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Box artwork for MRC: Multi-Racing Championship.
Box artwork for MRC: Multi-Racing Championship.
MRC: Multi-Racing Championship
Publisher(s)Ocean Software, Imagineer
Year released1997
System(s)Nintendo 64
ModesSingle-player, multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Kids to Adults
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Multi-Racing Championship (マルチレーシングチャンピオンシップ?), or simply MRC, is a racing game developed by Genki and Imagineer and published by Ocean Software for the Nintendo 64 and released in 1997. The game is compatible with the Controller Pak and the Rumble Pak.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

In Championship mode, the player competes against nine computer-controlled racers. Finishing first advances the game. In Time Trial mode, players try to finish a course in as short a time as possible. Ghost car is included so the player can compete against the best time recorded. Free Run mode lets the player drive freely without other opponents or time limit. The VS Race mode lets two players compete against each other. The unlockable Match Race option pits the player against a hidden computer opponent in a night-time race.

MRC features ten cars, which are divided into two groups: road cars and off-road vehicles. There are seven different areas for car customization: tires, brakes, suspension, steering, transmission, gear ratio, and aerodynamics. MRC includes three tracks: Sea Side, Mountain, and Downtown. The courses have multiple paths and mirror images can be unlocked.

Table of Contents
