Mortal Kombat: Armageddon/Scorpion

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Hapkido[edit | edit source]

Move PlayStation 2 Xbox
Right Cross Square button X button
Face Strike Left lstick + Square button Left lstick + X button
Twisting Palm Down lstick + Square button Down lstick + X button
Neck Chop Triangle button Y button
Hammer Uppercut Down lstick + Triangle button Down lstick + Y button
Axe Kick Cross button A button
Knee Knockdown Right lstick + Cross button Right lstick + A button
Back Sweep Down lstick + Cross button Down lstick + A button
Forward Snap Kick Circle button B button
Backside Kick Left lstick + Circle button Left lstick + B button
Front Thrust Kick Up lstick + Circle button Up lstick + B button
Front Sweep Down lstick + Circle button Down lstick + B button
Left Cross Triangle button, Triangle button Y button, Y button
Chained Up Triangle button, Cross button Y button, A button
Hop Sweep Right lstick + Cross button,Left lstick + Cross button Right lstick + A button, Left lstick + A button
Lethal Legs Circle button, Left lstick + Circle button B button, Left lstick + B button
Liftoff Circle button, Up lstick + Circle button B button, Up lstick + B button
Flowing Water Triangle button, Triangle button, Square button Y button, Y button, X button
Rear Ended Triangle button, Cross button, Left lstick + Square button Y button, A button, Left lstick + X button
Triple Combo Triangle button, Triangle button, Cross button Y button, Y button, A button
Inner Power Triangle button, Triangle button, Circle button Y button, Y button, B button
Burning Soul Triangle button, Cross button, Up lstick + Circle button Y button, A button, Up lstick + B button
Overlord of Darkness Cross button, Left lstick + Square button A button, Left lstick + X button
Hell's Warrior Triangle button, Cross button, L1 button Y button, A button, White button

Mugai Ryu[edit | edit source]

Move PlayStation 2 Xbox
Bloody Tip Square button X button
Hilt Blunt Right lstick + Square button Right lstick + X button
Ducking Horizontal Slash Down lstick + Square button Down lstick + X button
Horizontal Slash Triangle button Y button
Swinging Vengeance Up lstick + Triangle button Up lstick + Y button
Dark Lifter Right lstick + Triangle button Right lstick + Y button
Two-Handed Uppercut Down lstick + Triangle button Down lstick + Y button
Fiery Saber Cross button A button
Speed Demon Left lstick + Cross button Left lstick + A button
Agony's Edge Right lstick + Cross button Right lstick + A button
Low Thigh Slash Down lstick + Cross button Down lstick + A button
Gut Slicer Circle button B button
Bloodfire Triangle button, Triangle button Y button, Y button
Blood Bath Triangle button, Triangle button, Square button Y button, Y button, X button
Swift Fire Triangle button, Triangle button, Circle button Y button, Y button, B button

Special Moves[edit | edit source]

Move PlayStation 2 Xbox
Knee Launcher R1 button Black button
Bloody Spear Left lstick, Right lstick + Square button Left lstick, Right lstick + X button
Hellfire Down lstick, Left lstick + Triangle button Down lstick, Left lstick + Y button
Backflip Kick Right lstick, Left lstick + Cross button Right lstick, Left lstick + A button
Hellfire Punch Right lstick, Left lstick + Circle button Right lstick, Left lstick + B button