Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney/The Story's End
North Parade Avenue[edit | edit source]
As the gang re-enters Labyrinthia, Luke notices a piece of paper on the ground. He picks it up, and is shocked by what it reads... it's a new Story! The parade has already taken place, it seems. It is titled "The Final Story", and it reads: "At the appointed place of ending, as twilight fades to darkness, the weaver of the Story will meet the Great Witch for the first and final time. The concluding scene will glow in the flames of great magic, as the teller of the Story is silenced forever. This evening, at the final witch trial, the legendary Great Witch will be consumed by her own flames. The town, finally freed from the shackles of the Story and witchcraft, will bathe in the morning light of the new dawning day. The new town will be aglow with freedom from the past and fresh hope for the future."
It appears this is what the Great Witch was referring to... Your priority is to find Espella. Layton theorizes that the "appointed place of ending" refers to the town square, where the parade always ends, and of course, the "teller of the Story" is the Storyteller, Espella's father, who will likely die if the Story is any indication. The Last Story Fragment is added to your items, and you automatically move to the Town Square.
Town Square[edit | edit source]
A huge crowd is gathered here to witness the Final Story. You question why Bezella would show up tonight, of all nights, and why the Storyteller would write his own death into the Story. Talk to Cecil and Petal. They seem to be in an uproar about the possible appearance of Bezella. Talk to Tuggit, and he'll reveal that Darklaw was nowhere to be seen during the parade. After talking to those two, you notice the Storyteller nearby. He gives a speech about the ending of the Story, and soon after commotion arises in the crowd. Someone is at the top of the bell tower... it's Espella! Or as the Storyteller refers to her, the Great Witch Bezella. She casts a spell called "Grandwyrm", which soars through the air before diving for the Storyteller. Everyone else runs away, but the Storyteller accepts his fate and perishes in the fireball... Your crew quickly rushes to the top of the bell tower, where they find a group of knights arresting Espella.
Inside the Bell Tower[edit | edit source]
Espella seems locked into the same trance as before, but this time, she is unable to be snapped out of it. Eve is also here, but she says nothing on the matter to Luke. The Vigilantes prepare to arrest Espella, but are interrupted by Patty, who gives them an earful. They prepare to take her away anyway, only meeting a brief delay because, for whatever reason, the bell tower entrance was locked. There's no telling what the final witch trial will hold... The Mystery of the Strange Girl is replaced with the Mystery of the Great Witch Bezella.
Bell Tower Area[edit | edit source]
Barnham questions if this is truly the end of the Story, and the outcome the Storyteller decided for his own daughter. He orders the knights not to treat Espella so harshly, and gently asks the truth of her. Darklaw interrupts, however, and relieves Barnham of his duties as the trial's inquisitor, instead placing herself in the role. He relays his discoveries from the Eldwitch Woods... and accuses Darklaw of being the Great Witch who rules the Shades! Unfortunately, he has no proof to substantiate this accusation, and is promptly arrested for treason. Nevertheless, he refuses to believe Espella's guilt. Darklaw criticizes Barnham for never once being suspicious of the Storyteller, and not-so-subtly hints at "the small room at the very top of that tower" before taking him away...
Town Square (2)[edit | edit source]
After making it out of the bell tower, you decide to search for any clues you can find. You, Phoenix, will investigate the bell tower, while Layton investigates an unspecified "place of interest". Constantine then relays the information on Barnham's arrest to Luke, and how Darklaw will prosecute the trial this evening. He offers to show you the way to the Storyteller's tower, which, according to him, contains a vital clue. As it turns out, this is the "place of interest" Layton was referring to. Your group decides then to split up, so without further ado, Move to the Bell Tower Area.
Bell Tower Area (2)[edit | edit source]
You are almost immediately bowled over by a Vigilante. After explaining your role as Espella's defender, you are given permission to investigate the scene. Apparently, they're setting up a special outside court for the trial. As the Vigilante leaves, he drops a patrol record, which states that the bell tower was under close guard at the time of the incident, making it impossible to simply enter the tower at the time. The Vigilantes' Records are added to your Items. You automatically move Inside the Bell Tower.
