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Ham-Chat Words[edit | edit source]

Ham-Chat Word Meaning Where to Obtain How to Obtain
Bestest Fantastic Sunny Peak Talk to the Hamster obsessed with boats after you put the battery into the boat.
Bizzaroo Strange Sandy Bay "Tack-Q" the hamster wearing sunglasses.
Blanko Forget Sandy Bay Talk to the Shopkeeper on the beach.
Blash-T Angry Fun Land "Tack-Q" Ham Red near the DigDig It game.
Bloat-T Bloated Sunny Peak Talk to the pink hamster sometime after chasing Spat from the area.
Bluhoo Sad Sunny Peak Talk to Oxnard when he's crying.
Blushie Embarrass Sunny Peak "Stickie" one of the moving bushes.
Bye-Q Good-bye Wildwoods "Minglie" with the crying child in the village.
Chukchuk Give up Fun Land Talk to the angry hamster near the balloons after finding Spat.
Clingie Hang Wildwoods Use "Tah-Dah" on Bog in Wildwoods.
Dazzlie Beautiful Sandy Bay Tell the actress at the beach she's "bestest".
Delin-Q Bad Fun Land "Stickie" the hamster at Tic Tack-Q.
Digdig Dig N/A Learn it when you start the game.
Dingding Realize Boo Manor Learn it after reuniting a couple.
Fend-D Defend Sandy Bay Learn it after Barrette is rescued.
Flipflop Switch Boo Manor Learn it after rescuing Howdy.
Fussfuss Worry Sandy Bay Talk to the hamsters near the bucket.
Gasp-P Oh no! Sandy Bay Find Barrette lost at sea.
Gofor Goal Clubhouse Third word Harmony teaches you.
Gogo Ride Sunny Peak Stand on the handkerchief lying on the ground near the Boutique Ham.
Goodgo Good Luck Fun Land Go to the Digdig It place and say "Hamteam" to the sign.
Go-P Bathroom Boo Manor Scare the blue hamster in the basement.
Gossip-P Small Talk Sunny Peak Save Oxnard and Pepper's love.
Greatchu Great Sandy Bay Go to the island where the hula contest is held and win the B Class Competition. Talk to the hamster walking around outside.
Hambond Bond Sandy Bay Learn when the Shopkeeper gets the Hibiscus from her husband.
Hamboree Party Sunny Peak Get Cappy to give the Acorn Hat back to Seedric.
Hamcheer Congrats Sandy Bay Win A Class Hula Competition.
Hamha Greeting N/A Learn when you start the game.
Hamigos Best Pals Sunny Peak From Arnie in his house.
Hamlift Piggyback Sunny Peak Scare the pink hamster who wants sunflower seeds.
Hampact Promise Wildwoods Talk to Cappy
Hamscope Aim Wildwoods Complete construction of the Slingshot.
Hamspar Rival Boo Manor Say "Blash-T" to Howdy and Dexter.
Hamtast Perfect Sunny Peak Help Panda finish the bridge.
Hamteam Cooperate Boo Manor Save Dexter
Hardihar Laugh Fun Land Unite Ghost Mom and Son
Heyhoo Call out Sunny Peak Get on the stump and talk to the hamster who is on another hill.
Hif-hif Sniff N/A Learn when you start the game.
Hulahula Lollygag Wildwoods Talk to the hamster in the village who is washing dishes.
Jamout Play Music Sandy Bay Deliver the love letter to the correct hamster.
Koochi-Q Pretty Fun Land "Tack-Q" the cart full of balloons.
Lalalala Sing Clubhouse Fourth and last word you learn from Harmony.
Libert-T Freedom Sunny Peak Rescue the pink hamster.
Lookie See N/A Given at the start of the game.
Lost-T Lose Fun Land Talk to the hamsters near the popcorn stand.
Lovedove Cherished Sunny Peak Reunite the pink and blue hamsters.
Luck-E Lucky Fun Land Help the couple near the bathroom
Mega-Q Big Sunny Peak Save Bijou.
Might-T Strong Wildwoods heal monkey
Minglie Play Fun Land Help Stan and Sandy try to get Maxwell over to them.
Nok-nok Knock Boo Manor Talk to one of the ghost hamsters (as Bijou) once you light the fireplace.
No-P No N/A Is there when you start the game.
Nopookie Dislike Boo Manor Talk to one of the ghost hamsters (as Hamtaro) once you light the fireplace.
Offdoff Remove Sunny Peak "Heyhoo" the swan-shaped training seat in the river.
Oopsie Sorry Sunny Peak Get Pepper to realize her mistake.
Pakapaka Bite Sunny Peak Use lookie on Brother Hamster
Passchat Tell Clubhouse First word you learn from Harmony.
Perksie Listen Boo Manor Talk to the hamster who is listening to music on the 4th Floor.
Pooie Uncool Spat Tower Defeat Spat
Pushie Shove Boo Manor Talk to one of the ghost hamsters (as Bijou) once you light the fireplace.
Putput Put Sunny Peak Talk to the hamster near where the boat ends up.
Rubrub Polish Sunny Peak Turn the switch and ride the cart to the secret room.
Scoochie Climb N/A Given at the start of the game.
Scrit-T Scratch N/A Given at the start of the game.
Scrub-E Clean Fun Land Talk to the inventor and the robot.
Sesam-E Open Sunny Peak Give the brother the Training Seat.
Smoochie Love Sunny Peak Bijou says it after first meeting Spat.
Snorklie Deep Sandy Bay Save Pashmina and Penelope.
Stead-E Solid Boo Manor Reunite Howdy and Dexter.
Stickie Poke N/A Is there when you start the game.
Swellie It's ok Spat Tower Reunite the only couple there. To get the key, know the hamchat Pooie and give Pooie earrings to the rich hamster in Wild Woods.
Tack-Q Roll N/A Learn when you start the game.
Ta-dah Show Sandy Bay Learn from the hamsters watching the soccer team after they see you practice.
Thank-Q Thank you Wildwoods Tell Jingle the village is waiting for him.
Thump-P Startle Boo Manor Talk to the sleeping hamster behind the counter.
Tinglie Tingle Sandy Bay Talk to the two hamsters watching the soccer team.
Tiptop Excellent Fun Land Get Spat out of Fun Land.
Tran-Q Peace Clubhouse Second word Harmony teaches you.
Trust-T Reliable Fun Land Finish helping the father find his wallet.
Tuggie Tug Sandy Bay Talk to Elder Ham about the two Pashmina's problem.
Twirlie Twirl Fun Land Save Maxwell and Sandy's love.
Vast-T Wide Wildwoods Finish the wedding between the hamster couple.
Wait-Q Wait Wildwoods Talk to the hamster outside of the village.
Wake-Q Wake Up Wildwoods Give the spoon from sunny peak to the wife of the inventor hamster.
Yep-P Yes N/A Is there when you start the game.
Zuzuzu Sleep Clubhouse Talk to Snoozer.