The "warm wall"[edit | edit source]
As you cross the first corridor, you'll be greeted by a ceiling sentry that shoots bullets in five directions. Then you'll meet this area's version of the small winged creatures. They are missiles that are delivered vertically, and detach from their delivery system when they reach your height and fly forward. While some missiles throughout the area drop items, they never give you blade experience, so don't use them to improve the rank of your blades.
Proceed to the first elevator shaft, and ride the elevator up to the top. In addition to the missiles and ceiling sentries, you'll notice floor and ceiling mounted laser systems that fire lasers straight up or down. At the top of the elevator, jump off to the right, hop up the platforms, and enter the corridor to the left. In this corridor are ceiling mounted lasers, as well as a small robot that takes a substantial number of hits to defeat.
When you reach the next elevator shaft, you should notice that you can access the area above, but only if you use the Jet Boots. Activate the boots, and fly up to the top. To the left the of the three ceiling mounted lasers, you'll see a red gate which you must open with your Hyper Ray. Inside, you'll find a Cosmo Police who tells you to "destroy the warm wall with the Prism Wave." This is a bit of a cryptic clue, and you won't be able to receive it from the man by crouching until the effect of your Jet Boots wear off.
Return back outside, and drop down to the bottom of the elevator shaft. Head left, into the next corridor. When you enter, you will notice the barriers on the ceilings and the fact that you are slowly losing health. Activate your Barrier Shield to remain safe. Cross to the left and you'll reach a dead-end. Because of the cryptic clue that you received from the Cosmo Police, you may be looking for some kind of hot wall, a wall of flames or something similar. But the "warm" wall you are looking for is right before you, in the only room with barriers. Hit this wall three times with your Prism Wave, and step inside.
When you do, you'll find another Cosmo Police in room M2, and this one will give you the greatest blade of all: the Cosmo Blade. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use it yet, but at least you've found it. If you exit and return to this man, he'll tell you that you need a four-letter password to pass the final gate.
The Cosmo Arm[edit | edit source]
You have a choice here. You can go the long way, or you can save yourself some time and effort by activating the Jet Boots and flying up through the first gap in the ceiling, up to the corridor above, and on to the left. If you take the long way (good for leveling up your Hyper Blade), run back to the right (after activating your Barrier Shield), ride the elevator up, and enter the upper corridor on the left. This corridor contains many gaps between small platform islands. If you fall through the gaps, you'll fall back down into the barrier corridor. The upper corridor is populate by ceiling lasers, and large floating walls of energy. These walls are only vulnerable to attack on the top and bottom, and they tend to drop HP capsules. Make your way over to the left (or fly over using the Jet Boots).
In the next room, another gap will appear in the ceiling above you, which you can use the Jet Boots to fly up to. When you reach the top, you'll see another red gate. Blast it open with the Hyper Ray and step inside. When the Jet Boots wear off, you can talk to the Cosmo Police inside, and he will tell you that a warp hole will appear somewhere after you destroy a computer. However, this computer can be very tricky to locate.
Reactivate the Jet Boots, step outside, and cross the wide gap to the passage on the right. Take care of the sentry and the robot as you cross the next corridor. When you enter the bottom of the pit on the right, you'll see a floating enemy that hovers in a figure eight. Destroy it, jump up the set of platforms, and then you'll find another floating enemy. After you destroy it, you'll have to use the Jet Boots again to continue upward.
As you fly to the top, you'll encounter pods that pulse energy waves between them. When you reach the top, make note of the odd structure in the upper left corner of the ceiling. Head into the right passage. While you cross here, you'll be bombarded by a quartet of missiles. This happens to be a good place to stick around and raise your HP and CP. Try to increase your HP and CP to the maximum before continuing on through the passage on the right.
In the next section, activate the Jet Boots and fly up to the top. Don't waste any time, and continue straight on to the corridor to the left. With the Jet Boots still active, you should be able to fly all the way across this lava filled room without having to jump from platform to platform in order to reach the other side. Ignore the ceiling sentry and the missiles and enter the next room.
You'll face a new kind of mini-boss. This large structure hovers around in a figure eight, It is surrounded by four energy spheres which rotate around to protect it. It will occasionally shoot a similar looking projectile in your direction. This boss isn't particularly hard to fight since it moves in a predictable pattern, but it does do a lot of damage if it hits you, so be careful. Activate your Auto-Protect and strike it until it is defeated. Alternatively, you can stand on the ledge to the right and shoot Prism Waves at it. It's safer, doesn't take too many to defeat it, and works faster than if your Hyper Blade is still Rank B. As a reward, you will earn the Cosmo Arm. Although you have both the Arm and the Blade, the Blade still isn't quite ready as a useful weapon, so stick with your Hyper Blade for now.
Alien Dimensions[edit | edit source]
If you continue to the left, you will not be able to pass, presumably since you don't know the password yet. Additionally, you still need to find a way to revive the Cosmo Blade to full strength. For now, you'll going to go all the way back to the room just to the left of the corridor above the barrier corridor (above the room where you received the Cosmo Blade.) Enter the corridor to the left, take out the robot and the ceiling lasers, and enter the next room. There you will find a warp gate to the alien dimension.
This alien dimension consists of three levels. Most levels have two corridors, and those corridor will be duplicates of each other. The bottom level has an extra corridor to the right. The middle level has no enemies, just lava bursting out from the floor and two elevators that lead up and down. The lower level consists mostly of electric enemies and bubble monsters. You'll have to head to the right side of the bottom level where you will find that extra corridor. This corridor is covered with lava, and you must jump from island to island to reach the other side.
