People's Tactics/Scenario Editor/Research

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

To edit the research for a scenario, select any hex with a unit and click the research button.

Add researchfield [editor only] button[edit | edit source]

Click this button to add a research field. The following parameters must be entered.

  • "Research Field #" – research fields are numbered; choose a free number unless you want to overwrite an existing research field. The research field numbers are displayed next to the "NR:".
  • "Research field name" – the name of the research field. This is displayed in the "Current knowledge" and "Possible new buys" areas. A maximum of 33 characters will be displayed, but try to not to exceed 20.
  • "Field 1 needed" – the research field number of the first prerequisite research field. Leave blank for no prerequisite.
  • "Field 2 needed" – the research field number of the second prerequisite research field. Leave blank for no prerequisite.
  • "PP cost" – the cost of the research field in political points
  • "Research field memo" – the text that will be displayed. This is limited to approximately 254 characters, including spaces.

Change name[edit | edit source]

This button allows the name of a research field to be changed without re-entering all the data. The "Research Field #" and "Research field name" must be entered.

Change need[edit | edit source]

This button allows the prerequisites of a research field to be changed without re-entering all the data. The "Research Field #", "Field 1 needed" and "Field 2 needed" must be entered.

Delete button[edit | edit source]

Clicking this button brings up a window prompting you to enter a number. Enter the number of the of the research field you want to delete. Changes made via deletion are not automatically updated, so exit the research window and re-enter to see changes.

Delete [editor only][edit | edit source]

This button removes the research field selected in the "Current knowledge area" from the "Current knowledge area". Changes made via deletion are not automatically updated, so exit the research window and re-enter to see changes.

Buy this research field[edit | edit source]

This button gives the research field selected in the "Possible new buys" to the regime who’s hex was selected when the research button was clicked. No political points are subtracted from the regime.