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Mr. Spacely:

Sadly, the above text isn't rendered as a speech sample by Mel Blanc (1908-1989), as he died two years before this game was thought of; once George has appeared on the screen, you will have to walk to the left and down to go through a door at the bottom of the screen, walk to the right and up to enter an elevator and go down one floor, walk to the left and down to go through another door at the screen's bottom, walk to the right and up to enter another elevator and go down another floor, and walk to the right and down (to collect a $50 bill). You will then have to walk back to the left and up to reenter the second elevator and go back up onto the previous floor, walk back to the left and up to enter a third elevator and go back up to that starting floor, walk to the right and up to push the second, third and fourth buttons on the wall (the second one opens the second panel in the wall, which has a remote control in it, while the third one does not appear to do anything, and the fourth one opens the third panel in the wall), walk back down, to the left and up to press the first button on the wall (which will open the first panel in it) and walk back down, to the right and up to collect the remote control - and once you have done so, you will have to walk back down, to the left, and up to reenter the first elevator and go back down a floor, walk to the right and up to go through a third door, walk to the right and up to enter a fourth elevator and go back up to the start floor again, walk to the left and up to go through a fourth door, walk to the right and up to go through a fifth door, walk up to push all five buttons on the wall (which again do not appear to do anything), and walk back down and to the right to collect second $50 bill. You now have to walk down to enter a sixth door at the bottom of the screen, walk to the right and down to enter seventh door at the bottom of the screen, walk to the left and up to enter an eighth door, and walk back to the left to collect a third $50 bill; once you've done so, you will have to walk back to the right and down to go through a ninth door at the bottom of the screen, walk to the right (while watching out for four malfunctioning swivel chairs) and up to enter a fifth elevator and go back down a floor, walk to the left onto an upward-moving conveyor belt which will take you through a tenth door, and walk to the right to collect a fourth $50 bill. You then have to walk back to the left onto another left-moving conveyor belt (while watching out for falling crates), and up through an eleventh door, walk to the left, up, and to the left onto third left-moving conveyor belt to press the third button on the wall while watching out for more falling crates (it will open the third panel on the wall, which has a spanner in it) and swap the remote control with the spanner - and once you have done so, you will have to retrace your steps back to the right, down and to the right onto fourth right-moving conveyor belt to push the button on the wall while watching out for more falling crates (it once again doesn't appear to do anything), retrace your steps back down, walk to the left (while watching out for fifteen flames spewing from three pipes on the ceiling and six holes in the ground) and up (to go through a twelfth door), walk up (while watching out for four more flames spewing from a fourth pipe on the ceiling, and two more holes in the ground) to go through a thirteenth door, walk to the right and up to a sixth elevator to remove the "OUT OF ORDER" sign from it, retrace your steps back to the left, down, to the right, up, to the left, and up (to go through a fourteenth door), walk to the right onto a fifth downward-moving conveyor belt and up onto a sixth right-moving one to push the button on the wall (it yet again does not appear to do anything), walk back to the left and up to enter a seventh elevator and go down a third floor, walk to the left and up (to go through a fifteenth door), walk up and to the right, onto a seventh right-moving conveyor belt (while watching out for more falling crates), to push the button on the wall (it opens the panel in the wall, which has a briefcase in it), and collect the briefcase. You will now have to retrace your steps back to the left, down, to the right, and up to reenter the seventh elevator and go back up onto the previous floor, retrace your steps back left and down onto an eighth right-moving conveyor belt to press the button on the wall, while watching out for more falling crates (it, for a fifth time, does not appear to do anything!), retrace your steps back down, to the left, up, to the right and up to enter the previously-out-of-order sixth elevator and go down a fourth floor and walk to the right and down (while watching for two electrical currents spewing from two more holes in the ground) to collect a fifth $50 bill; once you've done so you will have to walk up, to the right, down, up and to the right (while watching out for eight more electrical currents spewing up from eight more holes in the ground), onto ninth right-moving conveyor belt (while watching out for more falling crates and six more electrical currents spewing up from six more holes in the ground), and walk down and right to collect the drink can (if George was unfortunate enough to be hit, it'll restore some of his energy). You will now have to retrace your steps back to the left and up to go through a sixteenth door (while watching out for two more electrical currents spewing from either side of it), then walk to the left and down to collect a sixth $50 bill - and once you do so, you'll have to walk back up, to the right, down, and to the right (while watching out for four more electrical currents spewing from four more holes in the ground) to collect a seventh $50 bill. You'll now have to retrace your steps back up, to the left, down, to the right, then down to go through a seventeenth door at the bottom of the screen and walk to the right, up, to the right and down (while watching out for seven more electrical currents spewing from seven more holes in the ground), to collect an eighth and final $50 bill. You will then have to retrace your steps back up, left, and down to go through an eighteenth door at the bottom of the screen (while watching out for two last electrical currents spewing from either side of it), and walk to the right, up, to the right, down, to the right, up, to the right, down and to the right to the exit; once you have done so the briefcase will transform into George's jet-car and fly off the right side of the screen. The text "WELL DONE GEORGE" will now appear on the screen.

