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This is the first game in the Ōkami series. For other games in the series see the Ōkami category.

Box artwork for Ōkami.
Box artwork for Ōkami.
Developer(s)Clover Studio
Year released2006
System(s)PlayStation 2
Followed byŌkamiden
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO All agesESRB TeenOFLC MaturePEGI Ages 12+USK Ages 12+GRB All
Developer(s)Ready at Dawn
Year released2008
Rating(s)CERO All agesESRB TeenOFLC MaturePEGI Ages 12+USK Ages 12+GRB All
Ōkami HD
Developer(s)Capcom, HexaDrive
Year released2012
System(s)PlayStation 3
Ōkami HD
Developer(s)Buzz, Vingt et un Systems
Year released2017
System(s)Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksŌkami at PCGamingWikiŌkami ChannelSearch

The short-lived Clover Studio, after working on numerous Viewtiful Joe titles wanted to leave with a bang before it was finally dissolved. Ōkami and God Hand were released in 2006 and although both have had praise, it is the former which is remembered most, not only as a swansong for Clover but also for the PlayStation 2.

The game combines Japanese myths and legends to depict the story of how the wolf and sun goddess Amaterasu saved the lands from darkness. It features cel-shaded graphics and a gesture system which combine together to create a unique experience.

It goes one step further with the Nintendo Wii which you can brush more easily and has an awe enhanced visual quality so you can appreciate the cel-shaded animation and the swelling Japanese orchestral music to appreciate this game.

Table of Contents
