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Box artwork for Zippy Race.
Box artwork for Zippy Race.
Zippy Race
Year released1983
System(s)Arcade, NES, Sega SG-1000
SeriesArcade Archives
Japanese titleジッピーレース
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Arcade Archives Traverse USA
Publisher(s)Hamster Corporation
Year released2018
System(s)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4
Rating(s)CERO All agesESRB EveryonePEGI Ages 3+General
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Zippy Race was a basic arcade motorcycle racing game that alternated between a bird's eye view and an over the shoulder view throughout the race. It was released in North America by Williams as MotoRace USA (also known as Traverse USA) and in Spain as Mototour, and it was ported to the Sega SG-1000 and the Famicom.

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