Once René and Michelle have reappeared, still exploded, in the chateau (they shall, again, stay exploded for the entirety of this level!), throw the helmet from the previous level at Monsieur Alfonse to make him remove his hat in respect of the dead, and cause a gun-wielding German guard to do the same as a result; you then have to walk to the left, climb a ladder, to the second floor, walk to the right, climb another ladder to the third floor, walk to the right, jump up a staircase to the fourth floor, throw the saucepan from the previous level at a second gun-wielding German guard to stun him, walk to the right past the machine (the block of the platform to its right shall crumble beneath your feet as you stand on it, and the six in the wall below it will do the same as you land on them). You will then have to pick up the petrol can and walk to the right (the block of the wall will again crumble beneath your feet as you stand on it and the three below it will do the same as you land on them) - and once you have landed back on the third floor you will have to retrace your steps back up to the fourth floor, and climb a third ladder to another part of the chateau (but René and Michelle shall jump involuntarily on reappearing).
Once you have reappeared in this second part of the chateau, René or Michelle's involuntarily jump will cause him or her to collect four smiling red stars and four blue stars; you will then have to walk to the right, throw the petrol can at a bulldog, to stun him, jump up to collect twenty-three more blue stars, jump over another bulldog to collect two gold coins, turn back to the left and throw the boot at the second bulldog to stun him, retrace your steps back to where you first climbed up into this room, jump up to collect twenty-three more blue stars, and go through a door leading into a third part of the chateau.
Once you have reappeared in this third part of the chateau, you will have to throw the helmet at a third bulldog to stun him, jump to the right onto a stack of five boxes, jump to the left onto a shelf and pick up the fish and bear, drop back down to the ground and walk to the left past that still-stunned bulldog, jump up to the canopy of the four-poster bed, to collect nine more blue stars, jump up to another shelf to collect seven more blue stars, drop down to the ground again, and go through a door leading to a fourth part of the chateau; once you have reappeared in this fourth part of the chateau, crouch under a kingfisher which is flying towards you, walk to the left, and go through a door leading to a fifth part of the chateau. Once you have reappeared inside this fifth part of the chateau, you will find that it is in complete darkness, and appears to be empty - but you will have to walk to the left and go through a door leading to a sixth part of the chateau. Once you have reappeared in this sixth part of the chateau you will have to throw the bear and fish at two bulldogs to stun them, climb a ladder to a brick shelf in order to collect six more blue stars and pick up a second fish, drop down to the ground, jump onto a table, pick up the telephone and go through a door leading into a seventh part of the chateau; once you've reappeared in this seventh part of the chateau, you will have to throw the telephone at a German female private who is not Helga, to stun her and make her drop a gold coin, collect the coin, jump onto the table and up to the canopy of the four-poster bed, to collect three more blue stars and another gold coin (remember that once they have collected ten of them René and Michelle shall become invulnerable for a very short period of time), fall down to the ground, go back through the door to the sixth part of the chateau, retrace your steps back to the right and go through a second door leading to an eighth part of the chateau. Once you've reappeared in this eighth part of the chateau, jump up to collect a gold coin, throw the bear at the German knight to stun him (a pneumatic drill will appear and start drilling into him) and make him drop another gold coin, collect the gold coin, jump onto the table and onto the canopy of the four-poster bed to pick up the bear, drop down to the ground, and go back through the door to the sixth part of the chateau again - and you shall then have to retrace your steps back to the right, and go through a third door, to a ninth part of the chateau. Once you've reappeared in this ninth part of the chateau, jump to the left onto the table, and to the right onto the canopy of the four-poster bed, to collect forty-three more blue stars (while watching out for three bats which are flying back and forth), drop down to the ground, and go through another door leading back to the sixth part of the chateau - and you will then have to retrace your steps back to the left side of the room, then descend another ladder going down to a tenth part of the chateau (oddly, by jumping, while standing in front of it).
Once you have reappeared in this tenth part of the chateau, walk to the right (two blocks of the platform will crumble beneath your feet as you stand on them), drop down to collect four gold coins, eight more blue stars and eight more red smiling stars and land on another platform, pick up the petrol can, drop down to grab onto the balloon (which shall carry you down to the ground), continue walking to the right, jump over the coalman (who looks like the railway guards of the second level) onto a stack of thirteen buckets, two spades and nine crates, jump over a box by itself, a stack of three more boxes, a bayonet-wielding German guard, a stack of four more boxes and another coalman, and pick up the first book; you will now have to retrace your steps back to the stack of thirteen buckets, two spades and nine crates to jump up to the top of it, climb a second ladder to the second floor, walk to the right, jump over a gap in the platform (with a machine in it), climb down a third ladder to the first floor, continue walking to the right (two blocks of the platform shall crumble beneath your feet as you stand on them) and go through a door leading to an eleventh part of the chateau. Once you have reappeared in this eleventh part of the chateau, you'll again find that it is in complete darkness and appears to be empty - but you shall have to walk to the right, climb a ladder to the first floor, walk to the left, jump up to the next four floors in turn, and go through another door going back to the tenth part of the chateau.
