Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas/Territories
From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
This is a complete list of all the territories CJ can win through Turf Wars.
Official Territories[edit | edit source]
These are the ones Rockstar intended to have available in the game.
- Grove Street (CJ starts with this and it cannot be taken from him)
- Ganton, south of Grove Street
- Playa Del Seville
- Los Santos Arena (east beach)
- East Beach just north of above
- rectangle north of #4, located at an s-shaped bend in the road
- east of the northernmost Cluckin' Bell (i.e., above Grove Street) in east Los Santos
- tiny square just east of the above, the lower part of the J-shaped alley
- east beach just north of #5 above
- small square in northeast district of Los Santos
- Big Smoke's Crack Palace in east Los Santos
- Los flores, just east of the above
- directly above the Binco on Grove Street
- most eastern part of Willowfield, just south of Grove Street
- Willowfield, south of the above
- most southeastern part of Willowfield, just west of the above
- small square of turf directly above #13
- western Willowfield near the tattoo shop
- south Idlewood near the Pay 'n' Spray
- the gas station in the most southwestern part of Idlewood
- The club in central Idlewood
- Smoke's house in central Idlewood, just east of the above
- Idlewood, just west of Grove Street
- the freeway in northern Idlewood
- southern Glen Park, west of the hospital
- Glen Park
- Las Colinas, north of Glen Park
- Las Colinas, to east of the above
- Las Colinas, to east of the above
- Las Colinas, to east of the above
- Las Colinas, to east of the above
- Las Colinas, to east of the above
- Jefferson, east of the hospital
- southern Jefferson, just south of the above
- central Jefferson, where the safehouse is situated
- mall in Northwest Jefferson
- Jefferson Motel
- Most northwestern part of East Los Santos.
- East Los Santos east of the above
- Most eastern part of Verona Beach
- Verona Beach, just west of the above
- Northwestern Verona Beach, west of the above
- Verona Beach, southeast of the above
- West Verona Beach, west of the above
- Eastern Santa Marina Beach
- Western Santa Marina Beach
- West Vinewood
- West Temple
- Southern Temple, east of the above
- Temple, east of the above
- Temple, just north of the above
- A small line found in the most northeastern part of temple, just north of the above
Territories unlocked between Home Coming and Los Desperados[edit | edit source]
- Western El Corona
- Eastern El Corona
- Northern Little Mexico
- Southern Little Mexico
Hidden Territories[edit | edit source]
Unlock these by performing the 178 territories glitch.
- Bayside Marina
- Las Venturas
- Bone County
- Verdant Meadows
- Las Payasadas
- Green Palms
- Octane Springs
- Fort Carson
- Hunter Quarry
- Regular Tom
- Las Brujas
- Northern Tierra Robada
- the Sherman Dam
- El Quebrados
- Aldea Melvada
- Arco Del Ceste
- Bayside
- southern Tierra Robada, slightly below #69
- Las Barrancas
- Northern Gant Bridge
- Southern Gant Bridge
- Juniper Hollow
- Southern Foster valley "two circles are there" (unconfirmed)
- Central foster valley, north of the above
- square territory to west of San Fierro's arena
- San Fierro's arena, in Foster Valley
- Eastern Bay Airport, just east of the above
- Eastern bay airport, just northeastern of #83 Underground parking garage
- Eastern bay airport, tiny strip in between #84 and #86
- the most eastern part of eastern bay airport, right of #85
- Hashbury
- Central Ocean Flats, west of #88
- Southern Doherty,North of #82
- most southwestern part of Ocean Flats, left of the country club
- City Hall
- most Northern part of Ocean Flats
- Palisades
- Santa flora
- Sothern Queens, near the barber shop
- Northern queens,north of #95
- Queens, east of #96
- Southern King's, where hotel suite is found
- most southern part of Downtown
- Downtown just north of #99 where cluckin bell is found
- Financial
- Downtown, just east of #101
- Downtown, just east of #102
- Esplande East, just north of #103
- Esplande east, just east of #104
- Downtown, west of #101
- Most Northern part of Downtown
- Triangle of turf roundabouts found #104 and #107
- Pardiso
- Juniper Hill
- San Fierro
- Whetstone
- Angle Pine
- Shady creeks, just south of the junkyard
- Shady creeks, just east of #114
- Flint County
- Back o' Beyond
- Leafy Hollow
- The Farm
- Red County
- Eastern Basin Airport, a small strip of turf east of #83
- Eastern Bay Chemicals
- Fallen Tree
- The Panoption
- Martain Bridge
- Blueberry Acres
- Upper Blueberry
- Lower Blueberry
- Fern Ridge
- Fallow Bridge
- Hampton Barns, small section of the road
- Montgomery
- small section of road, east of Montgomery (#132)
- The Mako Span
- Hankypanky Point
- Palomino Creek
- North Rock
- Los Santos
- Hilltop Farm
- Dillimore
- Flint Range
- Western Marina
- Eastern Marina
- Southern Marina
- Northern Conference Center
- Southern conference Center
- Northwestern Verdant Bluffs, south of Southern Conference Center (#146)
- Northeastern Verdant Bluffs east of Northwestern Verdant Bluffs (#147)
- Southern Verdant bluffs, south of Northwestern Verdant Bluffs (#147)
- Los Santos International
- Los Santos International, around the runway access gate
- North Ocean Docks, south of #16
- Ocean Docks' most southeastern part in southeastern Los Santos
- Southern Commerence
- Central Commernce west of Pershing Square (#156)
- Pershing Square
- Central commerence, east of Pershing Square (#156)
- North commerence north of #155
- North commerence, just east of #158
- North Commerence, east of #159
- northern Glen Park, north of #26
- Los Santos Hospital
- Battery Point
- Esplande North, right of #167? (unconfirmed)
- Esplande north, right of #168? (unconfirmed)
- Northern calton heights? (unconfirmed)
- Calton Heights below #170? (unconfirmed)
- Chinatown? (unconfirmed)
- Northern Kings, below #172? (unconfirmed)
- Kings, below #173 (unconfirmed)
- Eastern Basin where the naval base is found (unconfirmed)
- "Eastern basin below #175 where you import/export vechiles?" (unconfirmed)
- Garcia (unconfirmed)
- Doherty (unconfirmed)
- Cranberry Station (unconfirmed)
- Tiny strip in between the Farm and Eastern Bay Chemicals
- Shady Cabin
- State of San Andreas