Ancient Domains of Mystery

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Box artwork for Ancient Domains of Mystery.
Box artwork for Ancient Domains of Mystery.
Ancient Domains of Mystery
Developer(s)Thomas Biskup
Publisher(s)Thomas Biskup
Year released1994
System(s)DOS, Linux, macOS, Windows
ModesSingle player
LinksOfficial websiteAncient Domains of Mystery at PCGamingWikiAncient Domains of Mystery ChannelSearchSearch

Ancient Domains of Mystery is a freeware, roguelike game written by Thomas Biskup and is available at the official ADoM website for Windows, Linux, and many other operating systems.

Story[edit | edit source]

It takes place in the Drakalor Chain on the planet Ancardia. A Chaos Gate has been opened by Andor Drakon, the ElDeR cHaOs GoD. It was first discovered by the sage Khelavaster, who tried to close it but disappeared. Now Chaos beasts are roaming Ancardia. You are one of the many hero(ine)s who seeks to defeat Chaos and restore peace to the world.

The easiest way to defeat Chaos is to close the gate. However, a holy champion of order or balance, if equipped with certain unique artifacts, may instead enter it, slay Andor Drakon, become a demigod and keep Ancardia safe from Chaos for evermore. Those who have turned to the dark side may also slay Andor Drakon in hopes of becoming a more powerful Chaos God - perhaps even an Ultimate Chaos God.

Table of Contents
