Atlantis no Nazo/Secrets

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Special Commands[edit | edit source]

At the title screen, do the following inputs to achieve a corresponding effect:

Zone Select[edit | edit source]

Press Select button on first controller 33 times, then A button on second controller 22 times, then use first controller and while holding A button and B button, press Start button. After that, use Select button while in game to warp to next zone.

Note that this zone select has an independant counter, such that each time selecting will only move to the next zone of last warp. For example, if one selects Zone 6, moves to Zone 8 normally and uses zone select again, the result will be Zone 7 instead of Zone 9.

Invincible[edit | edit source]

Press B button on first controller 33 times, then while holding (Select button and Up dpad on first controller) and (A button, B button and Down dpad on second controller), press Start button on first controller.

Unlimited Lives[edit | edit source]

Press A button on second controller 11 times, then B button on first controller 22 times, then Start button on first controller.