Stage 21[edit | edit source]
Once your Fighters have flown up into view from the bottom of the screen, and the background fades back in again, three Baby Moths will fly down into view from the top of the screen while firing a hail of bullets down at you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them twenty-four Zako, seven more Baby Moths, seven Green Goei, two Boss Tentoumushi, and two Boss Choucho shall come flying down into view from the top of the screen while firing another hail of bullets down at you. Once you have fired a single shot at as many of the non-Boss enemies as you can, to kill them (and two shots at as many of the Boss enemies as you can, to kill them), a maximum of one of the Baby Moths, one of the Green Goei and eight of the Zako will fly off the left and right sides of the screen (the others will take their places in the formation) - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, any remaining enemies in the formation will begin to attack your Fighters. Once you've fired a single shot at each of the remaining non-Boss enemies to kill them, and two shots at each of the remaining Boss enemies to kill them, five more Green Goei and five Yuubaku Mushi will come flying down into view from the top of the screen while firing a third hail of bullets down at you; once you have fired off a shot at each of these to kill them, twenty-four Hotaru, seven more Baby Moths, seven Tombows and four Boss Galagas will come flying down into view from the top of the screen while firing a fourth hail of bullets down at you. Once you've fired a single shot at as many of the non-Boss enemies as you can to kill them and two shots at as many of the Boss Galagas as you can to kill them, a maximum of one more Baby Moth, one Tombow and four Hotaru shall fly off those left and right sides of the screen, while a maximum of four more of the Hotaru will fly down towards your Fighters (the others will take their places in a second formation) - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, any remaining enemies in the second formation shall start to attack your Fighters. Once you have fired a single shot at all the remaining non-Boss enemies to kill them (and two shots at all the remaining Boss Galagas to kill them), the Fighters will fly up off the top of the screen as the text of "STAGE CLEAR!!" is displayed on it (and they shall then proceed onward to the twenty-second stage of the game).
Note: If a Baby Moth flies down to the bottom of the screen, he shall transform into an adult Moth (), which takes two hits to kill rather than just one.
Stage 22[edit | edit source]
Once both your Fighters have flown up into view from the bottom of the screen and the background has faded back in again, the text "SPACE-FLOWER ZONE" (or "UCHU-FLOWER ZONE" for the original Japanese versions) will appear on the screen; a wormhole will then open up at the top of the screen as eight Green Goei, fourteen Zako, twenty-four Hotaru and four Boss Tentoumushi emerge from it to circle around in a clockwise direction while firing a hail of bullets down at you. Once you've fired a shot at as many of the non-Boss enemies as you can, to kill them (with two shots at as many of the Boss Tentoumushi as you can to kill them), a maximum of two of the Green Goei, one of the Zako, and six of the Hotaru will fly off the right side of the screen, while a maximum of the other six Green Goei, five more of the Zako, and six more of the Hotaru will fly down towards your Fighters (the other remaining enemies will take their places in the formation) - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, any remaining enemies in the formation will start to attack your Fighters. Once you fire a single shot at each of the remaining non-Boss enemies to kill them (and two shots at each of the remaining Boss Tentoumushi to kill them) two more wormholes will open up on the left and right sides of the screen as four Boss Galagas, six Tombows, six more Zako and sixteen more Hotaru emerge from them to circle around while firing another hail of bullets down at you; once you fire a single shot at as many of those non-Boss enemies as you can to kill them (along with two shots at as many of those Boss Galagas as you can to kill them), a maximum of one Tombow will fly off the right side of the screen (the other remaining enemies will take their places in another formation). Once you've fired a shot at him to kill him, any remaining enemies in the second formation will start to attack your Fighters - and once you fire off a single shot at each of the remaining non-Boss enemies to kill them (and two shots at each of the remaining Boss Galagas to kill them), a fourth wormhole shall open up at the bottom of the screen as ten more Green Goei, twelve more Zako, twenty-two more Hotaru and four more Boss Tentoumushi come flying out of it to circle around in a clockwise direction while firing a third hail of bullets down at you. Once you have fired a shot at as many of them as you can to kill them, a maximum of two of the Green Goei, three of the Zako, and four of the Hotaru will fly off the right side of the screen, while a maximum of the other eight Green Goei, the other nine Zako and six more of the Hotaru will fly down towards your Fighters (the others will take their places in a third formation); once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them any remaining enemies in the third formation shall start to attack the Fighters. Once you fire off a single shot at each of the remaining non-Boss enemies to kill them (with two shots at each of the remaining Boss Tentoumushi to kill them) your Fighters shall fly up off the top of the screen as the text of "STAGE CLEAR!!" gets displayed on it, and they will now proceed onward to the twenty-third stage of the game.
