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Box artwork for Super Bomberman.
Box artwork for Super Bomberman.
Super Bomberman
Developer(s)Hudson Soft
Publisher(s)Hudson Soft
Year released1993
Followed bySuper Bomberman 2
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksSuper Bomberman ChannelSearch
For the mobile game, see Super Bomberman (Mobile).

Super Bomberman (スーパーボンバーマン, Suupaabonbaaman, in Japan) is an action game for the SNES and was released on May 10, 1993, in North America. It is one of the first four player games to ever be produced for the SNES and is also the first game in the Super Bomberman sub-series of games in the Bomberman series.

Story[edit | edit source]

Far to the north of BomberMan's hometown, Peace Town, lies the modern metropolis Diamond City. There, the evil Carat Diamond and his cohort, scientist Dr. Mook, are holding a Robot Tournament with robots specially designed for their combat and offensive capabilities. Hoping to steal BomberMan's advanced combat capabilities, Diamond has created a fake BomberMan to go to Peace Town and kidnap the real BomberMan. Aware of Diamond's plot, Black BomberMan heads out alone to face the fake BomberMan. But Black BomberMan is defeated and his castle is taken. Somehow Black BomberMan escapes and seeks refuge with White BomberMan, and warns him of Diamond's evil plan. Soon, wave upon wave of enemy robots begin their advance toward Peace Town. Now our two heroes must join forces to overthrow the evil Diamond !!

Table of Contents
