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Go to Domina and head to the church. Inside, you'll see many Dudbears and Roger, that have taken the church over. Talking to Roger, you’ll learn that they're looking for more labor to go into the White Forest. Exit the church and go to the Park of Mana Angel. Capella and Diddle will be there. After a short dialogue, a Dudbear will walk over and kidnap Diddle. This will officially start the mission.

Exit Domina and go to the White Forest. You'll discover that there are some Dudbear walking in some areas of the forest now. When you meet them, you should reach them and hit them to knock them out before leaving the screen. If you don't, there's a chance that when you try to leave the screen via a certain path, a Dudbear will grab you and drag you to the previous screen. So make sure that all the Dudbears present are KO before leaving the screen and hurry, because after a few seconds they recover.

You must now reach the area where you beat the previous boss. To do so, take the lower left path. There are two Dudbears in the next screen, so hit them and take the upper left path. In the next area there are four Dudbears. You have to take the path on the upper left. To do this, however, you will have to hit all four Dudbears and reach the exit before one of them recovers, otherwise you will be dragged to the previous screen. It's not easy and can even be frustrating. Try to hit them all from right to left and keep trying until you succeed. Diddle, Roger and his Dudbears will be in the next screen. Capella will also arrive. After a dialogue between Diddle and Capella, the Dudbears will mention a monster ahead and run away, imitated by Rogers. Naturally, this is the boss of this mission, which you will have to face. Proceed to meet it.

Fortunately, the Chimera Lord is not hard to beat. Although it has a lot of life energy, it is only slightly more powerful than a normal enemy. You can break it down any way you like.

Once the battle is won, Diddle and Capella will reunite and the mission will end.