turn the world's soda supply into PRUNE JUICE!"

Numbuh 2: "He's CRAZY!"

Numbuh 1: "That's why we have to stop him! We've taken all the stuff you guys found and modified the soda T.A.N.K.E.R. into the KND S.T.R.A.T.O.T.A.N.K.U.H."


The End[edit]

Numbuh 1: "Well that takes care of Mr. Fizz and his evil plans!"

Numbuh 5: "Yeah! But that big explosion, I think it shook the volcano too much! It's gonna blow!!"

Numbuh 4: "It's washing away all of Fizz's stuff! Aw, man! There goes all that soda!"

Numbuh 1: "That's okay Numbuh Four! We'll just have to sit here for a while and drink all the soda we can! Nice work, Kids Next Door!"


After the game credits, if the player managed to get all the Soda Bottle Caps, he gets the code "1mc001" that enables the player to start the game again but with all the new weapons.