Sid Meier's Civilization V/Terrain and Resources

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Each map in the game is composed of many hexagonal tiles, each giving a set yield that will be displayed when moving your cursor over it. A city will get this yield when you assign your citizens work it. A tile's yield depends on the terrain it has, the features on it and whether any improvements are constructed on it.

Resources are scattered across the map on certain tiles, and their benefits can be obtained by constructing improvements on it. There are three types of resources. Bonus resources simply increase the yield you get from a tile. Luxury resources provide happiness and can be used to trade with other empires. They also activate We Love the King Day if you improve one that your city desires, giving that city increased Growth. Strategic resources are required for certain military units and buildings, but can also be used for trading.

The terrain of an area is always an important factor to consider when settling cities, since it will decide how productive and profitable the city is, while granting potential military benefits or penalties.

Terrain[edit | edit source]

Terrain Base Yield Notes
Coast 1 Gold, 1 Food Can only be worked after researching Sailing.
Desert None 10% combat penalty
Grassland 2 Food
Hill 2 Production 25% combat bonus.
Mountain None 25% combat bonus, impassable except for aerial and Carthaginian units.
Ocean 1 Gold, 1 Food Can only be worked and passed through after researching Astronomy.
Plains 1 Food, 1 Production 10% combat penalty
Snow None 10% combat penalty
Tundra 1 Food 10% combat penalty

Features[edit | edit source]

Features exist on various types of terrain, and grants bonus yields to that tile, in addition to certain combat and movement modifiers. Certain types of features like Forests and Marshes can be removed to allow for construction of more improvements or for convenience, but note that they are gone permanently after removal.

Feature Yield Found on Notes
Atoll 1 Food, 1 Production Coast, Ocean
Fallout -3 Food, -3 Production, -3 Gold Nuked tiles Costs 2 movement points per tile, 15% combat penalty
Flood Plains 2 Food Desert 10% combat penalty
Forest 1 Food, 1 Production Grassland, Plains Costs 2 movement points per tile, 25% combat bonus
Ice None Coast, Ocean Impassable except for aerial and submersible units.
Jungle 1 Food, -1 Production Grassland Costs 2 movement points per tile, 25% combat bonus
Lakes 2 Food, 1 Gold Bodies of water smaller than 10 tiles and surrounded by land.
Marsh -1 Food Grassland Costs 3 movement points per tile, 15% combat penalty
Oasis 3 Food, 1 Gold Desert 10% combat penalty
Rivers 1 Food Between certain tiles Costs all movement points to cross, 20 combat penalty when attacking across a river.

Natural Wonders[edit | edit source]

Natural Wonders are a new class of wonders. Unlike traditional wonders, they aren't built by a civilization, but are found on certain tiles in every map. By default, every map has a set number of Natural Wonders depending on the size of the map. All Natural Wonders are impassable except to aerial units, and they all grant a permanent Happiness boost when they're discovered. Natural Wonders can also be worked like any tile, and provide enhanced yields if they're located within a city.

Natural Wonder Yield
Cerro de Potosi 10 Gold
El Dorado 5 Culture
Fountain of Youth 10 Happiness
Krakatoa 5 Science
Mt. Fuji 2 Gold, 3 Culture, 3 Faith
Old Faithful 2 Science, 3 Happiness
Rock of Gibraltar 2 Food, 5 Gold
The Barringer Crater 2 Gold, 3 Science
The Grand Mesa 2 Production, 3 Gold
The Great Barrier Reef 2 Food, 1 Production, 1 Gold, 2 Science
Mt. Kailash (G&K only) 6 Faith, 2 Happiness
Mt. Sinai (G&K only) 8 Faith
Sri Pada (G&K only) 2 Food, 4 Faith, 2 Happiness
Uluru (G&K only) 2 Food, 6 Faith

Bonus Resources[edit | edit source]

Bonus Resources increase the yield of tiles once improvements are built on them. They are the only type of resource that cannot be used for trading.

