Mu Online/Chat commands

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Mu Online has a variety of chat commands available for users. GM commands are not listed here.

Command Functions
/trade (while mouse is hovering over another player) Request trade
/party (while mouse is hovering over another player) Invite player to join your party
/guild (while mouse is hovering over a guild master) Request guild master to join his guild
/(0-9) Set macro to be used with Alt+(0-9)
/move /warp <MAPNAME> Teleports user to MAPNAME, maps are listed here.
/guildwar <GUILDNAME> (must be guild master) Declare a war on another guild
/battlesoccer <GUILDNAME> (must be guild master) Declare a soccer war on another guild (guild master and his party members from the guild may participate)
/filter <WORD1> <WORD2> Show only messages that contain WORD1 or WORD2 (WORD2 is optional; Up to 5 words.)
/filter Turn off Filter
/whisper <NICKNAME> Set whisper on NICKNAME