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Box artwork for Duke Nukem Forever.
Box artwork for Duke Nukem Forever.
Duke Nukem Forever
Developer(s)Gearbox Software
Publisher(s)2K Games
Year released2011
System(s)Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, macOS
SeriesDuke Nukem
Genre(s)First-person shooter
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)Mature Accompanied & RestrictedBBFC 18ESRB MaturePEGI Ages 18+CERO Ages 18 and upUSK Ages 18+
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LinksDuke Nukem Forever at PCGamingWikiDuke Nukem Forever ChannelSearch

Duke Nukem Forever is a first-person shooter for Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 that was developed by 3D Realms and Triptych Games and finished by Gearbox Software and Piranha Games. It is a sequel to the 1996 game Duke Nukem 3D, as part of the long-running Duke Nukem video game series.

Intended to be groundbreaking, Duke Nukem Forever became infamous in the video game industry and its name became synonymous with vaporware due to its severely-protracted development schedule; the game was released in 2011 but had been in development since 1996. On June 27, 2011, Aspyr Media announced that Duke Nukem Forever would be making its way onto Mac OS X in August 2011. It was made available for pre-order on June 27 via their online game distribution platform GameAgent.

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