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There are 14 achievements in Portal worth a total of 175 Gamerscore points on the Xbox 360 version. The PC version has one extra achievement, Transmission Received, which is not available on the Xbox 360.

General[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon
Lab Rat Acquire the fully powered Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device. Gamerscore points
Fratricide Do whatever it takes to survive. Gamerscore points
Partygoer Make the correct party escort submission position decision. Gamerscore points
Heartbreaker Complete Portal. 10 Gamerscore points
Terminal Velocity Fall 30,000 feet. (For help, see Infinite fall flinging.) Gamerscore points
Long Jump Jump 300 feet. (For help, see Multi flinging.) Gamerscore points
Cupcake Beat two Portal advanced maps. 10 Gamerscore points
Fruitcake Beat four Portal advanced maps. 20 Gamerscore points
Vanilla Crazy Cake Beat all six Portal advanced maps. 30 Gamerscore points
Basic Science Earn bronze medals on all Portal challenges. 10 Gamerscore points
Rocket Science Earn silver medals on all Portal challenges. 20 Gamerscore points
Aperture Science Earn gold medals on all Portal challenges. 40 Gamerscore points
Camera Shy Detach security cameras from the walls. Gamerscore points
Friendly Fire Knock down a turret with another turret. Gamerscore points

Steam only[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description
Transmission Received Transmission Received Use radios to pick up hidden signals (listed on Steam as simply "..?"). Cannot be achieved on first play through.