Items other than weapons and ammunition can be picked up during missions. Items needed to complete mission objectives are shown on the Personal Data Assistant's Inventory screen once picked up so you can confirm that you have them, and any use is automatic. These items are normally removed when the mission ends, but some (IR Goggles, Ice Cleats and Gas Mask) are retained for possible use in later missions and need to be activated.
Other items picked up can restore shields, health, lives and battery power, but these aren't stored in inventory. There are also power-ups to supercharge weapons and shields for 50 seconds.
Battery Cell[edit | edit source]
A Battery Cell is only picked up when battery power is at less than maximum. You always begin a mission with maximum battery power, which allows use of the IR Goggles or Gas Mask for two minutes, or the Headlight for ten. It only takes two battery cells to restore maximum battery power, and if one cannot be found then a Mouse Droid always drops one. However, since excess battery cells cannot be picked up for later use, remember their locations in case battery power runs low before all mission objectives are complete.
IR Goggles[edit | edit source]
Infrared Goggles can be first picked up in a secret area in the very first mission, or by the hydro-electric power generator of Talay: Tak Base (the first objective of Mission II). When active they allow you to see in dark areas, turning the view green, but unlike the Headlight they don't give away your position: however, they drain battery power five times faster, and can only be used for maximum two minutes unless you find Battery Cells to restore power.
Ice Cleats[edit | edit source]
Ice Cleats are picked up outside the Robotics Construction Facility on Anteevy (Mission VIII), at the lip of a crevasse to the northwest of Ice Station Beta. When active they give you traction on ice so that you can move normally.
Gas Mask[edit | edit source]
The Gas Mask can be first picked up in a secret area in the Imperial Detention Center on Orinackra (Mission VI), or the Robotics Construction Facility on Anteevy (Mission VIII): if you start gasping for air, activate this to breathe normally. However, when active it drains battery power, and can only be used for maximum two minutes unless you find Battery Cells to restore power.
Headlight[edit | edit source]
The Headlight is not shown in inventory, but you always have one. When active it lets you see in dark areas, but unlike IR Goggles it also lets you be seen: however, it drains battery power five times slower, and can be used for maximum ten minutes (although it fades as battery power runs low) unless you find Battery Cells to restore power.
Key[edit | edit source]
A key is needed to unlock some doors, which happens automatically if the key has already been picked up: otherwise, a message is shown to the top left informing which color key is needed. If you cannot find a key, you may need to kill a particular Imperial Officer to pick it up when it drops.
Shield Units[edit | edit source]
Shield Units are only picked up when shields are at less than maximum 200, and they restore up to 20 shields. Excess shield units cannot be picked up for later use, so remember their locations in case shields run low before all mission objectives are complete.
Medkit[edit | edit source]
A Medkit is only picked up when health is at less than maximum 100, and it restores up to 20 health. Excess medkits cannot be picked up for later use, so remember their locations in case health runs low before all mission objectives are complete (although you always begin each mission at maximum health, so there's no need to pick them up before ending the previous one).
Extra Life[edit | edit source]
An Extra Life is only picked up when lives are at less than maximum 9, although you always begin each mission with at least 3 lives.
Revive[edit | edit source]
A Revive is only picked up when shields are at less than maximum 200, or health is at less than maximum 100, and it restores both to maximum. A Revive is rare, so whenever possible it's best to save it until the end of a mission so you begin the next one with maximum shields (although you always begin a mission at maximum health anyway).
Weapon Supercharge[edit | edit source]
A Weapon Supercharge doubles attack rate of punches and projectile weapons for 50 seconds when picked up, and only expends ammunition on alternate shots (so double the shots for half the cost). However, if you hold down primary fire with the Repeater when a shot costs nothing, then all subsequent shots cost nothing as well!
While active, the ammunition number in the bottom right of the Status Display (HUD) turns from red to yellow, flashing and beeping in the last 5 seconds to warn of expiry.
Shield Supercharge[edit | edit source]
A Shield Supercharge restores shields to maximum 200 when picked up, and grants a Super Shield for 50 seconds: this is limitless against blast and crush damage absorbed by shields, but damage inflicted by melee weapons, fists, fangs and falling is still direct to health.
While active, the shield arcs in the bottom left of the Status Display (HUD) turn from green to yellow, flashing and beeping in the last 5 seconds to warn of expiry.