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Nintendo DS
The logo for Nintendo DS.
The console image for Nintendo DS.
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The Nintendo DS is Nintendo's mid-2000s mobile game console. It features dual screens arranged vertically, the lower of which is touch-sensitive for input, with 3D graphics approximately on par with the Nintendo 64, and backwards compatibility with Game Boy Advance games. It also has a microphone and wireless Wi-Fi for local and Internet multiplayer play.

Nintendo DS Lite
The console image for Nintendo DS Lite.

The Nintendo DS Lite is the lighter, sleeker version of the DS. It also has brighter screens than the original, with different levels of brightness.

Nintendo DSi
The console image for Nintendo DSi.

Nintendo released the DSi in 2008, a version of the DS that has a web browser and a slot for an SD card. It is also 12% slimmer than the DS Lite and has larger screens. It also plays downloadable DSiWare games. A second version called the Nintedo DSi XL was released in 2009 in Japan and 2010 worldwide.

DSiWare[edit | edit source]

DSiWare logo

The Nintendo DSi is able to connect to an online store called the DSi Shop. Here, using a Nintendo Points Prepaid Card (previously known as Wii Points Prepaid Card), users are able to download DSiWare games and applications to the internal memory of the user's DSi system. The applications are either free, or cost 200, 500, or 800+ (marked with a "Premium" tag) points. A DSiWare trial campaign offered 1,000 Points to each DSi that accesses its shop application. This trial expired entirely by the end of March 2010.

The DSi Shop was launched in 2009 with the DSi Browser, a web browser available for free download.

DSiWare software is also available on the Nintendo 3DS through the Nintendo eShop.

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection[edit | edit source]

Nintendo Wi-Fi connection is an online service run by Nintendo to facilitate free internet play in compatible Nintendo DS and Wii games. As of May 20, 2014, certain online functionality offered through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection are no longer accessible. The discontinued services include online play, matchmaking and leaderboards for many Wii, Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi games. A complete list of Nintendo DS Wi-Fi Connection games can be found on Wikipedia.

Pages in category "Nintendo DS"

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