Resource Bonus Yield Found On Improved With
Bananas +1 Food Jungle Plantation
Cattle +1 Food Grassland Pasture
Deer +1 Food Forest, Hill and Tundra Camp
Fish +1 Food Coast Fishing Boats
Sheep +1 Food Hill, Grassland, Plains and Desert Pasture
Stone +1 Production Hill, Grassland, Plains, Desert, Tundra and Snow Quarry
Wheat +1 Food Flood Plains and Plains Farm

Luxury Resources[edit | edit source]

Luxury Resources grant increased yields on tiles like Bonus Resources, but they also grant Happiness to your empire. However, you can only get Happiness from one copy of a Luxury Resource, which means having many of the same resources will have the same effect of having only one. You can still get more Happiness with multiple types of Luxury Resources, while excess Luxury Resources can be traded with other civilizations.

After Gods and Kings, a few Luxury Resources are manufactured by Mercantile City-States instead of being found on tiles. Forming an alliance with or conquering the City-State will let you obtain these resources.

Resource Bonus Yield Found On Improved With
Cotton +2 Gold Grassland, Plains and Desert Plantation
Dyes +2 Gold Jungle and Forest Plantation
Furs +2 Gold Forest and Tundra Camp
Gems +3 Gold Jungle, Hill, Grassland, Plains, Desert and Tundra Mine
Gold +2 Gold Hill, Grassland, Plains and Desert Mine
Incense +2 Gold Plains and Desert Plantation
Ivory +2 Gold Plains Camp
Marble +2 Gold Hill, Grassland, Plains, Desert and Tundra Quarry
Pearls +2 Gold Coast Fishing Boats
Silk +2 Gold Forest Plantations
Silver +2 Gold Hill, Tundra and Desert Mine
Spices +2 Gold Jungle Plantation
Sugar +2 Gold Flood Plains and Marsh Plantation
Whales +1 Food, +1 Gold Coast Fishing Boats
Wine +2 Gold Grassland and Plains Plantation
Citrus (G&K) +1 Food, +1 Gold Grassland and Plains Plantation
Copper (G&K) +2 Gold Grassland, Plains, Desert, Tundra and Snow Mine
Crab (G&K) +1 Food, +1 Gold Coast Fishing Boats
Jewelry (G&K) +2 Gold Mercantile City-State N/A
Porcelain (G&K) +2 Gold Mercantile City-States N/A
Salt (G&K) +1 Food, +1 Gold Plains, Desert and Tundra Mine
Truffles (G&K) +2 Gold Forest, Marsh, Jungle Camp

Strategic Resources[edit | edit source]

Strategic Resources grant bonus yields when improved and can be traded similar to other resources, though they are primarily used for powerful military units. Strategic Resources are unique in that you need certain technologies to reveal them, such as Animal Husbandry for Horses. There is a cap with Strategic Resources depending on how many resources your empire has. Whenever you produce a unit or building that requires a Strategic Resource, one of that resource is consumed. If you run out of that particular resource, you can no longer produce any units that require it. If the units that use Strategic Resources become higher than the number of resources you have in your empire, such as if you obtained some of that resource from a trade that just ended, your units will be inflicted with a drastic combat penalty. Fortunately, you can regain Strategic Resources if a unit that requires it is eliminated. For example, if you used a Horse to produce a Knight and the Knight dies, you regain the Horse you used.

Resource Bonus Yield Revealed By Found On Improved With Used For
Horses +1 Production Animal Husbandry Grassland, Plains and Tundra Pasture Most mounted units
Iron +1 Production Iron Working Hill, Grassland, Plains, Desert, Tundra and Snow Mine Certain melee and naval units
Coal +1 Production Scientific Theory/Industrialization (G&K) Hill, Grassland and Plains Mine Certain Industrial Era units
Oil +1 Production Biology Jungle, Marsh, Desert, Tundra, Snow and Coast Oil Well and Offshore Platform Some naval units
Aluminum +1 Production Electricity Hill, Plains, Desert and Tundra Mine Some air units
Uranium +1 Production Atomic Theory Jungle, Forest, Marsh, Hill, Grassland, Plains, Desert, Tundra and Snow Mine Most nuclear weapons