Stage 23[edit | edit source]
Once both your Fighters have flown up into view from the bottom of the screen and the background has faded back in again, two Boss Tentoumushi, two Boss Choucho, twenty-eight Ogawamushi, six Goei, and two Yuubaku Mushi will fly down into view from the top of the screen while firing a hail of bullets down at you; once you've fired a single shot at as many of the non-Boss enemies as you can to kill them (and two shots at as many of the Boss enemies as you can to kill them) a maximum of of eight Ogawamushi shall fly down towards your Fighters (the others will take their places in the formation). Once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, any remaining enemies in the formation will start to attack the Fighters - and once you have fired a single shot at each of the remaining non-Boss enemies to kill them (along with two shots at each of the remaining Boss enemies to kill them), a wormhole shall open up in the centre of the screen as three Microcosm Flowers, three more Yuubaku Mushi, four Boss Galagas, four more Boss Tentoumushi and four more Boss Choucho emerge from them, to fly around the screen in an anticlockwise direction while firing a second hail of bullets down at you (the Boss enemies shall also circle around the Microcosm Flowers and Yuubaku Mushi, in a clockwise direction). Once you fire a single shot at all of the Yuubaku Mushi to kill them (along with two shots at each of the Boss enemies to kill them, and enough shots at each of the Microcosm Flowers to kill them), four more wormholes will then open up on the left and right sides of the screen, as two more Yuubaku Mushi, two more Microcosm Flowers, four more Boss Tentoumushi and four more Boss Galagas emerge from them and fly around the screen in opposing directions while firing a third hail of bullets down at you (the Boss enemies will also circle around the Microcosm Flowers and Yuubaku Mushi in opposing directions); once you fire a single shot at both of the Yuubaku Mushi to kill them (along with two shots at all Boss enemies to kill them and enough shots at both Microcosm Flowers to kill them), a sixth wormhole shall open up in the centre of the screen as three more Microcosm Flowers, three more Yuubaku Mushi, four more Boss Galagas, four more Boss Tentoumushi, and four more Boss Choucho emerge from them to fly around the screen in a clockwise direction while firing a fourth hail of bullets down at you (the Boss enemies shall also circle around the Microcosm Flowers and Yuubaku Mushi in an anticlockwise direction). Once you've fired a single shot at all the Yuubaku Mushi to kill them, along with two shots at all of the Boss enemies to kill them, and enough shots at all of the Microcosm Flowers to kill them, the Fighters will fly up off the top of the screen as the text "STAGE CLEAR!!" is displayed on it - and they will now go to Stage 24.
