Once René and Michelle have reappeared, to the left of the 4-6-4 steam locomotive they bribed to stop, start walking to the left, jump up the right side of a staircase, and onto the branches of three trees (passing over a gun-wielding German guard below you); you will then have to jump over a tree trunk to land on a platform and collect six red stars, jump onto another platform which has three brown blocks to its right, to collect two more red stars, jump onto a third platform made up from fourteen more brown blocks, to collect five more red stars, and jump up to collect eight yellow stars (while watching out for a kingfisher that is flying back and forth above you), drop down to the ground, pick up the cherry, jump onto a fence and collect two more red stars, jump over another tree trunk to land on another fence and collect five more red stars (passing over a second German guard below you), jump over a third tree trunk and onto the branches of three more trees, drop down to the ground, jump onto a third fence and get a twenty-first red star, jump over a fourth tree trunk to land on a fourth platform that's made up from nine more brown blocks, drop down to the ground, jump onto the second step of another staircase to collect two more red stars, jump up, throw the cherry at a third bayonet-holding German guard on its third step to stun him and make him drop a cake, jump onto the third step, collect two more red stars (and pick up the cake), jump up to the fifth step, drop down to the ground to collect eight more yellow and six more red stars (while watching out for a second kingfisher that is flying back and forth above you), jump back up to the sixth step of the previous staircase, jump up to the first step of a third staircase, drop down to its second step, drop down to its third step, to collect nine more red stars, jump onto its fourth step, drop down to the ground, jump up to three platforms on the bullet-riddled wall of a bombed building, to collect ten more yellow stars, drop down to the ground, dash under a fourth German guard as he jumps to collect eight more red stars, jump onto a fifth platform, over a fifth tree trunk and onto the branches of three more trees (passing over Colonel Von Strohm and Lieutenant Gruber below you, and even though they were good friends of René in the show, they'll cause him to lose a bottle, if they bump into him here!), jump over a sixth tree trunk and onto a sixth platform, drop down to the ground, jump onto a seventh platform, jump up the first five steps of a fourth staircase, and collect thirteen more yellow stars which are arranged to look like an arrow pointing to the left, drop down to the sixth step to collect two more red stars, jump onto the eighth step to collect thirteen more yellow stars that are, again, arranged to look like an arrow pointing to the left, drop down to the eleventh step to collect six more red stars, jump over a fifth bayonet-wielding German guard, onto a sixth platform, fall down over a sixth bayonet-wielding German guard, onto a seventh platform, drop down to the ground, jump up to two platforms on the bullet-riddled wall of another bombed building, jump onto an eighth platform made up from seven more brown blocks to collect three more red stars, jump onto a ninth platform made up from seven more brown blocks, jump onto the branch of a tenth tree, drop down to the ground, throw the cake at Mimi to make her wave her handkerchief, and cause two more German guards to walk back and forth behind her as a result, then jump back over a tenth platform made up from three more brown blocks, and push up by a seventh tree trunk to enter a second part of the forest.
Once you are in the second part of the forest, pick up the fish, start walking to the left, jump over the bush with legs (it will grow a pair of eyes as you do so), jump up to the second step of a staircase, then push up by a tree trunk to enter a third part of the forest; once you are in that third part of the forest, start walking to the right, jump over Herr Flick, climb a tree with seven planks of wood nailed to it, jump over Helga (again, even though she was a good friend of René in the show, she will cause him to lose a bottle if she bumps into him here), to collect thirty-six smiling faces, twelve red-yellow stars, and twelve more red stars, then turn back to the left and throw the fish at Helga to stun her and make her drop her bra. Once you've picked up the bra, walk back to the right, climb another tree with seven planks of wood nailed to it, jump to the right onto the branch of a third tree to collect seven more smiling faces, jump back to the left onto the top of the second tree (which has a poster for Café René nailed to it) and throw the bra at Officer Crabtree to make him drop six gold coins and a bomb - and, once you pick them all up (remember that when René and Michelle collect ten gold coins, they shall become invulnerable for a very short period of time), you will have to jump to the left onto the branch of a fourth tree, drop down onto a fifth tree (while watching out for a third kingfisher that's flying towards you, as you will have run out of items by this time), pick up the petrol can, jump onto the fourth branch of a sixth tree to collect five more smiling faces, drop down to its third, second and first ones in turn to collect sixteen more smiling faces, then drop down to the ground and push up (by the tree trunk that happens to have a red arrow pointing north-west nailed onto it) to return to the second part of the forest.
