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  • Draupnir

Board the SS Buccaneer and go to the cockpit. Ask the sailor to go south twice. You’ll have to face some common enemies. After defeating them, ask Ramtieger to go west. You will arrive at the Fieg Snowfield and you’ll talk to Cap'n Tusk. He will ask you to explore te snowfield, to help te penguins to find a treasure. Accept and you’ll find yourself at the entrance of the snowfield. The penguins will be all frozen and they will leave. Then the mission will officially begin.

Head left and follow the path until you reach the Field of Innocence. Talk to the faerie there. She will introduce herself as Fiorentina and will say that Ehrlang, a Class 7 Faerie, has the faerie treasure. However, she will explain to you that in order to see the faeries, you must be under the influence of a spell of the relevant level. She will then offer to cast a spell on you to see the Class 2 faeries.

Take the path on lower left path. Here you will meet Malbaresta, a Class 2 Faerie. She will cast a spell on you, to allow you to see the Class 4 faeries. Take the lower right path and proceed until you meet other faeries. Talk to faerie named Lucini, to become able to see the Class 5 faeries. Return to the area where you met Malbaresta, and talk to the faerie named Tilda. Now you’ll be able to see Class 6 faeries. She will also tell you to find Lakshmi. Return to Field of Innocence and take the upper left path. Proceed proceed until you meet other faeries. Talk to them. One of the faerie won't tell her name, but she will make you able to see Class 7 faeries.

Now, however, to conclude the mission, you must locate Ehrlang on the first try and talk to her. If you talk to the wrong faerie, your ability to see faeries will decrease and you will have to repeat some steps, so you may want to save at the Gold Sprite Statue in the Field of Innocence before talking to other faeries. From the Field of Innocence, take the lower right path (the one from which you came here) and proceed until you arrive to a screen with other faeries. Ehrlang is one of them and usually she is at the upper left when you enter. Talking her, you'll get you reward and you’ll return automatically on the SS Buccaneer. Cap'n Tusk will give you another Pincher Crab for your Library, and the mission will end.