Stage 24[edit | edit source]
Once both your Fighters have flown up into view from the bottom of the screen and the background has faded back in again, a wormhole will open up in the centre of the screen as twelve Hotaru and twelve Boss Tentoumushi emerge from it to circle around in a clockwise direction while firing a first hail of bullets down at you; once you have fired off a single shot at each of the Hotaru to kill them (and two shots at each of the Boss Tentoumushi to kill them) two more wormholes will open up in the centre of the screen as sixteen more Hotaru, twelve Zako, eight Baby Moths, twelve Green Goei, six Tombows, eight Boss Galagas and six Boss Choucho emerge from them and circle around while firing a second hail of bullets down at you. Once you have fired a single shot at as many of the non-Boss enemies as you can to kill them, along with two shots at as many of the Boss enemies as you can to kill them, a maximum of all twelve Zako, five Green Goei, one Tombow, all six Boss Choucho and one Boss Galaga will fly off the left and right sides of the screen, while a maximum of the other seven Green Goei, another of the Tombows and three more of the Boss Galagas will fly down towards your Fighters (the others will take their places in the formation) - and once you fire a single shot at each of the non-Boss enemies to kill them and two shots at each of the Boss enemies to kill them, any remaining enemies in the formation will start to attack your Fighters. Once you have fired off a single shot at each of the remaining non-Boss enemies to kill them (and two shots at each of the remaining Boss enemies to kill them), two more wormholes shall open up in the centre of the screen as four more Boss Galagas, six more Tombows, six more Baby Moths and sixteen more Hotaru emerge from them and then circle around while firing a third hail of bullets down at you; once you have fired a single shot at as many of the non-Boss enemies to kill them (and two shots at as many of the Boss Galagas as you can to kill them) all remaining enemies will take their places in a second formation. Two more wormholes shall then open up upon the left and right sides of the screen as two Yuubaku Mushi, ten more Zako and ten more Green Goei emerge from them and circle around while firing a fourth hail of bullets down at you - and once you've fired a shot at as many of them as you can to kill them the remaining enemies will fly off the left and right sides of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them any remaining enemies in the second formation will start to attack the Fighters; once you have fired a single shot at each of the remaining non-Boss enemies to kill them (and two shots at each of the remaining Boss Galagas to kill them), an eighth wormhole shall open up in the centre of the screen as twelve more Boss Galagas and Zako come out and circle around in an anticlockwise direction while firing a fifth hail of bullets down at you. Once you've fired out a single shot at all of the Zako to kill them (and two shots at all the Boss Galagas to kill them) your Fighters will fly up off the top of the screen as the text "STAGE CLEAR!!" appears on it.
Stage 25 (Challenging Stage)[edit | edit source]
Once your Fighters have come flying up into view from the bottom of the screen, and that background has faded back in again, the text "CHALLENGING STAGE" shall fly into view from the right side of the screen and off its left side; sixteen wormholes will now open up in the screen's top-left corner as four Tombows, four Boss Choucho, four Green Goei, and four Boss Galagas emerge from them and circle around in a clockwise direction. Once you've fired a single shot at each of the non-Boss enemies to kill them (with two shots at each of the Boss enemies to kill them), sixteen more wormholes shall open in the screen's top-right corner as four more Boss Galagas, four Zako, four more Boss Choucho and four Hotaru emerge from them and circle around in an anticlockwise direction - and once you've fired a single shot at each of the non-Boss enemies to kill them and two shots at each of the Boss enemies to kill them, four more Boss Choucho and four more Green Goei will fly down into view from the top of the screen as the background scrolls one pixel to the left, fly outwards in all eight directions, circle around in an anticlockwise direction, fly back inwards in all eight directions, and repeat this cycle twice. Once you have fired a single shot at each of the Green Goei to kill them (and two shots at each of the Boss Choucho to kill them) the background shall change as the Fighters fly up off the top of the screen for the 25th time, then fade out as the text "RESULTS" flies down onto it from its top-right corner.
In one-player mode the player's number of hits and bonus of 100 points per hit will be tabulated in the centre of the screen, and if he or she managed to kill all forty enemies, the text of "PERFECT! SPECIAL BONUS 10000 PTS" will appear below it; however, in two-player mode, both players' numbers of hits and bonuses of 100 points per hit will be tabulated on the left and right sides of the screen and the text "PERFECT! SPECIAL BONUS 10000 PTS" will appear under that of the higher one, even if that player did not actually kill all forty enemies. The Fighters will then go on to the Enemy-Comb Zone.
Note: If you do not move your Fighter or fire any shots at the enemies during this stage, the text of "LUCKY! AUDIENCE BONUS 7650 PTS" will appear below your number of hits (which will obviously be 0) and bonus (which will obviously be "NONE") at the end of it; 7650 is Namco's goroawase number.