Once you are back in the second part of the forest, start walking to the left, drop down to the ground, climb a first ladder to a lookout tower, pick up the helmet, climb back down the ladder to the ground, throw the helmet at a ninth German guard, to stun him, pick up the fish, climb up a second ladder to another lookout tower, pick up the boot, climb back down the ladder, to the ground, throw the boot at a tenth (bayonet-wielding) German guard, to stun him, jump to the top of a second staircase, climb a tree with twelve planks of wood nailed to it, jump up to its first branch, jump up to its second branch and pick up the pigeon, jump up to its third branch, and pick up the squirrel, jump to the left onto a platform and collect forty-four more red-yellow stars (which are arranged to look like a gold coin), drop down to the ground (while watching out for two more kingfishers that are flying back and forth), grab onto one of the pigeons' perches (and again watch out for the fourth and fifth kingfishers which are flying back and forth) to collect six more gold coins and twenty-five more smiling faces, drop down to a second branch of a third tree (and pick up the pigeon), drop down to a second branch of a second tree, and pick up the cap, drop down to the first branch of the second tree, and pick up the pigeon, drop down to the platform to jump back over to the second branch of the first tree, jump over to the branch of a fourth tree, fall down to the rope bridge below it, throw the pigeon at an eleventh German guard to stun him (two of the bridge planks will crumble beneath your feet, as you walk over it), jump onto the first branch of a sixth tree, jump over to second branch of a seventh tree, which has another poster for Café René nailed to it, to collect two more red-yellow stars, jump up to its third branch, jump onto the third branch of an eighth tree, drop down to the ground, to collect twenty-one more red-yellow stars, grab onto a second of the pigeons' perches to be carried up to the first branch of the eighth tree and collect the squirrel, climb the twelve planks of wood nailed to the eighth tree to jump onto its second, third and fourth branches, jump up to the bridge above you (and jump up to collect twelve more smiling faces), climb a ninth tree with thirteen planks of wood nailed to it, jump back to the left onto the fifth branch of the eighth tree, and pick up the pigeon, retrace your steps back to the ninth tree, and throw the underpants at Monsieur Alfonse to make him remove his hat in respect of the dead (causing two more German guards to do the same, as a result); you will then have to walk over to a tenth tree, pick up the squirrel, drop down to the bridge beneath you, throw the pigeon at a sixth kingfisher which is flying towards you to cook him, climb an eleventh tree with three planks of wood nailed to it and jump up to collect twenty-two more smiling faces, drop back down to the bridge, walk over to a twelfth tree, drop down to the bridge beneath you and collect forty-one more smiling faces (which are arranged to look like a balloon), walk back to the left, throw the pigeon at a seventh kingfisher that is flying towards you to cook him, jump over the (six-plank) hole in the bridge, pick up the squirrel, drop down to the ground, climb a third ladder to a third lookout tower (while watching fourteenth gun-wielding German guard), collect four more gold coins, climb back down the ladder to the ground, walk back to the right, drop down the first three steps of a third staircase, to collect seven more red-yellow stars, fall down the next three steps of this staircase, jump onto its seventh step, climb a thirteenth tree which has seven planks of wood nailed to it, jump up to its first branch, and then pick up the pigeon, jump up to the branch of a fourteenth tree and pick up the cap, jump back over to the eleventh tree, and onto the bridge above you, throw the cap at a fifteenth German guard to stun him, pick up the squirrel, jump over twelve one-plank holes in the bridge to collect eleven more red stars, climb a fifteenth tree with five planks of wood nailed to it, jump to the right onto the first branch of a sixteenth tree, to collect four more gold coins, retrace your steps back to that third lookout tower, and push up by a tree trunk, that again happens to have a red arrow pointing to the north-west nailed onto it, to enter a fourth part of the forest.
