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This guide will get you through this superhero action RPG game. The things you do can either get you through the game or can get you stuck. Also you'll encounter a lot of secrets throughout the game and bosses which require unique strategies to defeat.

You should upgrade your superhero stats to avoid certain defeat, most importantly on defense. If you want full control of what superpowers you're going to use, turn the auto spend off. However, if you're interested in just playing the game, leave the auto spend on.

Be wary that certain bosses can't be defeated by normal means. Look for moments like button sequences or Wii motion sequences, with or without a weapon, or things that you need to do before you take down the boss.

Lastly, if you change teams, your interaction can differ depending on which person you encounter as part of your universe.

Choosing your teams[edit | edit source]

In this game, you get to decide who you want on your team. The default is Captain America, Spiderman, Thor and Wolverine. Other characters available at the start are Elektra, Storm, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Luke Cage and Spiderwoman. Only Moon Knight and Miss Marvel are available for PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. You'll get special benefits if you choose superheroes that are either well balanced or have a certain advantage against enemies. Feel free to experiment anyone as you go further into the story to unlock more people.

Playing the game again[edit | edit source]

If you play this game through normal difficulty the first time, after a cutscene, the hard difficulty is unlocked. But the second time you play, you're now allowed in any difficulty to use an existing file to further upgrade your superheroes to the max and also find more items you missed for the first time. Warning: If you try to unlock it in easy mode the first time, you won't be able to upgrade everyone the second time.