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  • Race: Cygnus Knight
  • Class: Bowman
  • Maximum level: 250
  • Primary Stat: DEX
  • Weapons: Bows (Primary), Jewels(Secondary)

Wind Archers, like bowmen, use arrows and attack from a distance. They use the powers of the wind and nature to enhance a variety of abilities.

First Job Advancement[edit | edit source]

To become first job, go through the tutorial and then talk to the job instructor of whichever job you wish to choose.

Second Job Advancement[edit | edit source]

At level 30, Neinheart will contact you via lightbulb. He will tell you to talk to your job instructor at Ereve. Talk to your instructor, who tells you to go to the Second Drill Hall and kill 30 Tigurus of Exam. Afterwards, head back to your instructor and you will receive the second job advancement.

Third Job Advancement[edit | edit source]

At level 60, Neinheart will contact you via lightbulb. Accept the quest, and then head to Helios Tower's Library and talk to Wiz the Librarian. He will tell you to enter the door at the top right of the library. Click on the Old Book in there, and then 10 Black Wings Disciples will spawn. Kill them all, and then the Cygnus Chief Knight Hawkeye will appear. He will tell you how impressed he is, and will tell you to head back to Ereve and talk to Neinheart.

Fourth Job Advancement[edit | edit source]

At level 100, Neinheart will contact you via lightbulb. He will tell you about a Black Wings member hanging around the Grave of a Wrecked Ship. Head there and talk to Wightmare, the new Black Wings General, who will send you to a dream map. Afterwards, you will be sent back to the Grave of a Wrecked Ship. Talk to Hawkeye there, who tells you to report to Neinheart. Neinheart will tell you to report to Cygnus, who is sound asleep. Afterwards, you will be sent to Cygnus's dream, where you see Cygnus staring into a mirror of the future and seeing her corrupted future. She freaks out, and faints as her corrupted future breaks out of the mirror and into Cygnus's dream world. You must then defeat her future self, and then you will be transported back to the real world. Then, you talk to Cygnus and she reveals that the "report" Neinheart requested you bring to her was actually a letter of recommendation for you, and will advance you to 4th job.