Starport: Galactic Empires/Text commands

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Any text input without a command before it will be a radio message to your current system. Here is the list of commands you can use while playing:

  • /c - or /corp - talk to corp
  • /e go - or /e come or /e warp - commands your escort
  • /r - or /reply - reply to a private message
  • /s - or /shout - shouts to all players
  • /t <user> - or /tell - tell something privately
  • /tc <member> - or /tellcorp - talk to the entire corp of <member>
  • /hug <user>
  • /laugh <user>
  • /kiss <user>
  • /nod <user>
  • /salute <user>
  • /shake <user> - or /handshake
  • /smile <user>
  • /wink <user>
  • /give <user> <amount> - gives <amount> credits to <user>
  • /givetokens <user> <amount> - gives <amount> tokens to <user>
  • /help - displays a screen giving general information about Starport
  • /tips - turns on the tips feature
  • /tutorial - command replaced by /tips
  • /bug <bug> - used to report an error with Starport
  • /changepassword <old> <new> - changes your account password
  • /idea <idea> - used to submit an idea
  • /max - maximizes all info windows
  • /min - minimizes all info windows
  • /news - displays game news
  • /news <#> - displays old news
  • /ping - ping yourself
  • /ping <user> - returns the latency of a player
  • /spice - displays the amount of spice converersion you have left
  • /time - displays the time
  • /cancelun - cancels UN protection on the colony you are inside
  • /givecolony - give your corp use of the colony you are inside
  • /makeceo <corp member name> - makes <corp member name> the CEO
  • /namecolony <name> - give the colony you are inside a name... no spaces
  • /takecolony - take or give the use of the colony you are inside
  • /bounty <user> - displays bounty of <user>
  • /char <user> - or /character - displays profile of <user>
  • /ignore - displays a list of the people you are ignoring
  • /ignore <user> - ignores all messages from <user>... <user> can send you two mails
  • /pro <user> - or /profile - displays profile of <user>
  • /who <user> - or /whois - displays profile of <user>
  • /clearmail - deletes all mails in your mailbox
  • /mail <user> <subject> <body> - mails <user>... <subject> is limited to one word
  • /readmail - prints all your mails in the chat box
  • /go <coords or name> - or /goto - goes to system
  • /m - opens map
  • /map <coords or name> - maps system
  • /warp - emergency warps
  • /where <system> - returns the coords of <system>