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Click here for more information about Athena's other fighting game appearances.

Athena Asamiya (麻宮 アテナ) is a character originally from SNK's video games Athena (as the Princess/Goddess Athena) and Psycho Soldier (as the young school girl Athena). The latter is a descendant of the Princess Athena and is also the version that appears in most fighting games. Athena possesses psycho powers that are a legacy from her ancestor Princess Athena through her mother.

She is one of the few fighters that has appeared in ever King of Fighters game so far, though she changes her outfit with almost every iteration.

Story (in the KOF Orochi Saga)[edit | edit source]

Athena is a modern day high school girl in Japan. She started her experience of Psycho Soldier as one day, while returning home from school, Athena saw a couple of Chinese fellows about to defend themselves from a local tough guy, whom she immediately knocked out with her powers before he threw a single punch. After introducing herself to the travelers, she discovered that the teenage boy, Sie Kensou, likewise had psychic powers while the aged man, Chin Gentsai, was a venerable master of many Chinese martial arts. Recognizing a good thing, they joined forces to become the Psycho Soldiers. Since then, Kensou has persisted in trying to make Athena his girlfriend, though she thinks of him as a good friend and nothing more (as of yet). By KOF '95, Athena met Kyo, and became mildly attracted to him after their match. However, she respects the fact that he already has a girlfriend and dropped the crush.

While Chin trained Athena and Kensou in kung-fu, Athena led their efforts in crime fighting and conquering the world of team combat in the annual The King of Fighters tournament.

By KOF '96, Athena had become just as big a sensation in the fighting world as she was on the pop scene for her charm, unique style, and amazing powers. Though she had never led her team to an overall championship win, she and her powers--along with those of other major heroes in KOF — played a crucial supporting role in helping Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, and Chizuru Kagura defeat at various times Rugal Bernstein, Geese Howard, Goenitz, and Orochi.

In KOF '97, Athena was forbidden to take part in the KOF tournament by her master Chin. After presenting him a letter from a fan, Kaoru Watabe, a crippled girl who took inspiration to learn to walk again by watching Athena's determination in the tournament, master Chin had no choice but to join the tournament once again along with Athena and Kensou.

Teams[edit | edit source]

Moves[edit | edit source]

The King of Fighters '94[edit | edit source]

Psychic Throw (close) or + or
(close) or + or
Command Moves
Wall Jump (close to wall) or
Chain Kick (close)
Phoenix Bomb +
Special Moves
Psycho Ball +
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Reflector +
Desperation Moves
Crystal Bit

The King of Fighters '95[edit | edit source]

Psychic Throw (close) or + or
(close) or or +
Command Moves
Chain Kick
Phoenix Bomb +
Special Moves
Psycho Ball +
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Sword +
Psycho Reflector +
Desperation Moves
Crystal Bit
└►Crystal Shoot +

The King of Fighters '96[edit | edit source]

Bit Throw (close) or +
Psychic Throw (close) or +
(close) or or +
Command Moves
Sankakutobi (close to wall)
Special Moves
Psycho Ball +
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Sword +
Nu Psycho Reflector +
Psycho Teleport +
Desperation Moves
Crystal Bit
└►Crystal Shoot +

The King of Fighters '97[edit | edit source]

Bit Throw (close) or +
Psychic Throw (close) or +
(close) or or +
Command Moves
Sankakutobi (close to wall)
Renkan Tai +
Phoenix Bomb +
Special Moves
Psycho Ball +
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Sword +
Super Psychic Throw (close) +
Psycho Reflector +
Psycho Teleport +
Desperation Moves
Crystal Bit
├►Crystal Shoot +
└►Cancel +++
Phoenix Fang Arrow +

The King of Fighters '98[edit | edit source]

Bit Throw (close) or +
Psychic Throw (close) or +
(close) or or +
Command Moves
Sankakutobi (close to wall)
Psychic Skin
Phoenix Bomb +
Special Moves
Psycho Ball +
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Sword +
Super Psychic Throw (close) +
Psycho Reflector +
Nu Psycho Reflector +
Psycho Teleport +
Desperation Moves
Crystal Bit
└►Crystal Shoot +
Phoenix Fang Arrow +

The King of Fighters '94 Re-Bout[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Psychic Shoot (Air Throw) (close) or or +
Phoenix Bomb +
Psycho Ball Attack +
Psycho Reflector +
Phoenix Arrow +
Desperation Move
Shining Crystal
+ +

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match[edit | edit source]

Bit Throw (close) or +
Psychic Throw (close) or +
(close) or or +
Command Moves
Sankakutobi (close to wall)
Psychic Skin
Phoenix Bomb +
Special Moves
Psycho Ball +
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Sword +
Super Psychic Throw (close) +
Psycho Reflector +
Nu Psycho Reflector +
Psycho Teleport +
Desperation Moves
Crystal Bit
└►Crystal Shoot +
Psycho Ball Revolution +
Phoenix Fang Arrow +

Nettou The King of Fighters '95[edit | edit source]

Special Throw
(close) or + or
Special Moves
Psycho Ball +
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Sword +
Psycho Reflector +
Desperation Move
Crystal Bit
+ (Press to cancel)
└►Crystal Shoot +

Note that Athena had a chain kick by pressing while close to the opponent.

Nettou The King of Fighters '96[edit | edit source]

Special Throw
(close) or + or
Special Moves
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Sword +
Psycho Ball +
Nu Psycho Reflector +
Psycho Teleport +
Desperation Moves
Crystal Bit
+ (Press to cancel)
└►Crystal Shoot +

King of Fighters R-1[edit | edit source]

Bit Throw (close) or +
Psychic Throw (close) or +
(close) or or +
Command Moves
Sankakutobi (close to wall)
Renkan Tai +
Phoenix Bomb +
Special Moves
Psycho Ball +
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Sword +
Super Psychic Throw (close) +
Psycho Reflector +
Psycho Teleport +
Desperation Moves
Crystal Bit
├►Crystal Shoot +
└►Cancel +
Phoenix Fang Arrow +

King of Fighters R-2[edit | edit source]

Bit Throw (close) or +
Psychic Throw (close) or +
(close) or or +
Command Moves
Sankakutobi (close to wall)
Psychic Skin
Phoenix Bomb +
Special Moves
Psycho Ball +
Phoenix Arrow +
Psycho Sword +
Super Psychic Throw (close) +
Psycho Reflector +
Nu Psycho Reflector +
Psycho Teleport +
Desperation Moves
Crystal Bit
└►Crystal Shoot +
Phoenix Fang Arrow +