Langrisser II/Other classes
Thief[edit | edit source]
- AT 25-28 DF 18-21 MP 0 Range 2
- A + 4 D + 2 MV 6
- Attack type: Blur charge (Sword beams vs. air)
A type of enemy unit you'll run into early on. High attack, low defense, uses the sort of units that fighters/lords have. It is a soldier type class even though its attack is faster than most knights.
Assassin[edit | edit source]
- AT 32-34 DF 21-23 MP 2-3 Range 2
- A + 5 D + 2 MV 6
- Attack type: Blur charge (Sword beams vs. air)
- Spells: Attack
A stronger version of the Thief.
Necromancer[edit | edit source]
- AT 30-34 DF 18-21 MP 24-33 Range 3
- A + 7 D + 2 MV 5
- Attack type: Lightning storm
- Spells: Thunder
These guys show up only on scenario 7. High attack and attack bonuses combined with thunder can really take a bite out of your forces if you're not careful.
Swordsman[edit | edit source]
- AT 28-31 DF 24-26 MP 4-5 Range 3
- A + 4 D + 5 MV 6
- Attack type: Energy blast
- Spells: Attack, Heal1
You cannot get this class. It isn't much like the swordmaster or highlord, with a focus on offense rather than defense.
Living Armor[edit | edit source]
- AT 31-33 DF 30-32 MP 16 Range 4
- A + 8 D + 7 MV 4
- Spells: Attack
- Attack type: Rolling fire
The monsters' highlord. Nothing particularly special here, just another soldier-type class. His defense high can be a major pain if you haven't been leveling your characters enough.
Minotaur[edit | edit source]
- AT 39 DF 33 MP 0 Range 4
- A + 9 D + 5 MV 5
- Attack type: Slow charge (Axe throw vs. air)
Another soldier-type unit. They shouldn't be much of a threat, since their stats aren't that great and horsemen have a high attack.
General[edit | edit source]
- AT 40-48 DF 30-35 MP 26 Range 4
- A + 11 D + 8 MV 5
- Attack Type: Fire lash
- Spells: Heal2, Thunder, Blast
This is the class Vargas and Imelda use. A very strong soldier type class with more of an emphasis on offense. The MV is average but half the time you meet it, the general will have major movement restrictions. Use the extra time to mass your forces--you'll need all the help you can get.
Demon Lord[edit | edit source]
- AT 46-50 DF 32-34 MP 64-80 Range 4
- A + 10 D + 9 MV 7
- Attack type: Fire lash
- Spells: Heal2, Blast, Zone
Incredibly powerful beings, they are best attacked with horsemen or fliers. Anything else will probably die before it reaches him. It is immune to all harmful magic. He is weak against monks, if any actually survive his barrage of hellfire.
Emperor[edit | edit source]
- AT 40-52 DF 37-42 MP 45-51 Range 5
- A + 13-16 D + 11-12 MV 6
- Attack type: Energy blast
- Spells: Meteor, Force Heal2
This is Bernhart's class. Extremely high attack power, made even deadlier once he acquires Alhazard. His defense is also pretty decent. Think of him as a powered-up Hero - in fact, their combat stances are very similar. He's a soldier-type class, but he has a lot of MP and won't hesitate to meteor you if you're out of reach of his sword.
Werewolf[edit | edit source]
- AT 21-26 DF 19-22 MP 0 Range 3
- A + 4 D + 2 MV 6
- Attack type: Blur charge (Energy darts vs. air)
- + 20% bonus in forests or mountains
They are not considered soldiers or horsemen, so no units get attack bonuses against them. However, they are not very strong.
Cerberus[edit | edit source]
- AT 32-37 DF 25-28 MP 7-13 Range 4
- A + 6 D + 3 MV 8 (horse)
- Attack type: Blur charge (Energy darts vs. air)
- Spells: Attack
Decent fighters when you first meet them, but they still fall easily to pikes. By the time you reach the endgame, they will be little more than a nuisance.
Master Dino[edit | edit source]
- AT 29 DF 32 MP 0 Range 4
- A + 6 D + 2 MV 8 (horse)
- Attack type: Slow charge (Fire bolts vs. air)
Horsemen type units with unusually high defense. You might have to power up your pikes to be able to damage them. If that fails, send your own horsemen and try to win through attrition.
