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Red: rooms described in this page.
Grey: rooms cleared in previous pages.

Room L-1[edit]

Strategy ★★ Agility ★★ ?

This is one of the rooms which features a secret solution. The clue you are given is that the secret is connected with the Leeper. The trick to clearing this room is to not allow the Leeper to touch Lolo and fall asleep until after every Heart Frame is collected. In order to do this, you must keep the Leeper moving away from you.

After collecting the first two Heart Frames near the entrance, stand between the first pair of trees that you can stand between. This should lure the Leeper to the right, and then up and away from you, giving you time to put some distance between you while you attempt to collect the other Heart Frames before the Leeper has a chance to correct its course and come after you again. Once you have collected every Heart Frame, allow the Leeper to touch you, and a ghost will appear near the entrance. You must be able to freely reach the ghost, so don't allow the sleeping Leeper to pin you in place. Touch the ghost and Lolo will turn green, allowing him to walk through any obstacle. Walk through the Emerald Frames blocking the key, and press A button to return to normal form, and collect the key.

Room K-1[edit]

Strategy ★★★ Agility ★★★
  1. Push the Emerald Frame to the left of the Gol that faces upward down to the bottom wall. Push the Emerald Frame above the Gol that faces left to the left until it sits between both bottom Medusas, blocking their view south. Collect the two Heart Frames below, as well as the three in the lower left corner. You will earn two egg shots.
  2. Stand below the Emerald Frame sitting to the right of the right arrow tile. Push it up half of one space. Then walk around the frame counter-clockwise until you are on the left side, and push it right one space. Then stand above it and push it down half of a space. You are doing this to set up a trap for later. Be aware that you can no longer traverse the bottom of the room, or the Medusas will see you.
  3. Walk up to the area below the Alma in the upper right corner. Push the rightmost Emerald Frame up one space, and push the Emerald Frame to its left up two spaces, so that the Alma is pinned against the corner of the room. Then push the Emerald Frames to Lolo's left over to the left so that it blocks the top Medusa's view up. Collect the Heart Frame above, then return to the corner, and push the remaining frame down one space and over to the left until it sits below the Medusa. Collect the Heart Frame to the right of the boulder.
  4. Walk along the top wall to the left and approach the Alma in the upper left corner. You need to push the top Emerald Frame to the left in order to let the Alma escape, without letting the Alma touch you. As soon as the Alma is free, turn around and shoot it twice to remove it from the screen. It should reappear in the space above the Skull, trapped in place by the Emerald Frame you positioned in step 2.
  5. Push the Emerald Frame that is one column away from the left wall down until it sits between the pair of Medusas on the left. Collect the Heart Frames next to the left wall.
  6. Stand above the highest Heart Frame, and push the Emerald Frame on Lolo's left one space to the left, three spaces down, and one space to the right so that it sits between the two Medusas and the up arrow tile. Push the Emerald Frame above the up arrow tile down one space, and to the right two spaces.
  7. Walk around the highest Medusa and collect the Heart Frame below the chest, and above and to the left of the chest. Push the Emerald Frame above you up one space, and collect the final Heart Frame. Now walk to the key and stand so that you are half a space above the key, as well as half a space to the right. Once you are there, very quickly move down and to the left in order to collect the key before either Gol's fireballs have a chance to hit you.

Room J-1[edit]

