Wacky Races/Stage 1

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Commodore Amiga[edit | edit source]


Welcome to the game. Once all eleven cars have appeared on the screen, the other ten Wacky Racers will drive off the right side of the screen, leaving Dick Dastardly in a cloud of smoke to catch them up (his current position is displayed at the bottom of the screen); you will then have to accelerate, and spike the Slag Brothers to kill them. You'll then have to jump over two pools of water, and spike a log dropped by a passing bird to destroy it - and once you've done so, you'll have to jump over three more pools of water, and spike a rabbit to kill him. You'll then have to jump up and spike Peter Perfect to kill him; once you've done so, you will have to drop down, and spike another rabbit to kill him. You will then have to jump over four more pools of water, and spike a third rabbit to kill him - and once you've done so you will have to jump over a tenth pool of water and spike a worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You'll then have to jump over an eleventh pool of water, and spike a falling rock to destroy it; once you have done so, you will have to jump over a twelfth pool of water and spike two more worms (who are poking their heads out of the ground) to kill them. You'll then have to drop down twice, jump over two more pools of water and spike a fourth rabbit and two more worms (who're poking their heads out of the ground) to kill them - and once you've done so you shall have to jump over two more pools of water and spike Lazy Luke and Blubber Bear to kill them. You will then have to spike a sixth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him; once you have done it, you will have to jump over a seventeenth pool water, jump up twice more, and spike two more worms (who are poking their heads out of the ground) to kill them. You'll then have to drop down, jump over an eighteenth pool of water, and spike four more falling rocks and another log (dropped by a second passing bird) to destroy them - and once you have done so, you will have to collect a blue sphere (if Dastardly's car was unfortunate enough to get hit it will restore some of its energy), jump over a nineteenth pool of water and spike a third log (dropped by a third passing bird) to destroy it. You will now have to jump up, jump over three more pools water and spike a fifth rabbit to kill him; once you have done so, you shall have to drop down and spike a sixth rabbit, a fourth log (dropped by a fourth passing bird), and a ninth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill them. You will then have to jump up, drop down, jump up, drop down and spike a tenth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him - and once you have done so, you will have to jump up, drop down, jump over four more pools of water, jump up, and spike an eleventh worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You'll then have to jump up and spike a twelfth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him; once you have done so you will have to jump up and spike a thirteenth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) and a seventh rabbit to kill them. You'll now have to jump over a twenty-fourth pool of water, jump up and spike a fourteenth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him - and, once you have done so, you will have to spike Sgt. Blast and Pte. Meekly to kill them. You must then cross the finish line; once you do so, the text WELL DONE! YOU HAVE FINISHED. will appear on the screen.

ZX, CPC and Commodore 64[edit | edit source]


Welcome to the game. Once all four cars have appeared on the screen, the other three Wacky Racers will drive off the right side of the screen, leaving Dick Dastardly in a cloud of smoke to catch them up (his current position is displayed at the bottom of the screen); you will then have to accelerate and spike a worm (who's poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You'll then have to jump over a pit, spike Peter Perfect, another worm (who's poking his head out of the ground), and Rufus Roughcut to kill them - and once you have done so, you will have to jump over another pit, and spike a fly to kill him. You'll then have to drop down, jump up, and spike a third worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him; once you have done so, you will have to pass a Sonic the Hedgehog-like "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, and spike a fourth worm (who's poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You'll then have to jump over a third pit and spike another fly to kill him - and once you have done so, you will have to drop down and spike a third fly and a fifth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill them. You'll then have to pass another Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump up, drop down, jump up, drop down and spike a fourth fly and a sixth worm (who's poking his head out of the ground) to kill them; once you have done so you will have to drop down and spike a fifth fly to kill him. You will then have to collect a heart, drop down, jump up and spike a seventh worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him - and, once you've done so, you will have to pass a third Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump over a fourth pit, jump up twice (while watching out for falling rock), drop down, jump over a fifth pit and spike a sixth fly to kill him. You will now have to drop down and spike two more falling rocks to destroy them; once you have done so you will have to spike the Slag Brothers, an eighth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground), and two more flies to kill them. You will then have to pass a fourth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump over three more pits, jump up five more times, pass a fifth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning and spike a ninth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him - and once you've done so, you shall have to jump over two more pits and spike a tenth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You shall now have to jump over seven more pits and spike an eleventh worm (who is poking his head out of the ground), to kill him; once you've done so, you will have to pass a sixth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump over five more pits and spike a twelfth worm (who's poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You will then have to drop down and spike a seventh fly to kill him - and once you have done so you shall have to jump over a twenty-third pit, collect a second heart, pass a seventh Sonic the Hedgehog-like "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump over three more pits and spike a thirteenth worm (who's poking his head out of the ground), and an eighth fly to kill them. You must then jump up and spike three more worms (who're all poking their heads out of the ground) and a ninth fly to kill them; once you have done it, you will have to jump over two more pits and pass an eighth and final Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign (which indicates the end of the race) to start it spinning. In the 8-bit versions, the hearts have the same effect as the blue spheres.