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Southperry[edit | edit source]

  • Region: Maple Island
  • Roads: Maple Road

Southperry is the last town of Maple Island. It is where a player boards the ship to go to Lith Harbor. In addition, the buildings and ground appear similar to Lith's.

Southperry Armor Store[edit | edit source]

Item Price
White Undershirt (M) 50
Undershirt (M) 50
Grey T-Shirt (M) 50
White Tubetop (F) 50
Yellow T-Shirt (F) 50
Green T-Shirt (F) 50
Red-Striped Top (F) 50
Blue Jean Shorts (M) 50
Brown Cotton Shorts (M) 50
Red Miniskirt (F) 50
Indigo Miniskirt (F) 50
Red Rubber Boots 50
Leather Sandals 50

NPCs[edit | edit source]

NPCs that appear in multiple towns
Unique NPCs
NPC Location(s) Notes

Maple Road: Southperry

Maple Road: Port Allows you on the boat to Victoria Island.

Maple Road: Southperry Armor Store Armor Seller