Bakutotsu Kijuutei/Stages 18-23
Stage 18[edit | edit source]
Once Takky (or Hommy if it is a two-player game) has blasted through the wall on the left side of the screen in the Machine Gun Vessel, a White Paccet will appear above him and say "I'm your friend", before starting to circle around him, in an anticlockwise direction; you must now start air-pedalling to the right as you come to a Crystal Brain, that is bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you've fired enough shots at it to kill it, a Telepo will come flying diagonally towards you - and once you have air-pedalled over it, you will come to second Crystal Brain, that bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, three Type B Amebas will come flying towards you, while firing beams at you; once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to a third Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, a Type A Ameba will come flying towards you while firing beams at you - and once you have fired shot at it to kill it, you will come to a fourth Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, a second Type A Ameba will come flying towards you while firing beams at you; once you have fired a shot at it to kill it, you will come to a fifth Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to sixth Crystal Brain, that is bouncing up and down in front of you - and once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, a Red Bagann will come bouncing up towards you from behind. Once you have flown back over him and fired a shot at him to kill him, you must continue air-pedalling up to the right as you come up to two more Crystal Brains that are bouncing up and down in front of you; once you have fired enough shots at both of them to kill them, you must continue air-pedalling down to the right as you come up to a Type C Octy who's firing beams at you. Once you have fired off enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a yellow capsule behind - and once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, a Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air. Once you have collected him, he will start to circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction; two Horizontal Tako will now come flying towards you. Once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, a second Red Bagann will come bouncing towards you - and once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, a third Red Bagann and a Pink Bagann will come bouncing towards you. Once you have fired shot at both of them to kill them, you'll come up to two more Type C Octy who are firing beams at you; once you have fired enough shots at both of them to kill them, they will leave two more yellow capsules behind. Once you have airpedalled up to these two to open them, two more Yellow Paccets will emerge from them, and fly up into the air - and once you have collected them, they will start circling around your spaceman in anticlockwise direction. A Quelqaria will now come flying towards you while firing projectiles at you; once you have air-pedalled over him (as much like with the original Baraduke, they can't be killed from the front), a second Quelqaria will come flying towards you from behind while firing projectiles at you. Once you have flown back over him and fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to a Type 2 Big Octy who is afiring a round of projectiles at you from that hole in the right side of his body - and once you have afired enough shots at his eye to kill him, (not while he is shielding it), he will explode. You will now come to a Black Paccet, who is circling around in an anticlockwise direction in front of you; once you have fired off enough shots at him to kill him, the three Yellow Paccets and the single White Paccet will fly down off the bottom of the screen, as your spaceman blasts through that wall on the right side of the screen. The three Yellow Paccets he has collected will then fly through the hole he has blasted in that aforementioned wall upon that right side of the screen, as they are added to his score for 100, 200, and 500 points. (You'll also have to watch out for Polycators appearing on the ceiling and dropping down here).
Stage 19[edit | edit source]
Once Takky has blasted through the wall upon the left side of the screen in the Machine Gun Vessel, a White Paccet will appear above him and say "I'm your friend" before starting to circle around him in an anticlockwise direction; and you must now start air-pedalling to the right as a Type B Ameba comes flying towards you while firing beams at you. Once you have fired off a shot at it to kill it, you will come to a Red Bagann upon the ceiling who is aspitting projectiles at you - and once you have fired off a shot at him to kill him, one Type A Ameba will come flying towards you while firing beams at you. Once you have fired a shot at it to kill it, you will come to a Type A Octy, who is firing projectiles at you; once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a yellow capsule behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to this to open it, a Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air - and once you have collected him, he will start circling around Takky in an anticlockwise direction. You will now come to another Red Bagann on the ceiling, who is spitting projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to two Crystal Brains that are bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at both of them to kill them, you must continue air-pedalling up to the right as you come to a second Type A Octy who is firing projectiles at you - and once you have fired off enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a second yellow capsule behind. And once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, another Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air; once you have collected him, he will start circling around Takky in an anticlockwise direction. You will now come to a third Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you - and once you have fired off enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a fourth Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you must continue air-pedalling down to the right as you come up to Type C Octy who is firing beams at you; once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a third yellow capsule behind. Once you have airpedalled up to it to open it, a third Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air - and once you have collected him, he will start circling around Takky in an anticlockwise direction. You will now come up to a fifth Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you; once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a sixth Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to five more Red Baganns on the ground and ceiling who are spitting projectiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to two more Type C Octy, and a Type E Octy, who are firing both beams and projectiles at you. Once you have afired enough shots at each of them to kill them, they will leave three more yellow capsules behind; once you have air-pedalled up to these to open them, three more Yellow Paccets will emerge from them and afly up into the air. Once you have collected them, they will start acircling around Takky in an anticlockwise direction - and the five Yellow Paccets and the single White Paccet will then fly down off the bottom of the screen as Takky blasts through that wall on the right side of the screen. The five Yellow Paccets he has collected will then fly through the hole he has blasted in the aforementioned wall upon the right side of the screen as they are added to his score for 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 points. (You will again also have to watch out for Polycators randomly appearing on the ceiling, and dropping down on Takky as he passes under them, during this nineteenth stage of the game; and the previous one was also the second to feature Telepo as regular enemies, but are too fast to kill).
