Faceball 2000/Gameplay

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The main menu.

Faceball 2000. Use the Neutral dpad to move your cursor and A button to select your choice.

Cyberscape[edit | edit source]

Cyberscape has 75 levels usually arranged like a maze. The goal is to find the exit wall and move to the next level before time runs out. Cyberscape has the same powerups as Cyberzone along with its own powerups, switches, and hidden walls.

Arena[edit | edit source]

Arena is a single match game where you are pitted against Simloids, against other players or with other players. In the Game Boy version, you can play with two players with a Link Cable or three to four players with the Four Player Adapter. The object of the game is to get ten tags by destroying your opponent or additional Smiloids. Before starting, you'll first be prompted to set the amount of Simloids you want in the battlefield. You can choose a difficulty level or set up to eight Smiloids. If only one player is playing or two players are playing a team match, there must be at least one Simloid. After that, you can choose from one of fifteen mazes to have your match.

Arena mode.

When the match begins, the player or players can move freely. The four different smile faces represent your hit points: happy is 3, OK is 2, hurt is 1, and knocked out is 0. How many tags you have are shown at the bottom, which get filled with smiley faces.

Tagging out the opposing player or a Similoid will net you a tag. After that, the shot player or Simloid respawns at a random spot in the maze. They will blink for a few seconds, making them invulnerable to all shots and explosions. How many hit points the player is revived with depends on the Revive setting in the options menu.

Options[edit | edit source]

The options menu.

In options, there are settings you can change regarding your smiley and the game. Some options only show up when choosing two players.

Name is where you enter your own name for the game. Neutral dpad moves the cursor between letters. Press A button to select a letter. Press B button to delete a letter. When you're finished, press A button while selecting END.

Face is where you can change your appearance with 4 Smileys that have different looks.

Team Play affects whether players can shoot each other; having it on will make players invulnerable to the other player's bullets. Use Up dpad / Down dpad to select the player and Left dpad / Right dpad to assign them to a team.

Strength sets how many hit points the player's Smiley has: happy for 3 hit points, OK for 2 hit points, and hurt for 1 hit point.

Music toggles the background music on or off. It does not do anything to sound effects.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

A game in Cyberscape.

When starting, you'll find your viewpoint at the center with the HUD at the top and bottom. Above, you'll find your time limit for the level and your stats: armor for hit points, speed for how fast you go, and shots for amount of bullets in the air. Gaining more of each stat will fill that respective bar with green. The top is your health indicator with four faces to show your current health level: happy, OK, hurt, and knocked out. The bottom also has the amount of lives indicated by a tiny smiley face and your points indicated by a dollar sign. If an an enemy is in sight, it will display the name of it above the score.

The Neutral dpad moves your character forward and backward along with turning side to side. A button fires a shot; you can only have one shot in the air at a time. Your shot will make a different sound depending on whether you hit a wall, hit an enemy, or destroy an enemy. B button will pick up items. These items are in capsules that will open when you touch them. Select button displays the map. It will show your location and the maze. The map is slowly revealed by exploring the maze. It can be revealed all at once with the Map item.

You can find circles on the floor: buttons and teleporters. Buttons will move walls in a level to a different spot or remove them completely. They can be pressed infinitely. Teleporters will take you to a different location and are one-way only. Some walls can be lightly colored or black to indicate that they're doors that must be opened with a button, breakable walls that can be shot, or walls that can teleport you. Some walls are even invisible and can only be spotted by shooting or touching them. Some invisible walls can be shot as well as hidden walls that are colored like regular walls.

Items can be found in Cyberscape by exploring. There are power-ups that give you permanent boosts to your stats or special-ups that temporarily give you an ability. There are also items: maps that reveal the entire level, keys that open certain walls, clues that give you hints, bandaids that heal you, coins that give you points, and extra lives that reward you with more lives.