The Sims 2: FreeTime/New Objects
From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
The Sims 2: FreeTime comes with a variety of new objects, buy mode objects, crafted items and special reward objects that you can earn by excelling in your chosen hobby. Because there are too many objects to profile on one page, we have instead chosen to profile them on several sub-pages. Each sub-page corresponds to a section in the buy mode catalogue.
Terminology[edit | edit source]
This section explains the terminology of each of the sub-pages below.
- Price: Amount of simoleons required to buy this object
- Initial Depreciation: Value that this object decreases by on the first day after buying it.
- Daily Depreciation: Value that this object depreciates by daily.
- Depreciation Limit: Minimum value for this object
- Appreciation: Value that an object may appreciate by. (Not available on all objects)
- Need effects: Rating for how well this object satisfies needs.
- Need Max: A number from -100-100 showing how much of that need the object can satisfy. For example 0 means that the object can only make the need half-full and 50 means that the object can make the bar three-quaters full.
- Skills: Skills that this object can improve.
- Talents: Talent badges that this objects helps to build.
- Hobbies: Hobby that this object builds towards.
- Room: Rooms that this object is available in in the sort by room button.
- Community Sort: Where to find this object in community lots.
- Interactions: Interactions available on this object. Interactions introduced in The Sims 2 won't be shown.
Follow these links to different object types.
Collections[edit | edit source]
There are seven new collections that you can choose from. This allows for more styles in your house.
- The Sims 2: FreeTime. All the new objects in The Sims 2: FreeTime.
- Bohemian
- Classic
- Comfy
- Metro
- Modern
- Sporty
- Tech