Strategy ★★ Agility ★★★★
  1. Collect all of the Heart Frames along the top of the room. Then walk down the center channel to the bottom wall. When the Leeper is on its way back to the left, collect the Heart Frame blocking him in. Quickly run back up, letting the Leeper follow behind you. When you reach the boulders, run left to the left wall, and then down to the trees, and to the right. Stop just above the up arrow tile, and let the Leeper fall asleep below the Gol.
  2. Walk back down the center channel, but stop just short of the bottom wall. When the Alma is as far to the left as possible, run down, collect the Heart Frame, and run back up as the Alma rolls to the left. Stand above the nearby Emerald Frame and push it down to trap the Alma in along the left side. You will activate the Arrow Tile power-up.
  3. Walk up to the up arrow tile, and press A button to activate the power-up, turning the arrow tile to the side. Head down and collect the last Heart Frame, which will activate the Hammer power-up.
  4. Walk along the top wall to return to the entrance. Stand just to the right of the left arrow tile. A Gol below you will be blowing fireballs at you. The trick here is to use the Hammer on the boulder below you, and then shoot the next fireball that approaches you with an egg shot and quickly duck to the left above the Emerald Frame.
  5. If you survived that, push the Emerald Frame down one space, and then over to the right. With your last remaining egg shot, shoot the upper Gol that faces down, so that you have a clear path to the key.

Room I-1[edit]

Strategy ★★ Agility ★★
  1. Walk counter-clockwise along the outside the room until you reach the treasure chest, collecting five Heart Frames and earning two egg shots in the process. Walk through the chest, and down the grass to the right. The push the Emerald Frame to the left of the pair of Snakeys up into the down arrow tile.
  2. Return to the lower wall, and continue over to the right wall. Walk up to the Gol that faces up and shoot it twice. Walk over to the up arrow tiles, and start collecting the Heart Frames that occupy the interior, but save the Heart Frame closest to the chest for last.
  3. Before you pick up the final Heart Frame, push the lowest Emerald Frame to the right one space, and down half of a space. Push the Emerald Frame above that one to the right one space, and up one space. Now collect the last Heart Frame, and stand to the left of the Emerald Frame below the tree.
  4. Wait for the lowest Skull to travel up towards you and then reverse course. When the Skull starts to move down, push the Emerald Frame to the left, run down to the lower wall, and then dash left onto the grass. Wait for the Skull to come back and go back up. Then run to the right and get to the grass in the lower right corner.
  5. Run to the upper right corner, watching out for the Skull in the middle that can move through the space you need to run past. Then walk along the top wall, down two spaces after you reach the Snakey, left one space, and run straight down to the key without stopping in order to outrun the fireball.

Room H-1[edit]

Strategy ★★★ Agility
  1. Collect the Heart Frames beside both Snakeys. This will give you two egg shots, as well as activate the Ladder power up.
  2. Stand below the top Snakey, shoot it once, push the egg into the water, and then immediately use the egg to cross the water to the top part of the room. Ignore the highest Heart Frame, and stand above the highest Emerald Frame. Push it down three spaces so that it sits between the chest and the Medusa.
  3. Continue down to the bottom, ignoring the lowest Heart Frame as well. Walk through the right arrow tile, and stand directly below the lower Snakey. Use the Ladder power-up here, shoot the Snakey with an egg, push the egg up one space, left four spaces, and up one space so that it sits to the right of the Medusa. Collect the center Heart Frame for two more egg shots.
  4. Cross back over the water, and push the nearby Emerald Frame up across the ladder, and slide it into position below the Medusa. Turn the top Snakey into an egg again and use it to cross the water. Continue to ignore the highest Heart Frame, but now you may walk down and collect the lowest heart. Then push the nearby Emerald Frame down one space, and all the way over to the right until it's below the ladder. Push it up and slide it into position above the Medusa.
  5. Finally, with your last egg shot, shoot the higher Snakey one more time and use it to get across to the top. Collect the last Heart Frame, and walk over to collect the key.

Room G-1[edit]

Strategy Agility ★★★

There's little strategy to employ in order to clear this room. Start out by collecting all but the leftmost Heart Frames from each row, thereby keeping all of the Almas trapped behind them. Once you are down to the six Heart Frames on the left, walk to the bottom. Remember that, as you collect each Heart Frame and free each Alma, your only safe spot is on the grass, where the Almas can't tread. Collect each Heart Frame as the Alma next to them is as close to the left wall as possible. Collect the bottom three, and then advance to the top three, standing on the grass to remain safe whenever necessary. Continue collect the top three from bottom to top, running straight to the right in order to collect the key with the highest Alma rolling after you.