Inside the Bell Tower (2)[edit | edit source]
The crime scene has been untouched since the last time you were here, with even the flour from Patty's visit being preserved. Examine the shiny object on the ground. It's Espella's pendant, but the strap appears to be torn. The Pendant is added to your Items. Examine the cloth on the ground. It appears to be a robe, reminiscent of the ones worn by the Shades, covered in flour from when Patty took on the guards, but it wasn't here when you visited last, was it? The robe is too big to be Espella's, and is built more for someone Phoenix's size. The Flour-Covered Robe is added to your Items. Examine the paper leaning against the right pillar. It's a floor plan of the bell tower, which must have been left behind by the Vigilantes. There is a bell on the floor above where you currently stand, but no apparent means of accessing it, and therefore, no means of ringing it. The Bell Tower Plan is added to your Items. Finally, examine the off-color cube in the left pillar. It looks to be a control panel with some kind of recess, which happens to perfectly fit Espella's pendant! You attempt to check it out further, but a Vigilante halts you and confiscates the pendant under your nose. It looks like you can't figure out this control panel's purpose just yet. The Contraption is added to your Items.
It appears that the trial preparations have been completed. There's nothing more you can do for your part, except to give it your all for the trial and hope Layton and Luke come through with decisive evidence. Speaking of which...
Guarded Gate[edit | edit source]
Outside the garrison, Layton and Luke resolve to search for proof of Espella's innocence, as Phoenix and Maya are doing. The door's locked, and no one's around to open it, but Constantine shows you another way inside. Move to the Knights' Garrison.
Knights' Garrison[edit | edit source]
The knights here are concerned for their future in the wake of the Storyteller's demise and Barnham's arrest, but the Captain rouses them before noticing you. He sees Constantine tagging along, and allows, nay, insists that you proceed on behalf of Inquisitor Barnham and find the truth. You automatically move to the Audience Rm. Entrance.
Audience Rm. Entrance.[edit | edit source]
The tower is very far in the distance from here, but Constantine informs you of a path leading there from behind the Audience Chamber. You automatically journey there.
Bridge to the Tower[edit | edit source]
This tower looks far taller up close, doesn't it? There could be any number of traps lying in store for you, so you must remain vigilant. Constantine leaves you to be with his master, so it's all up to you now. Before you enter, though, Move back to the Knights' Garrison.
Knights' Garrison (2)[edit | edit source]
Talk to the Captain. He offers you a puzzle before you embark on your journey in full earnest.
Use the to select which of the possible squares (marked in red) you want to move your knight to. Since this is a knight chess piece, it can only move in an L-shaped pattern, like real knight chess pieces. Placing the piece on one of the orange squares will move it automatically in the directions marked on those squares. Defeat all the knights on the board to win. It's best to just take your time on this one.
The best way to explain the solution is: your knight can move in 8 different directions, so think of them as numbers on a clock. So, your potential moves are 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11. Now that we have that established, do the following moves: (IMAGE TO BE ADDED)
2, 4, 1, 10, 5, 1, 8, 4, 8, 4, 8, 8, 1, 2, 5, 11, 7, 8, 11, 4, 8, 10, 11, 7, 1, 4, 1, 11, 10, 8, 4, 8, 11, 2, 8, 5, 1, 10, 7, 4, 1, 4, 11, 5, 2, 10, 8, 8, 5,
5, 11, 8, 4, 1, 5, 2After some encouraging words, you can Move back to the Bridge to the Tower.
Bridge to the Tower (2)[edit | edit source]
After searching for hint coins, you still aren't quite finished yet. Move to the Audience Room, accessible from the Audience Rm. Entrance.
Audience Room[edit | edit source]
Hint coin searching is actually all you have to do here, so Move back to the Bridge to the Tower.
Bridge to the Tower (3)[edit | edit source]
Well, it's now or never. Examine the tower's entrance to find it locked with a puzzle. Well, they are what you do best, after all.
There are 12 gems in the puzzle, numbered 1-12. There is also a set of three triangles with gems placed inside already, which you cannot move. Place the gems you have in the remaining spots so the sum of all the numbers on a triangle's perimeter adds up to 39. The innermost triangle needs a combination of gems that adds up to 17, and only one set of gems can achieve that.
With the door open, you reflect on the unusual amount of security placed on the tower. Just what is the Storyteller trying to hide from everyone? There's only one way to find out...