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There are a few things to keep in mind when looking at a character's experience:

  1. Total experience is the total amount of experience that a character has gained and that next is the amount of experience required to level up.
  2. Characters not being used in battle (waiting at the End of Time) gain 75% of the experience from battle. Additionally, if the experience gain for such a character is great enough to grant them two levels, the character will only receive one level and the next value will be that of the current level. There is no carry over of experience points. Thus, if Crono was out of the party at level 1 (not possible) and a battle was won earning 130EXP, instead of becoming level 4, he would earn 97 XP (the way XP is rounded is unknown; it is rounded down for this example) and go to level 3 and his next value would be 33. This is why your out of party characters are always at lower levels than the main ones you use the most.

Reading the table[edit | edit source]

Note that the following tables contain the actual next value of every level (in the "Next" column) that appears when a character is at that level. Additionally, a cumulative next value ("Experience Needed" column) is listed denoting how much experience is actually needed to level.

For example, at level one you need 20 experience to go to level two. At level two, you need 40 experience to go to level three. At three however, you need 70 experience to level and thus the total experience needed to get to level four is 130. An easy way to read the table is, "To get to level L, I need a total of E experience; but to level up to L+1 I need N amount of experience" (L|E|N).

Remember the point above about non-party character leveling and that Crono will primarily stick with this table for most of the game.

Level Experience Needed Next Value
1 0 20
2 20 40
3 60 70
4 130 110
5 240 160
6 400 220
7 620 300
8 920 400
9 1,320 520
10 1,840 650
11 2,490 790
12 3,280 940
13 4,220 1,100
14 5,320 1,270
15 6,590 1,450
16 8,040 1,640
17 9,680 1,840
18 11,520 2,050
19 13,570 2,270
20 15,840 2,500
21 18,340 2,740
22 21,080 2,990
23 24,070 3,250
24 27,320 3,520
25 30,840 3,800
26 34,640 4,090
27 38,730 4,390
28 43,120 4,700
29 47,820 5,020
30 52,840 5,350
31 58,190 5,690
32 63,880 6,040
33 69,920 6,400
Level Experience Needed Next Value
34 76,320 6,770
35 83,090 7,150
36 90,240 7,540
37 97,780 7,940
38 105,720 8,350
39 114,070 8,770
40 122,840 9,200
41 132,040 9,640
42 141,680 10,090
43 151,770 10,550
44 162,320 11,020
45 173,340 11,500
46 184,840 11,990
47 196,830 12,490
48 209,320 13,000
49 222,320 13,520
50 235,840 14,050
51 249,890 14,590
52 264,480 15,140
53 279,620 15,700
54 295,320 16,270
55 311,590 16,850
56 328,440 17,440
57 345,880 18,040
58 363,920 18,650
59 382,570 19,270
60 401,840 19,900
61 421,740 20,540
62 442,280 21,190
63 463,470 21,850
64 485,320 22,520
65 507,840 23,200
66 531,040 23,890
Level Experience Needed Next Value
67 554,930 24,590
68 579,520 25,300
69 604,820 26,020
70 630,840 26,750
71 657,590 27,490
72 685,080 28,240
73 713,320 29,000
74 742,320 29,770
75 772,090 30,550
76 802,640 31,340
77 833,980 32,140
78 866,120 32,950
79 899,070 33,770
80 932,840 34,600
81 967,440 35,440
82 1,002,880 36,290
83 1,039,170 37,150
84 1,076,320 38,020
85 1,114,340 38,900
86 1,153,240 39,790
87 1,193,030 40,690
88 1,233,720 41,600
89 1,275,320 42,520
90 1,317,840 43,450
91 1,361,290 44,390
92 1,405,680 45,340
93 1,451,020 46,300
94 1,497,320 47,270
95 1,544,590 48,250
96 1,592,840 49,240
97 1,642,080 50,240
98 1,692,320 51,250
** 1,743,570 N/A