When you make it to the room at the far right side, you'll find a Cosmo Police. If you don't have the Cosmo Arm or the Cosmo Blade, he'll tell you to find them and come back. If you have them both, he'll revive the power of the Cosmo Blade. This blade can rank from F to A, and is determined by the number of other blades that you have increased to A rank. If all six blades are Rank A, the Cosmo Blade will be Rank A as well. A Cosmo Blade at Rank A will make short work of all your enemies.
Before you leave, visit the room on the left side of the upper level. There you'll find a Cosmo Police who tells you that the password at least contains a D. The cross over to the far right side of the level. You'll enter a room containing a medusa head mini-boss. She'll offer to tell you a secret for 2000 CP. If you say yes, she'll just steal you CP or attack you if you don't have enough. Say no, and she'll attack you anyway, but not before telling you that the fourth letter of the password is an O. When you're all done, return to the right room of the middle level and warp back to your home dimension.
[edit | edit source]
This next part can be somewhat frustrating to find. From the warp gate, head back to the right, through the next corridor. When you're back at the bottom of the pit, activate the Jet Boots, and fly up to the top. Pass through the corridor to the right, and jump up the platforms in the next pit until you need to use your Jet Boots again. Fly up to the top, and you should recognize that strange block in the upper left corner of the screen. It just so happens that you can remove this block if you shoot it three times with the Prism Wave.
Destroying the block will create a new passage, and inside you will find a computer. This is the computer which you were told would make a new warp gate appear if you destroyed it. With a Rank A Cosmo Blade, the computer will prove to be very little challenge. Destroy it, and then return back the way you came. Your next objective is to return to the place just outside where you met the first Cosmo Police. Cross over the corridor above the barrier corridor, and activate the Jet Boots to fly up to where the first Cosmo Police's room was. You should now see a new warp gate to use.
Getting the rest of the password[edit | edit source]
The only real reason to enter this second alien dimension is to discover the other two letters of the password. There is one Cosmo Police, and a number of dead-end mini-boss rooms to investigate. Your goal is to locate the two rooms that will help you most. Unfortunately, the Cosmo Police in the lower left corner is not one of the helpful rooms, as he only tells you about the need for the Cosmo Arm to use the Cosmo Blade.
One useful room is the far right room of the highest floor. If you pay the floating head inside 2000 CP, she'll tell you that the first letter is M. The other useful room is on the far left side of the floor you arrived on. When you enter, you'll see a floating head who will ask if you are going to kill her. If you say no, she'll thank you by telling you that A is one of the letters of the password. When you are done, you can return home by running from this room to the right.
Entering the password[edit | edit source]
You should have obtained all the clues you need to enter the four letter password that will allow you into the chamber beyond where you collected the Cosmo Arm. Return to that location near the top of the level. To review the clues that you were given:
- The first letter is M.
- A is one of the letters.
- The password contains a D.
- The fourth letter is O.
That only leaves the combinations MDAO and MADO, and Mado is the name of the bad guy so that is likely the password. Enter MADO and sure enough the gate will open.
Defeating the boss[edit | edit source]
The boss of this area seems quite tough at first, but if you make good use of the tools that you have at your disposal, you should be able to make short work of him without taking much damage. First, activate your Auto-Protect so that it stays in effect throughout the fight. Next, run all the way to the left. A tall knight-like enemy will appear. His behavior is to leap about, and smack the floor with his sword which creates four sparks. Three of the sparks will fan out, while the fourth will always target you. His only weak point is is face. To easily defeat this enemy and avoid taking damage, activate the Jet Boots so that you can easily hover off the floor and at the height of his face. As he jumps towards you, push left so that you fly against the left wall. As soon as the sparks appear, turn around and fly to the right. This will cause the fourth spark to fly to the wall, and you can safely ignore it. Fly close enough to hit the boss in the face with your sword, but not so close that you will get hit when he races his sword. When he jumps away, fly back to the left wall and repeat the process until he is defeated. Your Jet Boots will likely run out before you defeat the boss, so be prepared to reactivate them when necessary.
Escape route?[edit | edit source]
When you defeat the boss, a passage will appear on the left. Step through it, and you will encounter the last elevator lift in the entire game. Get off the elevator and head to the left. From now on, you'll have to use Jet Boots to fly up any higher. The final set of passages snakes back and forth as you climb higher and higher. In the process, you'll encounter plenty of enemies that you are familiar with throughout the sixth area, as well as one final enemy which you will encounter for the first time in these passages. This enemy resembles an alien, dies with three hits from an Rank A Cosmo Blade, and provides 100 experience points when defeated. Make sure that you stop and look for opportunities to refuel your HP and CP. There are plenty of respawning enemies along the way that drop these items. Bring your HP and CP as close to maximum as possible. When you reach the final corridor, you'll head right and enter a room that looks as though it's outdoors. This is when you'll face one final enemy.
The final boss[edit | edit source]
This boss is an angry evolution of the previous boss. Now sporting a helmet, this version of the boss and jump higher, and when it points its blade out, three sparks fly off in your direction. Then they proceed to bounce around the screen until they wander off. The boss flies off the screen for a brief period before returning. The strategy for this boss will be somewhat similar to the last strategy, although you'll have to adapt it a little to account for when the boss flies away. Activate your Auto-Protect, and keep the Jet Boots working. As the boss flies straight down from the sky, you can hit him twice with your sword, once on the way down, and once on the way back up. Then turn and prepare for him to land behind you. Get close to his face and strike him two or three times. Any more than that and you will risk getting hurt by his sparks. They do 900 damage to you with your armor on. If you have plenty of health and can afford getting hit, stay there and strike him as fast as possible. If not, you'll need to back away to avoid taking damage and wait for him to fly away and return before resuming your attack. Note that you can't destroy the sparks with your sword unless you activate Blade Power. Once you reduce this boss' health to 0, a passage to the right will open and you will be treated to the end of the game. Congratulations!