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Exient Entertainment

Exient Entertainment (also known as Exient Limited) is an independent video game developer based in Oxford, United Kingdom. It is known for its ports of various games on the Madden NFL, FIFA, Need for Speed, The Sims and Tiger Woods PGA Tour series for Electronic Arts and the DJ Hero series for Activision. The company was incorporated in 2000 and began operations in January 2001.

Games developed[edit | edit source]

2010[edit | edit source]

2009[edit | edit source]

2008[edit | edit source]

2007[edit | edit source]

2006[edit | edit source]

2005[edit | edit source]

2004[edit | edit source]

2003[edit | edit source]

2002[edit | edit source]

2001[edit | edit source]

Pages in category "Exient Entertainment"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.