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This is the first game in the Zoo Tycoon series. For other games in the series see the Zoo Tycoon category.

Box artwork for Zoo Tycoon.
Box artwork for Zoo Tycoon.
Zoo Tycoon
Developer(s)Blue Fang Games
Publisher(s)Microsoft Game Studios
Year released2001
System(s)Windows, Mac OS, macOS, Nintendo DS
Expansion pack(s)Dinosaur Digs
Marine Mania
Followed byZoo Tycoon 2
SeriesZoo Tycoon
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksZoo Tycoon at PCGamingWikiZoo Tycoon ChannelSearch

Zoo Tycoon is a simulation game in which players build and manage a zoo.

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