Stage 20[edit | edit source]
Once Takky (or Hommy if it is a two-player game) has blasted through the wall on the left side of the screen in the Machine Gun Vessel, a White Paccet will appear above him and say "I'm your friend", before starting to circle around him, in an anticlockwise direction; you must now start air-pedalling to the right as four Molamola come flying towards you. Once you have fired off a shot at each of them to kill them, two more Molamola will come flying towards you from behind - and once you have flown back over them, and fired off a shot at both of them to kill them, two more Molamola will come flying towards you. Once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, you will come to a Red Bagann upon the ceiling, who is spitting projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to a Type C Octy who's firing beams at you. Once you have fired off enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a yellow capsule behind - and once you have air-pedalled up to this to open it, a Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air. Once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman, in an anticlockwise direction; and you'll now come to a Black Paccet, who is circling around in an anticlockwise direction in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, you will come to a Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you - and once you have fired off enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a Type F Octy who is firing projectiles at you. Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave another yellow capsule behind; once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, another Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air. Once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction - and a ninth Molamola will now come flying towards you. Once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to a blue capsule; once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, a "Shot Power Up" icon will emerge from it and fly up into the air. Once you have collected it for the 100 extra points, a tenth Molamola will come flying towards you - and once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to another Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, two more Red Baganns will come abouncing towards you; once you've fired shot at both of them to kill them, you will come to five more Crystal Brains that are abouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at each of them to kill them, you will come to a Type A Octy who is firing projectiles at you - and once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a third yellow capsule behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, a third Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and afly up into the air; once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction. You will now come to fourth Red Bagann on the ceiling who is spitting projectiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come up to two more Crystal Brains that are bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired off enough shots at both of them to kill them, you will come to a fifth Red Bagann on the ground who is spitting projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to a Type E Octy and another Type A Octy who are firing projectiles at you. Once you have afired enough shots at both of them to kill them, they will leave two more yellow capsules behind - and once you have air-pedalled up to them, two more Yellow Paccets will emerge from them, and fly up into the air. Once you've collected them, they will start circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction; the five Yellow Paccets and the sole White Paccet will then fly down off the bottom of the screen as your spaceman blasts through the wall on the right side of the screen. The five Yellow Paccets he collected will then fly through the hole he has blasted in the aforementioned wall on the right side of the screen as they're added on to his score for 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 points. (And once again, you'll also have to watch out for Polycators randomly appearing upon the ceiling and dropping down on Takky as he passes under them here - it also a palette-swap of Stage 7).
