Golden Axe II/The Duel
From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
The Duel is a useful training ground for familiarising yourself with the various enemies and bosses in the game, as well as being a good challenge in its own right.
With two players it's a versus mode: you can use all the various attacks to fight each other.
The single player is more interesting. You start with 80 hit points, and you cannot heal or use any magic. There are no credits either, so if you lose you have to start over.
There are fifteen rounds:
- Brown Longmoan
- Blue Heninger riding a Chicken Leg
- Green Lizard
- two Blue Heningers
- two Fuchsia Longmoans and a Green Dragon
- two White Skeletons
- two Silver Longmoans with a Chicken Leg and Fire Dragon
- Bronze Armor
- two Red Lizards
- two Minotaurs
- two Gold Longmoans and a Gold Heninger
- two Purple Lizards
- two Blue Minotaurs
- two White Neo-Skeletons
- two Pink Armors