The flying section of this stage will now start, and once George's jet-car has flown up into view from the bottom of the screen, you will have to start flying up and to the left to collect a $50 coin; once you have done so, you will have to fly to the right to collect another $50 coin, a letter J (which is worth $100) and a third $50 coin. You'll then have to collect two more $50 coins - and once you have done so, you will have to fly to the left and back down to collect a sixth $50 coin. You will then have to fly back up and to the left to collect two more $50 coins; once you have done so, you will have to fly to the right to collect two more $50 coins and a letter E (which is again worth $100). You will then have to fly back to the left and down to collect a ninth $50 coin - and once you've done so, you will have to fly back up to collect two more $50 coins. You will then have to fly to the left to collect a twelfth $50 coin; once you have done so, you will have to fly back to the right to collect two more $50 coins. You will then have to fly back to the left to collect two more $50 coins - and once you've done so, you shall have to collect a seventeenth $50 coin and a pocket watch (which gives George some extra time to clear the stage). You shall then have to fly to the right to collect a drink can; once you have done so, you will have to fly back down to collect an eighteenth $50 coin. You will now have to fly back up to collect a nineteenth $50 coin and a letter T (which is, once again, worth $100) - and once you have done so you will have to collect two more $50 coins. You'll then have to fly to the left (as you pass two flashing lights, which indicates a speed-restriction zone) and back down to collect a letter S (which is, yet again, worth $100); once you have done so, you will have to fly to the right and back up to collect a twenty-second $50 coin. You will now have to fly to the left to collect another drink can - and once you have done so you will have to fly back to the right to collect two more $50 coins. You will then have to fly to the left, to collect a twenty-fifth $50 coin; once you have done so, you will have to fly to the right and back down to collect another pocket watch. You'll then have to fly back up and to the left to collect a letter O (which is for a fifth time worth $100) - and once you have done so, you shall have to fly to the right (as you pass two more flashing lights, which indicates another speed-restriction zone) to collect two more $50 coins. You will now have to fly to the left (while watching out for an electrical force field) to collect a twenty-eighth $50 coin; once you have done so you will have to fly to the right (as you pass two more flashing lights, which indicates a third speed-restriction zone) to collect a third drink can. You will now have to fly back down, to the left and up to collect a third pocket watch and a twenty-ninth $50 coin - and once you have done so, you will have to fly to the right to collect a letter N (which is, for a sixth time, worth $100), three more $50 coins and a fourth drink can. You will now have to fly back down, to the left, up, and to the right to collect another letter S (which is, for a seventh and final time, worth $100); once you have done so, you will have to fly to the left and to the right to collect a thirty-second $50 coin. You will then have to collect three more $50 coins and a fourth pocket watch - and once you have done so, you will have to fly back down, to the left, up, and to the left to collect a thirty-sixth $50 coin. You will then have to fly back to the right to collect two last $50 coins and a fifth drink can; once you have done so, you will have to fly up off the top of the screen, to proceed to the second stage.