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Box artwork for Hudson Best Collection Vol. 3: Action Collection.
Box artwork for Hudson Best Collection Vol. 3: Action Collection.
Hudson Best Collection Vol. 3: Action Collection
Developer(s)Hudson Soft
Publisher(s)Hudson Soft
Year released2005
System(s)Game Boy Advance
Preceded byHudson Best Collection Vol. 2
Followed byHudson Best Collection Vol. 4
Genre(s)Action, Compilation
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO All ages
LinksHudson Best Collection Vol. 3 ChannelSearch

Hudson Best Collection Vol. 3: Action Collection, is the third in a series of six compilation titles for the Game Boy Advance that contains emulated versions of Famicom games. It was released in 2005. This collection contains two very early action-based games which were released on the Famicom, namely: