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Gust's company logo.
Parent companyKoei Tecmo

Gust was the first game software house to open in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. They started out making games for PCs, but in 1994 began making games for home consoles, primarily the PlayStation and later the PlayStation 2. Their best-known series of games is the Atelier series, known for its use of alchemy and item-crafting, distinctive character design, and traditional Japanese story-telling and graphical style.

In the US they have released or announced 5 titles in the Atelier series: three Atelier Iris titles, and two Mana Khemia titles (one of which is a PSP remake of the PS2 title, due in January 2009). They have also released two titles in the Ar Tonelico series. All of their US releases have been published by NIS America to date.