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Configuration[edit | edit source]

Command Default Key Description
Left/Right  ← / →  Press left or right to command Samus to face and run in either direction. Hold either direction to build up speed as you run.
Down  ↓  Press down while standing to squat down. Press down while squatting to enter the Morph Ball form. Press down while in the air to aim your weapon down. Also used to direct elevators to lower. After the Speed Boost item is obtained, press Down while running at top speed to store Shinespark power.
Up  ↑  Press up while standing or in the air to aim your weapon up. Press up while squatting to stand up. Press up while in Morph Ball form to return to squatting position. Also used to direct elevators to rise.
Jump  Z  Press the jump button to leap into the air. Hold this button down to jump higher. You can hold left or right in conjunction with the jump button to jump in either direction. If a direction and jump button are held long enough, Samus will somersault as she jumps. After the Space Jump item is obtained, press the jump button in mid-air to begin rising again. After the Spring Ball item is obtained, press the jump button to make the Morph Ball bounce off the floor. After the Speed Boost item is obtained, press and hold the jump button while storing Shinespark to fly straight up into the air. Or press a left or right immediately after pressing jump to fly off horizontally.
Fire  X  Press fire button to shoot your weapon. Normally this will be the beam weapon. While in Morph Ball form, this button will deposit a time bomb if Samus has collected the Bomb power-up. After pressing the Weapon Select button to toggle weapons, use this button to fire a secondary weapon, provided you have enough ammunition. After the Charge Beam is obtained, press and hold the fire button to charge your beam weapon.
Aim Up  Shift  Press and hold the Aim Up button to aim your weapon at a 45 degree angle upward. Press and hold this button when storing a Shinespark to fly off at a 45 degree angle upward when you press jump.
Aim Down  C  Press and hold the Aim Down button to aim your weapon at a 45 degree angle downward.
Aim Lock  Space  Press and hold the Aim Lock button to keep your weapon pointed in a particular direction. While locked, Samus will only walk, she will not run. You can walk in the opposite direction as the one you are aiming. If you jump, Samus will not somersault.
Morph  CTRL  Press the Morph button to immediately shrink down to Morph Ball form, regardless of whether you are standing, squatting, or in mid-air. If you press the Morph button in Morph Ball form on the ground, you will rise to squatting position. If you press the Morph button in Morph Ball form in the air, you will return to full standing position.
Weapon Select  A  Press the Weapon Select to toggle which weapon is currently selected to fire. You begin the game with missiles, and can toggle between your beam weapon and missiles. After you collect Super Missiles and Power Bombs, you can select them as well.
Weapon Cancel  S  Press the Weapon Cancel button to activate your beam weapon regardless of what weapon is currently selected.
Start  Enter  Press the Start button to bring up the game map screen. Press the Start button on the map screen to return to the game. Or you can press "Menu - Back" button to enter the sub-menu of the game where you can access the maps, Samus' item status screen, the logs, or settings menu.
Menu - Accept  Z  Press the "Menu - Accept" button to select the currently highlighted selection.
Menu - Back  X  Press the "Menu - Back" button to leave the current menu and return to the previous screen.

Settings[edit | edit source]

Setting Choices Description
Aiming style 2 Buttons
1 Button
In 2 Buttons mode, you have both an "Aim Up" button and an "Aim Down" button. In 1 Button mode, there is only an "Aim Diagonally" button (default:  Shift ) and you must press Up or Down to change whether the diagonal aim is pointed up or down.
Missile select style Toggle
In Toggle mode, there is a "Weapon Select" button and a "Weapon Cancel" button, and you cycle through weapons until you return to the beam weapon. In Hold mode, there is a "Weapon Select" button (default:  S ) to switch between weapons, and an "Arm Weapon" button (default:  A ) which you must press and hold to activate the currently selected weapon. Release this button to return to the beam weapon.
Classic Morph Ball Enabled
When Classic Morph Ball is enabled, you may use the Down button to enter Morph Ball form, and the Up button to leave it. When this feature is disabled, you may only enter and leave Morph Ball form by pressing the Morph button.
Spiderball activation Toggle
When set to Toggle, press any of the Aim buttons in Morph Ball form to activate and deactivate the Spiderball ability. When set to Classic, press Down in Morph Ball mode to activate the ability, and press Jump to deactivate it. When set to Hold, you must press and hold the Aim button to activate the ability, and release the button to deactivate it.
Auto-climb Enabled
When set to Enabled, Samus will automatically climb up ledges whenever forward and jump are pressed together. When disabled, you must manually jump up over the step to the next ledge.
Auto-morph Enabled
When set to Enabled, Samus will automatically shrink down to Morph Ball form when you hold a downward direction while running up to a narrow passage that you are too tall to fit through.