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Mickey's ABC: A Day at a Fair
Developer(s)Walt Disney Computer Software
Year released1991
System(s)Commodore Amiga, DOS
SeriesMickey Mouse
ModesSingle player
LinksMickey's ABC's: A Day at The Fair ChannelSearch

Mickey's ABC: A Day at a Fair, also known as MICKEY ABC: Une Journee a la fete in French, is an educational game that was released for the MS-DOS on 1991 in North America, developed and published by Walt Disney Computer Software and was released for the Commodore Amiga by Infogrames on 1991 in European markets. It is the third Mickey Mouse game released for Commodore Amiga in Europe. The game starred Mickey Mouse and Classic Disney characters was appear in the letters.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The player has the choice between two scenarios, Mickey's home and the fair. In each of those, Mickey can perform 26 actions; each representing a letter from the alphabet. For example, if the letter "i" is pressed at the fair, Mickey eats ice cream.

Table of Contents


Mickey's ABC's: A Day at The Fair/Table of Contents