Stage 21[edit | edit source]
Once Takky has blasted through the wall upon the left side of the screen in the Machine Gun Vessel, a White Paccet will appear above him and say "I'm your friend" before starting to circle around him in an anticlockwise direction; you must now start air-pedalling up to the right as a Molamola comes flying towards you. Once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, a Pink Bagann will come bouncing towards you - and once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, two Muscle Brains will come hovering towards you, while firing beams at you. Once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, you will come to two Red Baganns on the ceiling who are spitting projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, you will come up to a Black Paccet who is circling around in an anticlockwise direction in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, you will come to a Type A Octy who is firing projectiles at you - and once you have afired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a yellow capsule behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, a Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air; once you have collected him, he will start acircling around Takky in an anticlockwise direction. Two more Red Baganns will now come bouncing towards you - and once you have fired off a shot at both of them to kill them, two Donguri and a Sniper will come flying towards you while firing both projectiles and beams at you. Once you have fired off a single shot at both of the Donguri to kill them and enough shots at the Sniper to kill it, you will come to a Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you; once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a Woru that is moving to the left and right in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come up to Type E Octy who is firing projectiles at you - and once you have fired off enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave another yellow capsule behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, another Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air; once you have collected him, he will start circling around Takky in an anticlockwise direction. Three more Molamola will now come flying towards you - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, second Pink Bagann will come bouncing towards you. Once you have fired off a shot at him to kill him, you will come to another Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you; once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a Type D Octy who is firing projectiles at you. Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a third yellow capsule behind - and once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, third Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and afly up into the air. Once you have collected him, he will start to circling around Takky in an anticlockwise direction; you will now come to two more Red Baganns on the ceiling and ground who are spitting projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, another Sniper will come flying towards you while firing beams at you - and once you have fired off enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to sixth Red Bagann on the ground who is aspitting projectiles at you. Once you have fired off a shot at him to kill him, two more Red Baganns will come bouncing towards you; once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, you will come to a Type E Octy who is firing projectiles at you. Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a fourth yellow capsule behind - and once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, a fourth Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air. Once you have collected him, he will start to circling around Takky in an anticlockwise direction; you will now come to a ninth Red Bagann on the ground, who is spitting projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, a tenth Red Bagann will come bouncing towards you - and once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to a third Crystal Brain that is bouncing up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a Type F Octy, and a Type B Octy, who are firing projectiles at you; once you have afired enough shots at both of them to kill them, they will aleave two more yellow capsules behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to them to open them, two more Yellow Paccets will emerge from them and afly up into the air - and once you have collected them, they will start to circling around Takky in an anticlockwise direction. Four more Red Baganns and two more Pink Baganns will now come abouncing towards you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to a second Black Paccet who is circling around in an anticlockwise direction in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, you will come to a Type 1 Big Octy, who is firing beams at you - and once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will explode, and you will come to another Woru, that is moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a fourth Crystal Brain, that is bouncing up and down in front of you; once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, the six Yellow Paccets and the single White Paccet will fly down off the bottom of the screen, as Takky blasts through that wall on the right side of the screen. The six Yellow Paccets he's collected will then fly through the hole he has blasted in the aforementioned wall on the right side of the screen, as they are added his score for 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 points. (And yet again, you will also have to watch out for Polycators randomly appearing upon those ceilings and dropping down on Takky as he passes under them, along with Telepo materializing in front of him and exploding into eight projectiles here).
Stage 22[edit | edit source]
Once Takky (or Hommy if it's a two-player game) has blasted through the wall on the left side of the screen in the Machine Gun Vessel a White Paccet will appear above him and say "I'm your friend" before starting to circle around him in an anticlockwise direction; you must now start air-pedalling to the right as you come to a Woru that is moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a Type C Octy who is firing beams at you - and once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a yellow capsule behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, a Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air; once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction. You will now come to a Type A Octy who is firing projectiles at you - and once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave another yellow capsule behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, another Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air; once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in a anticlockwise direction. You will now come to two more Woru that are moving up and down in front of you - and once you have fired off enough shots at both of them to kill them, you will now come up to a Type E Octy who firing projectiles at you. Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave third yellow capsule behind; once you have air-pedalled up to open it, a third Yellow Paccet shall emerge from it, and fly up into the air. Once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman, in an anticlockwise direction - and you will now come to a fourth Woru, that is moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it kill it, you will come to a Red Bagann on the ceiling, who is spitting projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come up to a fifth Woru that is moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to another Red Bagann upon ceiling who is spitting projectiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to a sixth Woru, that is moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a third Red Bagann on the ceiling, who is spitting projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to three more Woru, that are moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at each of them to kill them, you will come to a fourth Red Bagann on the ceiling who is aspitting projectiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, a fifth Red Bagann will come bouncing towards you. Once you have fired off a shot at him to kill him, you will come up to Type B Octy who is firing projectiles at you; once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a fourth yellow capsule behind. Once you've air-pedalled up to it, to open it, a fourth Yellow Paccet will emerge from it, and fly up into the air - and once you've collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction. You will now come to a tenth Woru that is moving up and down in front of you; once you've afired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a second Type C Octy who is firing beams at you. Once you've fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a fifth yellow capsule behind - and once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, a fifth Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air. Once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction; you will now come to an eleventh Woru that is moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come up to another Type A Octy, who is firing projectiles at you - and once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a sixth yellow capsule behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to this, to open it, a sixth Yellow Paccet will emerge from it, and fly up into the air; once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in anticlockwise direction. You will now come to a Black Paccet who is circling around in anticlockwise direction in front of you - and once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, you'll come to another Black Paccet who is circling around in anticlockwise direction in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, you will come to a Type D Octy, who is firing projectiles at you; once you have afired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a seventh yellow capsule behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, a seventh Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and fly up into the air - and once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction. You will now come to a sixth Red Bagann upon the ceiling who is spitting projectiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come up to twelfth Woru, that is moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a seventh Red Bagann on the ceiling who is spitting projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, you will come to a third Type A Octy, who is firing projectiles at you. Once you have afired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave eighth yellow capsule behind - and once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, an eighth Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and afly into the air. Once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction; you will now come up to thirteenth Woru, that is moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come up to fourteenth Woru that is moving up and down in front of you - and once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to a second Type D Octy, who is firing projectiles at you. Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a ninth yellow capsule behind; once you have airpedalled up to it to open it, a ninth Yellow Paccet will emerge from it, and fly up into the air. Once you have collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in anticlockwise direction - and you will now come to two more Woru, that are moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at both of them to kill them, you will come to two more Woru that are moving up and down in front of you; once you have afired enough shots at both of them to kill them, you will come to a fourth Type A Octy who is firing projectiles at you. Once you have afired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a tenth yellow capsule behind - and once you have air-pedalled up to it to open it, a tenth Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and afly up into the air. Once you've collected him, he will start circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction; you will now come to a nineteenth Woru that is moving up and down in front of you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, you will come to another Type E Octy who is firing projectiles at you - and once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave an eleventh capsule behind. Once you have air-pedalled up to this to open it, an eleventh Yellow Paccet will emerge from it and afly up into the air; once you have collected him, he will start to circling around your spaceman in an anticlockwise direction. The eleven Yellow Paccets and the single White Paccet will then fly down off the bottom of the screen, as your spaceman blasts through that wall, upon the right side of the screen - and the eleven Yellow Paccets he has collected will then fly through the hole he has blasted in the aforementioned wall upon the right side of the screen, as they are added to his score for 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 7650 x 5 points. (And yet again, you will also have to watch out for Polycators appearing on the ceiling and dropping down on your spaceman as he passes under them, on this stage). And for those of you who don't know it, 7650 x 5 = 38250.
The Paccet Ojisan's bonus game will now be invoked for fourth time; yet again you must press the Firing Button, to slow down and stop the blue square that is moving around the virtual octagon on the left side of the screen in an anticlockwise direction (which yet again, is the opposite direction to the one that that red square from the end-of-floor bonus games in the original Baraduke moved around in). Also, yet again, there will always be a maximum of a 2/8 chance of it landing on an "Extra Paccet" icon, a maximum of a 4/8 chance of it landing on a "Shot Power Up" icon, a maximum of a 1/8 chance of it landing on a "Shot Power Down" icon, and a maximum of a 1/8 chance of it landing on a "Machine Gun Vessel" icon - and once again, you should try to make it slow down and stop on an "Extra Paccet" icon here, given that the boss of the twenty-third stage is a second Four-Eyed Blue Worm. Remember that the beams they will fire at Takky from their eyes can become impossible for him to avoid, if you do not destroy at least one of them quickly enough...
Stage 23 (Boss)[edit | edit source]
Once Takky has blasted through the wall upon the left side of the screen in the Machine Gun Vessel, a White Paccet will appear above him and say "I'm your friend" before starting to circle around him in an anticlockwise direction; a second Four-Eyed Blue Worm will now start advancing towards him while firing beams at him from his four enormous eyes (but unlike the seventeenth stage, there is a downward gravitational force on this one). You should also remember from your encounter with that first Four-Eyed Blue Worm, that if you do not destroy at least one of his eyes quickly enough, the beams that he is firing will become impossible for Takky to avoid - and once you have fired off enough shots at each of his eyes to destroy them (and again, you should aim for the bottom one first), he will explode and disappear, as Takky blasts through the wall on the right side of the screen. The text "BREAK TIME" will then appear on the screen for a fourth time, with that image of Takky without his biohazard-helmet below it; this is also the last time you'll see it in game.