Once you have reappeared in the fourth part of the forest, drop down onto the bridge beneath you in order to collect eleven more red stars, jump over the sixteenth gun-wielding German guard, dash under the seventeenth German guard as he jumps, throw the pigeon at Yvette to make her adjust her suspenders (causing the two previous German guards to stare at her as a result!), jump onto the branch of a tree and pick up the pigeon and squirrel, drop down to the roof of a lookout tower to collect six more red-yellow stars, drop down to the ground, throw the pigeon at an eighteenth gun-wielding German guard to stun him, and make him drop a gold coin, collect the gold coin, climb a ladder to the lookout tower, pick up the petrol can and bottle, climb back down the ladder to the ground, jump onto a platform and then throw the petrol can at General Von Klinkerhoffen to stun him and make him drop his underpants (a hammer will also appear and start hitting him over the head); once you have picked up the underpants you will have to climb a tree with twelve planks of wood nailed to it, jump up to collect twenty-four more red-yellow stars and twelve more smiling faces and retrace your steps back to the tree trunk (that once again has a red arrow that is pointing north-west nailed onto it) and push up to return to the second part of the forest.
Once you've reappeared back in the second part of the forest, throw the underpants at the fifteenth German guard to stun him again, climb a tree with seventeen planks of wood nailed to it, walk to the right over a bridge (four of the planks shall crumble beneath your feet as you do this), jump over two German privates who are not Helga, drop down to the branch of a second tree and to a second bridge beneath you to collect sixty more smiling faces, climb a third tree with five planks of wood nailed to it, walk to the right over a third bridge, and jump over a third German private who is not Helga, pick up the squirrel, throw the boot at a kingfisher that is flying towards you to cook him, jump over to the branch of a fourth tree to collect ten more smiling faces, grab onto the balloon, to descend down to the ground, retrace your steps back to the left until you come to eighty-two more smiling faces which have been arranged to look like a playing-card heart, drop down to a fourth bridge beneath you and collect them, throw the helmet at a fourth German private who is not Helga, to stun her, jump to collect nine more smiling faces, climb a fifth tree with six planks of wood nailed to it, jump over two more kingfishers which are flying towards you, throw the lamp at an eighteenth gun-wielding German guard to stun him and make him drop a bottle, pick up the bottle, collect sixteen more smiling faces, climb down a sixth tree with five planks of wood nailed to it, drop down through the two-plank gap in it to land on a fifth bridge beneath you, collect thirty-four more red-yellow stars, throw the pineapple at a fifth German private who is not Helga to stun her, pick up the squirrel, drop down to the branch on the left side of the sixth tree and collect eleven more red-yellow stars, and retrace your steps back to where you had first entered this part of the forest. You will now have to jump onto a platform, grab onto one of the pigeons' perches, collect two more red-yellow stars, climb a seventh tree, with twelve planks of wood nailed to it, and retrace your steps back to the first time you dropped down the first three steps of the third staircase - and you then have to walk to the left through the staircase, to find a third petrol can and the last squirrel. Once you have picked both of them up, you will again have to retrace your steps back to where you entered this part of the forest; however, when you push the joystick up this time, you will enter a fifth part of the forest which has a second straw-filled dummy of Hitler in it as René and Michelle place the bomb that Crabtree dropped in front of a wall (which blows up and leaves them exploded) as the "level clear" jingle is heard from the Amiga for a third time.