Room F-1[edit]

Strategy ★★★ Agility ★★★
  1. Collect the two rightmost Heart Frames by moving opposite the Don Medusa. After you have collected them, stand to the right of the lowest Emerald Frame, and push it one space to the left so that you can safely walk below the Don Medusa.
  2. Push the Emerald Frame that you just moved up one space. When it's safe, push the lower of the three Emerald Frames on the left down two spaces so that it's one space below and to the left of the first frame you moved. Then stand to its right, push it to the left one space, and carefully push it up until it is one row below the top wall (adjacent to the upper Emerald Frame on the right). Make sure you time your approach to the top when you will be protected by the Emerald Frames.
  3. Push the latest Emerald Frame to the left one space so that it's below the highest Heart Frame, and then return to the safety of the highest Emerald Frame to the right of the lava. When it's safe to do so, push this nearby frame up one space. Then return to the Emerald Frame below the Heart Frame, and push it one space to the left. Move down if the Don Medusa starts coming back up, and then push this Emerald Frame up between the Medusa and the Heart Frame. When it's safe to do so, collect the highest Heart Frame.
  4. Now carefully walk all the way back down to the bottom of the room, below the lowest Emerald Frame, and back up the right side, all the while avoiding being seen by the Don Medusa. Stand to the right of the highest Emerald Frame on the right, and when the Don Medusa is about to hit the top wall, push the frame to the left one space to pin the Don Medusa against it.
  5. Very carefully, push three of the four remaining Emerald Frames below the top Medusa, above the bottom Medusa, and to the right of the bottom Medusa. Collect the Heart Frame to the right of the bottom Medusa to earn the Ladder power-up.
  6. When you use the Ladder power-up over lava, the ladder will disintegrate over time, so you need to act fast. There are only two tiles where the lava is thin enough to place a ladder over and will allow you to bring an Emerald Frame across it (if you try building the bridge downwards near the upper Medusa, you will not be able to push the Emerald Frame any further). Move the last Emerald Frame to the low thin lava tile, and place the ladder over the top thin lava tile. Then push the Emerald Frame over the ladder before it disappears.
  7. Shoot the top Skull twice to remove it from the screen, and push the Emerald Frame that you just pushed over the ladder all the way up to where the Skull once sat. It will reappear to the left of the lower Medusa.
  8. Walk towards the last Heart Frame in the lower left corner. As you do, shoot the left of the pair of Skulls between the lava, and shoot the Skull that just recently reappeared. Then collect the last Heart Frame and quickly run up to collect the key before the Skulls hatch and start to chase you.

Fork room E-1[edit]

Strategy ★★ Agility ★★★ ?

This is a room with a secret solution. The clue that you are given is that it has to do with the Gols in the room.

  1. Collect the two Heart Frames on either side of the Emerald Frame, as well as the three Heart Frames between the six Gols. This will activate the first Ladder power-up.
  2. Use the Ladder power-up to access the three Heart Frames below the Gols. Move quickly before the ladder disintegrates in the lava. You'll get six egg shots, and you'll activate the second Ladder power-up.
  3. Place the second ladder across the lava one space to the left of the Emerald Frame. Then walk around, push the frame to the left one space, down three spaces across the ladder, collect the three Heart Frames, and push the Emerald Frame back up and out before the ladder disintegrates. You'll earn six more egg shots for a total of twelve.
  4. Push the Emerald Frame so that it sits one space below and one space to the right of the Gol in the lower left corner. Then stand below the right column of Gols and shoot the bottom two twice to remove both of them from the screen. Push the Emerald Frame up one and a half spaces, and to the left half of a space.
  5. Wait until you hear the noise indicating that the Gols tried to return to the screen, but were prevented by the Emerald Frame. Then stand to the right of the remaining Gol in the right column, shoot it twice, and get out of the way of the fireball coming from the left Gol. Push the Emerald Frame up one space, and very quickly run away to the right before moving up or down to avoid getting hit by another fireball.
  6. Wait for the noise indicating that the latest Gol could not return. Then stand below the left column, and shoot the lower two Gols twice each to remove them. Now you must push the Emerald Frame out two spaces to the right, down one space, and to the left four spaces so that it will prevent the two Gols you just removed from returning.
  7. Once you hear the noise indicating that both Gols failed to return to the screen, walk up some distance away from the last Gol, and trick it into shooting a fireball at you. Walk back down to avoid the fireball, and then quickly come back up and shoot the Gol twice before its fireball hits the wall. Then push the Emerald Frame up into the corner of the lava so that this final Gol is prevented from returning to the screen. Upon the Gols' failure to return, all of the lava in the room will turn to sand, allowing you access to the key.