Once you have reappeared on that fourth floor of that tenth part of the chateau, walk to the left and pick up the second book, drop down to the first floor (while watching out for Herr Engelbert Von Smallhausen!), jump up a staircase to the second floor, throw the petrol can at a third coalman to knock him out, and make him drop a gold coin, collect that gold coin, retrace your steps back to the door leading into the eleventh part of the chateau (the block of the platform to its right shall crumble beneath your feet as you stand on it), drop down to grab onto a pigeon's perch (which shall carry you up to the left side of a brick ledge, with a bottle on it), pick up the bottle, drop down to the ground, and retrace your steps back to the third floor; you will then have to walk back to the left, descend a fourth ladder down to a third platform (that has a second door upon it) and go through it to a twelfth part of the chateau.
Once you've reappeared in the twelfth part of the chateau, you shall have to jump over a gap in the platform, jump up to the top of a stack of four boxes and one crate, jump onto the next platform, walk to the right (one of the blocks of the platform will crumble beneath your feet as you stand on it, and the nine in the wall below it shall do the same as you land on them), fall down to the ground, jump to the left onto another stack of fourteen more boxes and three more crates to collect four more red smiling stars (and two more blue ones), walk back to the right past seven more boxes, dash under a bayonet-wielding German guard as he jumps up, walk past two more crates, jump up to collect three more red smiling stars and a 129th blue star, walk past four more boxes, pick up the third book, retrace your steps back to the left, then go through a door leading back to the tenth part of the chateau; once you've reappeared in the tenth part of the chateau, you shall have to retrace your steps back to the door that led to the twelfth part of it and go through it again. Once you've reappeared in the twelfth part of the chateau again, you'll have to jump over the hole in the platform, continue walking to the right (another block of it will crumble beneath your feet, as you walk over it), then jump over a gap in the platform to collect three gold coins, drop down to the ground, go back through the door to the tenth part of the chateau again, walk to the left and go through another door leading to a thirteenth part of the chateau - and, once you've reappeared in this thirteenth part of the chateau, you will have to climb a ladder to the first floor (while watching out for a gun-wielding German guard, and three bats that are flying back and forth), and go through a door going back to where you first entered the tenth part of the chateau.
You'll then have to climb the ladder back up to the sixth part of the chateau, retrace your steps all the way back to the second part of it, walk to the right and go through a door leading to a fourteenth part of the chateau; once you have reappeared in the fourteenth part of the chateau you will have to jump up a staircase (while watching out for two bats), jump to the left onto a platform, climb the first of two ladders to the second floor, throw the boot at Mimi Labonq to make her wave her handkerchief, and cause two gun-wielding German guards to run back and forth behind her as a result, climb back down the first ladder, climb up the second ladder, pick up the fourth book, climb back down the second ladder, jump down to the right to the first floor, and go through a door leading to a fifteenth part of the chateau. Once you have reappeared in this fifteenth part of the chateau, you will have to jump up to two shelves to collect two more blue stars, drop down onto the table, pick up the pineapple, roast turkey, pig's head and boot, drop down to the ground and down a two-step staircase and go through a door leading to a sixteenth part of the chateau - and once you have reappeared in the sixteenth part of the chateau, you'll have to jump up to collect four gold coins, and go back through the door to the fifteenth part of the chateau. Once you have reappeared, in the fifteenth part of the chateau again, you shall have to throw the boot at Herr Otto Flick to stun him, and make him drop a bomb, pick up the bomb, throw the bomb at another German knight to stun him (a pneumatic drill will again appear and start drilling into him) and cause him to drop a gold coin, collect the gold coin, then go through a door to a seventeenth part of the chateau; once you've reappeared in this seventeenth part of the chateau, you will have to climb a ladder to a billiard table upon a shelf, pick up the fifth book, drop down to the ground, then go back through the door to the fifteenth part of the chateau. Once you've reappeared in the fifteenth part of the chateau, once again, you will have to jump onto another billiard table, throw the pig's head at a bulldog, to stun him, jump up to the second of three more shelves to collect a second gold coin, jump to the right onto the billiard table's light, to collect twelve more blue stars, drop down to the ground, then go through a door leading to an eighteenth part of the chateau - and once you've reappeared in this eighteenth part of the chateau, you shall have to turn to the left, throw the roast turkey at a coalman to knock him out and make him drop a bottle, pick up the bottle, jump up onto two more billiard tables to collect two gold coins (and up to both of their lights to collect twelve more blue stars), drop down to the ground, and go back through the door into the fifteenth part of the chateau. Once you've reappeared in the fifteenth part of the chateau yet again, you will have to retrace your steps back to the second German knight, and throw the pineapple at him to stun him again, then jump up another staircase to the first floor, throw the helmet at a gunwielding German guard to stun him and go through a door leading to nineteenth part of the chateau; once you have reappeared in this nineteenth part of the chateau, you shall have to climb a ladder to the first floor, throw the saucepan at Yvette to make her adjust her suspenders (and cause a bayonet-wielding German guard to stare at her as a result!), climb two more ladders up to the second and third floors, then go through a door leading to the roof of the chateau; once you've reappeared on the roof of the chateau, you will have to throw the lamp at Officer Crabtree to make him drop six gold coins and the sixth book. Once you've picked them all up, you shall have to retrace your steps back to the fifteenth part of the chateau, climb a ladder to the second floor, jump over a gap in the platform, throw the pineapple at another gun-wielding German guard to stun him, climb another ladder to the third floor, collect two more gold coins, and go through a door leading to the right side the nineteenth part of the chateau's first floor - and once you have reappeared there you will have to jump up to a shelf and pick up the seventh book, then retrace your steps back to the top of that second staircase in the fifteenth part of the chateau, jump to the right onto a platform, and go through a door leading to a twenty-first part of the chateau. Once you reappear in this twenty-first part of the chateau, you will have to jump up two staircases to the first and second floors (and collect twelve more blue stars!), then grab onto a pigeon's perch (it will carry you up the inside of a chimney, to collect two gold coins), drop down to the second floor, and go through a door leading to a twenty-second part of the chateau; once you've reappeared inside this twenty-second part of the chateau, you shall have to throw the bear at a gun-wielding German guard to stun him, and make him drop a gold coin, collect the gold coin, and go back through the door into that twenty-first part of the chateau. Once you reappear in that twenty-first part of the chateau again, you shall have to jump to the right up a third staircase to the third floor, climb a ladder up to the attic (while watching out for a bulldog!), and go through a door to another part of the chateau's roof - and once you reappear on this second part of the chateau's roof, you will have to turn to the left, throw the cherry at Lieutenant Gruber to stun him (he will start sucking his thumb) and make him drop a bear. Once you have picked up the bear, you will have to jump to the left onto a stack of nine boxes, jump to the right onto the top of the roof while watching out for a kingfisher which is flying back and forth, pick up that eighth book, and retrace your steps back to the twenty-second part of the chateau (but this time, you will have to jump over the gunwielding German guard and go through the second of the two doors situated upon the right side of the room to a twenty-third part of the chateau).
Once you have reappeared in this twenty-third part of the chateau, you shall have to jump over a box, a gun-wielding German guard and another box, climb a ladder up to the attic, walk to the right (the floor shall crumble beneath your feet when stood on), drop down into another room (while watching out for a bulldog!), then go through a door into a twenty-fourth part of the chateau; once you have reappeared in this twenty-fourth part of the chateau, you will have to jump to the right onto a table, pick up the ninth book, and go back through the door into the twenty-third part of the chateau. Once you reappear in the twenty-third part of the chateau again, you have to jump over another bulldog, and go through another door to a twenty-fifth part of the chateau - and once you've reappeared in this twenty-fifth part of the chateau, you will have to jump to the left onto a table, pick up the tenth book, and back through the door into that twenty-third part of the chateau. Once you reappear in the twenty-third part of the chateau once again, you will have to walk back to the left past the still-stunned second bulldog (again, the floor will crumble beneath your feet when stood on), drop down into a third room, and go through a third door into the second floor of the sixth part of the chateau; once you have reappeared on the second floor of the sixth part of the chateau, you shall have to jump up to collect a gold coin, climb down a ladder to the first floor below, collect six more blue stars, jump over a bayonet-wielding German guard, drop down a staircase to the ground, then retrace your steps all the way back to where you started (Monsieur Alfonse will still respecting the dead!). You'll then have to climb up the ladder, walk to the right past the mourning German guard (a block in the platform shall crumble beneath your feet as you stand on it, and the four in the wall below it shall do the same as you land on them), walk past the second mourning German guard, and go through a door to a twenty-sixth part of the chateau - and once you've reappeared in this twenty-sixth part of the chateau, you'll have to walk to the left, climb the ladder to the first floor, pick up the eleventh (final) book, go back through the door to the first part of the chateau, and retrace your steps back to the attic of the second room in the twenty-third part of the chateau (opening the safe in the first room, and collecting the real Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies as you go), and go through the door to a third part of its roof. Once you reappear on the third part of the chateau's roof you will come to a final straw-filled dummy of Hitler, as the "level clear" jingle is heard from the Amiga for a final time; you may now sit back and enjoy game's ending sequence, which somewhat defies the show's final episode (it was set in 1992, which was the present day at the time, and the ancient René stole the ancient Lieut. Gruber's Mercedes-Benz to elope with the ancient Yvette, who was the only one strong enough to push his wheelchair):
After the ending is over, the game will go into "high-score" mode; your scores will most likely be the two highest ones on the disk to date, so you should enter your names at the top of the table with pride, regardless of which way around they are positioned. Once you have done so, the game will go back into attract mode - and it is also worth noting that this game will only retain any high scores registered on it until the Commodore Amiga gets turned off.