Great Slime (G. Slime)[edit | edit source]
- A 19-21 D 22-25 MP 0 Range 3
- A + 1 D + 2 MV 4
- Attack type: Slow charge ( Slime missile vs. air )
These things are hard to kill, but will rarely kill anything of yours. Their magic resistance is terrible. It makes an odd sound when it feels pain. They're great for leveling up your weaker characters since low-level clerics and mages both have access to guardsmen.
Iron Golem[edit | edit source]
- AT 38 DF 40 MP 0 Range 3
- A + 5 D + 7 MV 4
- Attack type: Slow charge (Spear throw vs. air)
This is the only leader type in the game that's considered a spearman. Incredibly tough, don't bring a horseman anywhere near him.
Ghost[edit | edit source]
- AT 34 DF 24 MP 29 Range 4
- A + 9 D + 4 MV 6 (special)
- Attack type: Fire lash
- Spells: Attack
Like the wraiths, these things teleport when they move, and they are not weak against anything but monks.
Witch[edit | edit source]
- AT 32-37 DF 27-29 MP 30-37 Range 4
- A + 8 D + 5 MV 5 (special)
- Attack type: Lightning storm
- Spells: Meteor, Force Heal1
This is a flying mage class. Quite powerful, it's probably the first time you'll see a meteor spell used. He's weak against monks.
Succubus[edit | edit source]
- AT 33 DF 28 MP 30 Range 4
- A + 10 D + 6 MV 5 (flying)
- Attack type: Lightning hit
- Spells: Meteor, Heal2
Another flying mage. Another flying meteor. You'd think she would have charm, but she never seems to use it.
Dark Princess[edit | edit source]
- AT 36-37 DF 33-34 MP 30-41 Range 4
- A + 9 D + 7 MV 5
- Attack type: Fire lash
- Spells: Meteor, Force Heal2
The class Larna uses when she fights against you. This class is a mix of mage and cleric, with decent power in direct combat to boot. She is also immune to all magic.
Dark Master[edit | edit source]
- AT 38-42 DF 29-32 MP 52-59 Range 4
- A + 11 D + 8 MV 5
- Attack type: Lightning blast
- Spells: Attack
Bosel's class. Because he is weak after having been revived, he is not very strong in combat. However, he surrounds himself with strong troops, and gives decent bonuses.
Vampire Lord[edit | edit source]
- AT 43-48 DF 34-41 MP 61-75 Range 4
- A + 12 D + 8 MV 6
- Attack type: Lightning blast
- Spells: Meteor, Force Heal2
A strong magic user. Think of him as an advanced Zarvera. He's weak against monks.
Pirate[edit | edit source]
- A 23 D 19 Range 2
- A + 0 D + 2 MV 5
- Attack type: Blur charge
Weak sea units that you run into on scenario 10. They are easy to kill, and doing so nets you experience that would otherwise be given to monsters.
Scylla[edit | edit source]
- A 30-36 D 19-26 MP 14-20 Range 3
- A + 2 D + 3 MV 6 (sea)
- Attack type: Lightning blast
- Spells: Charm
Sea monsters that enjoy charming their enemies into serving them. Their attack is both strong and fast - most units won't even survive to get close enough to hit them. Fortunately, they have a low defense, making them an ideal target for ranged attackers.
Kraken[edit | edit source]
- A 39-41 D 32-35 MP 16-19 Range 4
- A + 9 D + 8 MV 5 (sea)
- Attack type: Slow charge (energy darts vs. air)
A stronger, slower sea class. They're best confronted head-on with high offense units like dragoons.
Wyvern[edit | edit source]
- A 29-32 D 23-27 MP 10-12 Range 4
- A + 5 D + 4 MV 8 (flying)
- Attack type: Lightning breath
- Spells: Thunder
Like dragon knights, but weaker. They shouldn't be much of a threat.
Great Dragon[edit | edit source]
- A 39 D 34 MP 24 Range 4
- A + 10 D + 8 MV 5 (flying)
- Attack type: Fireballs
- Spells: Meteor
Larna's pet monster that she sends at the village in scenario 18. It has decent stats, but nothing you shouldn't be able to handle. Its attack is very slow - it sends out its 10 fireballs one at a time. The main thing to worry about is its meteors.
Builder[edit | edit source]
- A 38-45 D 26-30 MP 0-18 Range 4
- A + 6 D + 1 MV 4
- Attack type: Flash
- Spells: Force Heal1
Thankfully, you only have to fight these guys in scenario ?1.