At this point, there are two exits to take. It is recommended that you finish the path to the left before you visit the room below.

Room D-1[edit]

Strategy ★★ Agility ★★★
  1. Taking care not to be seen by the Don Medusa, collect the two Heart Frames on either side of the pair of Emerald Frames and earn two egg shots. Then push the lower Emerald Frame to the right one space. Push the top Emerald Frame up one half of a space. Then push it all the way to the right.
  2. Just as soon as the Don Medusa hits the Emerald Frame and starts moving down, push the lower frame down one half of a space. Then just have just enough time to quickly run around to the left side of it. Push the frame to the right to pin the Don Medusa in between the two Emerald Frames.
  3. When you're ready, collect the last Heart Frame to earn the Ladder power-up, and then step on the grass and wait for the Skull to come all the way around to the area nearby. When it's above you, step down, but you have to remain on the left side of the room to lure the Skull back out, or it will stay stuck in the middle.
  4. When the Skull begins to exit back out to the left, start making a run for the right. Be sure to run along the lower wall to avoid getting hit by the Gol's fireballs. When you are to the right of the lava, immediately run up. The Skull should be right behind you. When it is at least one space away from the wall, immediately turn around and shoot the Skull once,
  5. Push the egg in front of the lower Gol along the right. Then stand directly above the egg. When the egg starts to crack, lay the Ladder power-up across the small bit of lava, and then walk to the right of the ladder.
  6. As soon as the egg hatches, begin running up alongside the right wall. The Skull should follow and block all the flames from the Gols. However, as soon as you reach the top, you must face left and fire your last shot simultaneously, turning the Skull into an egg before it can hurt you. Then push the egg all the way to the right until you can head down and collect the key.

When the doors open, you have the option of passing through a higher door, or a lower door. To properly complete the next room, you should pass through the lower door.

Room C-1[edit]

Strategy ★★★ Agility
  1. Begin this room by entering through the lower doorway, not the higher one. Walk through the left arrow tile, up to the top wall, and push the Emerald Frame to Lolo's right all the way up to the Medusa. Collect the Heart Frame for two egg shots.
  2. Of the two Emerald Frames below you, push one out to the Skulls. Then push it down until it is even with the door on the left, and push it to the left one and a half spaces. Now go up and collect the trio of Heart Frames in the upper left corner of the room. You'll get two more egg shots and access to the Arrow Tile power-up.
  3. Shoot both of the Skulls that were near the three Heart Frames, and push each one down next to one of the Medusas, first the top then the bottom.
  4. Walk into the section in the lower right through the right arrow tile. Stand above the Emerald Frame on the right, and push it down one space. Walk on top of the up arrow tiles, and stand to the right of the top Skull. Shoot it and push the egg all the way to the left against the other Skulls.
  5. Walk back through the right arrow tile, then come around until you're above the remaining Skull. Stand on the left arrow tiles to the left, and walk down through them until you are below the remaining Skull. Then walk right and up until you are standing to the right of the Skull. Shoot it and push the egg to the left.
  6. Push the free Emerald Frame near the top to the left, and then down so that it is situated to the right of the top two skulls. Likewise, push the free Emerald Frame near the chest to the left and down until it is half of a space above the lava along the bottom, and then push it next to the Skulls.
  7. Use the Arrow Tile power-up on the left arrow tile that blocks your way back to the entrance. Then walk up through the up arrow tile. Ignore the Heart Frame for a moment, and push the lower Emerald Frame out to the left, and then down until it is half of a space above the Emerald Frame you previously positioned. Now all of the Skulls should be locked in place when you collect the final Heart Frame.
  8. Go ahead and collect the last Heart Frame. You should be able to safely make your way to the key without any fear of getting hit by any Skulls, or of being seen by the Medusas.

Room B-1[edit]

Strategy ★★ Agility
  1. Start by collecting all of the Heart Frames that are not against the outer walls. You will earn eight egg shots in the process.
  2. Push the left Emerald Frame up one space, and then to the right until it is between the two highest Gols. Stand to the right of the pack of four Gols, and quickly shoot all four of them eight times to remove them from the screen. Then push the Emerald Frame down one and a half spaces so that it prevents all four Gols from reappearing in their original positions.
  3. The Gols will reappear around the outer wall, blocking the Medusa's views of half of the Heart Frames. Carefully collect the ones that are now safe to collect.
  4. Push the right Emerald Frame down one space, to the right one space, and then up until you can clear the lava. Then push it to the left until it is one space away from the wall, and push it all the way down to the right side of the lower left Medusa. You won't be using it in the same way that you used the previous Emerald Frame because only three of the four Gols reappear around the Medusas. The fourth does not reappear in the lower left corner.
  5. Once the Emerald Frame is placed next to the Medusa, proceed to shoot every Gol in the pack of four except for the one in the lower left corner. After the other three Gols have been removed, shoot the remaining Gol once, and push it right half of a space, and up half of a space. This Gol will force the other three to reposition themselves.
  6. Collect the remaining Heart Frames. When you are ready to collect the key, be sure to shoot the Gol that you let remain near the lava, or it will hit you with a fireball as you pass.

Fourth Buddha's room[edit]

Translation: Keep one thing in mind as you walk the trap-infested path to hell, where the king awaits: if you make a mistake on the way, you'll get caught in a trap.

Room A-1[edit]

Strategy Agility ★★★

Since this one comes down to how well you can avoid ten Rockys, there's very little strategy to employ in this room. Ideally, you should clear the top row of Heart Frames before dealing with the bottom row. That way, you are closer to the chest than you would be if you were on the top when you got the last Heart Frame. This room is partly about how well you can read the Rockys behavior, and partly luck. If you can, try to lure a few of the Rockys from the bottom up to the top before you traverse to the bottom. Even if you lure one Rocky to walk up along the left wall, that's one less Rocky for you to have to deal with when you clear out the bottom Heart Frames. Be prepared to press Select button to sacrifice a life several times if necessary.

7th key room (A-2)[edit]

Strategy ★★ Agility ★★★
  1. Start by collecting every Heart Frame in the room, taking care to not be seen by the Don Medusa moving up and down on the right. Use the Snakey and the boulder for protection after you have taken the Heart Frames.
  2. Walk up to the top wall. Stand in the column along side the water, where the Rocky will be able to see you and run up toward you. Then walk back to the upper left corner, and let the Rocky follow you.
  3. Carefully walk down along the left wall, once again timing your passage past the boulder and the Snakey so that you don't get seen by the Don Medusa. Lure the Rocky down there with you. Then get around the Rocky, and make your way back up to the upper left corner.
  4. Walk along the top wall, back to the corner by the water, walk down one space away from the wall, and wait for the Rocky to catch up and stop behind you. Wait for the Don Medusa to reach the top point and start moving back down. When the Don Medusa moves down, run down the column with the Rocky chasing after you, and duck into the first passage on the left. Stop when you are one space in, and the Rocky should freeze, protecting you from the Don Medusa.
  5. When the Don Medusa is on its way back up, run to the left and then down to collect the large key.

At this time, you should return to room E-1, and head south.