You will first have to connect your Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 or Commodore Amiga (and cassette recorder, in the case of the first three) to your television set, then switch all three (or both, for the case of the Amiga version) of them on; you'll then have to place the cassette of Hi-Tec Software's 221B Software Development and PAL Developments-developed 1991 platform game The Jetsons: The Computer Game in that cassette recorder (or the console itself, in the case of the Amiga version), type LOAD "" (without leaving a space between the quotation marks) and press Enter to load the program into the console (or wait for it to load automatically for the case of the Amiga version). For the ZX version, you can then press S to start the game, C to redefine the controls or M to turn the music (a remix of the show's theme song) on and off - however, in the Amiga version, you can press F10 , to toggle between 50 and 60 Hertz (depending on whether you are playing it on a PAL or NTSC television, even though the latter were not commonplace in the United Kingdom) before pushing the button on the joystick, as this version does not support keyboard control, to start the game.